The Power of an Idea Honoring the Vision of your Soul We are living in such exciting times. This lifetime, this one right now, has a unique opportunity to it. How are you going to live your life? Day in and day out we can get comfortable in a sense of normalcy or predictability. The ego can really like knowing what will happen next. The unknown can feel unsettling and unsure. And for many of us, there is so much energetic upheaval within us. We are going though some big energetic shifts. The universe is upgrading us energetically. We are coming out of old energy. Old paradigms. Old stories of possibilities. And our mythology cannot show us what is next. For perhaps the first time in aeons of time, the next chapter of our human story is going into COMPLETELY new ground. Enter the notion of a Soul. Your Soul…
Popping New Neurons Feeling new sensations arriving We are here for the human experience. How does it feel to be human? There are a vast array of feelings that are possible for us to experience. There are the tactile feelings. Feelings that we feel through our body. The cool coastal breeze. The smell of coffee in the morning. The cozy soft feeling of our bed. The loving touch of a lover. Then there are the feelings that all happen inside of us. The grateful feelings we feel when perhaps our parents look at us with adoration, pride, or love. The feeling of excitement when a new possibility becomes more probable. The flash of a new idea in our head. Setting a new direction in our life path. New. New sensations. New possibilities. New directions. We are creators. In every moment, the act of creation is happening. The infinite field of…
Happy Heart Happy Life Creating the life (where) you Love Are you satisfied? Are you fulfilled? Are you jumping-on-the-bed happy? You are here to find Heaven on Earth. Well, not ON (the) Earth. But rather, within you now. Through your loving, all opposites unite. We all have our shadow-side. That unresolved aspect of our past. All the dormant energy within our own subconscious. All the energy that the law of attraction is responding to. Drawing to us a mirror of ourselves. Creating a karmic momentum of sorts. Our mind can find a very “normal” aspect to our lives. Where we find ourselves expecting … more of the same. But there is nothing “normal” about Love. Love will gladly kick your ass. In a very good way. Can you open up to Love just a little bit more today? Starting with yourself? What do you imagine your life could be? Is…
Surrendering to Love Go ahead. Just try to avoid it. Avoiding surrendering to Love cannot last. Not really. We have actually tried it. The collective consciousness has run away from Love. For many thousands of years. But now, this now right here and now, is another moment to Love. And you can start with you. What would happen if your higher self, a vessel of unconditional Love, showed up as a dear old friend? And looked at you through loving eyes? Where in your life would there be more opportunity to Love yourself? “You could let go of worry,” said that vessel of Love. “You could eat healthier food.” “Take some time off and just rest.” “Let’s go work on that painting in the closet.” We allow our life to happen, really. We are Divinity incarnate. When we connect with our higher self, more and more opposites unite. The duality…
What are you karmically connected to? Karma is a curious thing for me to write about. It seems like karma has not been on peoples’ radar for a very long time. But karma HAS been involved in every single aspect of their lives. If, indeed, human consciousness is the most powerful substance on the planet, then karma must also be very powerful too. Powerful because it removes your connection with your infinite Divine potential. Just take a look at society. There are people who are planning the colonization of another planet. Getting very specific about how one million people will be living on Mars. And then there is the homeless person panhandling at the corner, barely getting through the day. Does that show any contrast? Your karma IS where your Divine potential can get tied up. All Souls are born with the same potentials. And then we start to take…
You are the Face of the Creator There is a rumor that God created the Heavens and the Earth. Certainly there was a whole galaxy of creation that allowed the Earth to form and then for the DNA to show up to create vehicles of expression. Your DNA is the blueprint for your Soul’s vehicle for this lifetime. But who created all the other stuff? Like air conditioning, motion pictures, and ice cream? There are those who think that God will handle everything. And She will. But not as some glowing orb, in the middle of the night. No deity will descend from the heavens. No savior that has passed will reach over our shoulders to make anything happen. Sometimes you have to sprinkle flour on the kitchen floor to “catch” who is sneaking a snack in the middle of the night. If there are tracks left in the morning,…
You push the large, heavy wooden doors open and walk into the room. All eyes land on you. Your inspirations have brought you to this day. This moment. Today is the result of you following your inspiration. It was you honoring your potential that made your dreams come true. As you take your place you remember the journey that has brought you here, a journey that at one point in your life you never thought possible. Yet here you are. When the idea had first come to you it seemed improbable. Impossible. But you gave yourself the permission, the power, to hope. As you look back over the journey you see the stepping stones, the incremental growth that changed who you are. That personal growth brought you into alignment with the very idea, the very dream you had, in that beginning moment. You trusted in yourself even through the darkness,…
The timeless nature of our Human journey Are you excited for your future? Really excited? Does your ego genuinely think that your dreams will come true? Is the vision in your heart something you frequent often? Can you see your life path from your soul’s perspective? Don’t tell me but do tell you. Read those questions again. There is a BIG version of you reading along with you, as you. I would suggest that you are living a lifetime that has been foretold for generations. You are living a life that can actually make the dreams of your family lineage come true. The generations before us had a hope for the future. Humanity as a whole has been praying for a lasting answer to our human struggles. Sure, we can talk about karma and love. Certainly. Perhaps these two aspects can describe most all of our human experiences. But then…
We need the Goddesses to lead the way. We have done the masculine thing, every flavor that there is, or so it seems. It is time now to to let go of the reins. To let go of the masculine flavor of control. And THAT can seem really scary to some. I mean really, everything we see in this moment now is the result of the masculine. And what we see tells our ego mind where we are, along with a general sense of where we are going. Our eyes can only see the past, showing up in this present. Enter Goddess. Sound the trumpets. Sing the praises. Call all the Glory. Hear the Angels sing, as tears roll down their cheeks. The day has come. The Goddess has awakened. Humanity is at the doorway of Heaven (returning) to Earth. The subtle glimmer of the Light emanates through the silky…
What does Love have to offer us? We set ourselves up. We buried treasures to ensure our return. We prepared the way. We, as souls, made agreements for very powerful benevolent BEings to be waiting for us. There are many guides coming forward right now … to remind us of who we really are. You might think that us humans, on this planet Earth, are the struggling BEings. Sure enough, there is plenty of struggle going on in this world. But make no mistake. Through the eyes of those benevolent BEings of Love, WE are the giants. You and me. The Titans. The enormously powerful BEings of Light. Human BEings on planet Earth are living in the MOST powerful times of our human history. Right now. Right here. Those BEings that are here to remind us, are in awe of Us. We are the ones that have taken on the…
Creation takes ongoing intention There is a pacing to consciousness. The further we have gone into the darkness or shadow, the more disconnected we become from our power to create. When we chose to go so far into the darkness, we chose to disconnect from our most powerful aspects of ourselves. I mean, really, how can we have a mythology about kings AND peasants, if we were all very powerful? If we all embodied our Divinity, we couldn’t play out these stories that fill the pages of our human history. With that said, we are all on our way back home. We are on our way back to our truth. We are ALL very powerful Divine personas, once we re-embody our own truth. As we come out of our own karmic imprinting, we are reconnecting with our Divine yet personal power. That Divine spark within us now. As we shed…