


You are an awakened Soul But you always have been… an awakened Soul. Perhaps the REAL difference this time around is that you are an awakened ego. Your Soul is always aware of the truth. Your Soul always knows its relationship with the Divine. Your Soul is fearless and limitless. Now… about that ego… Where is the awakened Ego in you? What do you desire? What does your ego desire? Don’t cringe. For many on this spiritual journey, asking the EGO what it wants can sound like throwing gasoline on a fire. Sure, there are plenty of egos that have wandered off into the darkness. The headlines of these days tell many stories of a good ego gone bad. Of course, you didn’t have an ego the day you were born. Yet it is your ego that is reading this here and now. As you probably know, this lifetime, this…

You are the Face of the Creator There is a rumor that God created the Heavens and the Earth. Certainly there was a whole galaxy of creation that allowed the Earth to form and then for the DNA to show up to create vehicles of expression. Your DNA is the blueprint for your Soul’s vehicle for this lifetime. But who created all the other stuff? Like air conditioning, motion pictures, and ice cream? There are those who think that God will handle everything. And She will. But not as some glowing orb, in the middle of the night. No deity will descend from the heavens. No savior that has passed will reach over our shoulders to make anything happen. Sometimes you have to sprinkle flour on the kitchen floor to “catch” who is sneaking a snack in the middle of the night. If there are tracks left in the morning,…

Creating what you want There are two things that will make all the difference in the world. Not getting what you want, and getting what you are asking for. So first things first … what do you want? What do you want consciousness to provide for you? Is it a thing or things? Is it a feeling or experience? What? Don’t tell me … tell you. There can be a tendency to keep going. To keep pushing through your life. To keep up with work, bills, chores and such. And certainly there is a place for all of that. Sometimes it can consume us too. Perhaps we have a Divine trainwreck show up in our life. Perhaps a divorce, illness, or an unexpected death of a loved one. Where we are so wiped out that just getting through the day is almost too much to ask. Here on this planet,…

The process of creating starts within us Our eyes can only show us the birthing of the past. What you are seeing in this moment, is already the past. Perhaps the freshest past you have. The past is created in this and every moment. No matter how hard we look, with our human eyes, we cannot ever see the future. We see atoms. Matter. Things. This now is the birthplace of our past. Some of our past is very old. And some of it is as fresh as the previous sentence you just read. But there IS a place within you in which you can “see” the future. Well, not physically see it, but rather, energetically see it. In fact, the energy within you is what CREATES the future. You can think of the energy within you now as the early stages of the creation process of YOUR future. If…

Finding that Divine flow Inner inspirations. Temporal slips. Those moments when time and space seem to become lucid. Every now and again you hear stories that seem to defy the nature of life. Where the person was perhaps transformed in the moment. I love getting glimpses of these type of moments and how they were experienced. For example, there was an interview of a cross-country runner who had just won a long and grueling race against all odds. He was an underdog, not expected to even place in the race. Yet he won the race. They had asked him how it felt to win such an unexpected victory. His reply was most curious to me. He said something to the notion of “the end of the race became lucid to me. I could see all the various possible outcomes, and I simply chose the one I wanted.” There is a…

Creating a lasting culture for humanity We are life itself. Life personified. When we walk through nature, we are seeing an ocean of life. Where everything we can experience in the environment of nature, is in harmony with itself. There is a lucid aspect of a healthy life. Your life. My life. Lucid in the sense that there are no stagnant parts of ourselves. Now that is a simple sentence. However, for the vast majority of humanity, karmic stagnation is what we are trying to overcome. Indeed, our karma IS stagnant energy of our past, stored in our own subconsciousness. Our karma is our own consciousness that has become stagnant and dormant in our own personal energy persona. We are standing at the doorway where the very large social structures of our past are going to be replaced. Our educational systems, economic systems, health systems, and such. We are coming…

New Chapter, New Game We are entering a whole new paradigm There were so many centuries of the old-school living. The 3D world of our past. But now we are entering a whole new paradigm, in so many ways. There is a whole new “set of rules” to live your life by. Not rules in shoulds and shouldn’ts. But rather, new ways in which we experience the world around us. We all have an Akashic record. We all have a lineage of sorts. Kind of like a genetic history of our past. But it is really even more than that. There is an etheric history of us. Personally. We all have a history of our past. And even our future history. What we knew, or will know. There are lifetimes where our bodies knew how to repair anything “wrong” with us. There are lifetimes when we had overcome every single…

Everything we seek can be found within us now It has been said that everything OUTSIDE of us is an illusion. That every thing we see literally is not “real.” Yet there is a truth in our world that we CAN hang our hats on. And that is the experience of the “world” outside of us. There is the idea of the Quantum field. That the Quantum space is a mirror, that reflects us, back to us. Or in other words, we create the world we “see.” When people have had a near-death experience, they talk about the Light. And then there is the description of the creation of all that is. Again, there is the Light. In the beginning, was the Light. When you were born, you did not have an ego. You did not hold any symbols as important. You did not assign value to any thing. Yet,…

God will not change anything except through a Human BEing Sure, there are the Birds and the Bees. Trees and Oceans. And then there is the solar system too. And the night sky full of countless galaxies. God/Goddess has a hand in all of creation. The Divine shows up in all of creation. There is no-thing outside of the Divine. God/Goddess is the root of all that is. There are examples of unconditional Love. Dogs and … OK … cats too. They know how to Love. Love without conditions … well, maybe just dogs. 😉 But dogs and cats have no thoughts about the future. They are not planning months or years out into the future. It is us, the Human Beings, that are able to focus consciousness. We are able to understand the mechanics of creation. We are aware of things like DNA, quantum fields, atoms, cells, electricity, magnetism,…

What are you to do now? These elections have shown us some of our deeper and hidden feelings that have come out. What would have been a fringe social dialogue, has become front and center of our media. There are so many feelings and beliefs that are being weighed in on. It can be difficult to care for your country very deeply, yet watch it shaken to its very core. What IS it that we can do as citizens to help bring back a peaceful and prosperous America? The future is decided energetically first. We actually vote the LOUDEST by the silent energy emanating from us. We are voting by how we feel, think, and believe. Everything happens energetically first. And how you cast your vote is determined by the energy that you have created, are creating, and will create. The flow of creation involves understanding the various elements within…

The flow of creation itself What is the end game of living? Where are we going? How can we tell when we get “there”? When we set out on our spiritual journey, as seekers, we are looking for something that we desire to have. Perhaps we are looking for the truth. Or perhaps we would like to meet God. Or perhaps we are looking for our life purpose. Seeking is looking. Looking to discover something. Sure enough. From our human perspective there is a bigger picture to life. Perhaps we feel it when we look up at the stars in the sky at night. Or perhaps we feel it when we see a flower bloom. Or perhaps we experience it with the miracle of a baby being born. What IS this thing that we are all experiencing? For the vast majority of humanity, we are coming out of the darkness.…