


Good Emotions Bad Emotions How do You feel? So where are you? Where are you on the emotional scale? Emotional scale? What is the emotional scale? When we bump up against “reality,” we get a reflection of sorts. An emotional radar, you might say. We project our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes up against the “reality” before us and what comes back is our “emotional” echo. It is those thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that decide where we are on this metaphorical emotional scale. Life isn’t fair. It’s not my fault. They won’t let me. I can’t. These types of thoughts and beliefs are anchored in a victim mentality. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford We are all experiencing a form of karmic momentum. A karmic collage of experiences. We build up our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes as we go through our life. The…

Karmic Concrete Where is your Spiritual Trajectory taking You?? There is a trajectory, or perhaps a velocity, to our spiritual journey. No, it is not a race. But if your life isn’t changing, I mean evolving, then you are stuck in a karmic concrete of sorts. The only constant in life is change. ~ Heraclitus My life was slowly getting pinched off. It was collapsing in on me. In other words, my choices, that I preferred and thus chose … that arena of choices was getting smaller and smaller. I was shutting myself down in a way. Right before I got cracked open, with an unexpected release of emotions, I was boxing myself in regarding my subconscious emotions. In hindsight, it was really a mental karmic stigma. If I were to rate my spiritual trajectory, or perhaps my spiritual velocity back then, I was coming to a stop. A dead…

Ticket to Paradise Look no further than You! There is your ticket, EnJoy the ride!For every arena of consciousness, there is a spectrum of possibilities. The archetypes are a good example of this. There is the Sinner and the Saint. The Cop and the Criminal. The Hero and the Victim.In every single arena, there is (the potential of) You. You, as a Soul, can play out any experience you can imagine. It might not seem that way, once you try to traverse the spectrum. In other words, you might be experiencing a particular type of hardship, trying to change your condition. And, perhaps, not having much luck actually changing your condition.There is a momentum, of sorts, behind most any karmic stigma. There are several billion variations of such things, playing out in the lives of the 8+ billion people living on the Earth right now. Some are so totally loaded…

Don’t let your ego make you go Numb We are creatures of habit So, if I asked you, how similar was today compared to yesterday? Excluding one-time events, such as, “I got married yesterday,” how similar is one day to the next day? If you think of yourself as being on a spiritual journey, then “motion” would help you “arrive.” We can come to comfort zones, and then we park it there. Many of us don’t just park it there, we homestead there. It can be just what we need. Comfort, that is. Not to sound contradictory, but comfort can be just the thing to help us recover when we have gone through the ringer. It can take some time to recover. To bring ourselves around, so to speak. As I have shared before, I went through some very tough emotional pain late last year. And it took me several…

Your own Personal Jesus Free at last! Jesus doesn’t want to save you. God is not “coming” either. You came here for the human experience. You CAME here of your own free will. You chose to have these experiences. God won’t “grant” you enlightenment. Even if you ask nicely. Well, OK, technically you are enlightened now. There is nothing to be added to you, to your psyche, that will give you enlightenment. The separation of your enlightened consciousness, and your ego, is what makes it seem like you are not enlightened right now. But, again, you chose to get where you are. You chose to load up your psyche with karma, to have this experience of separation. To not only load up your psyche with karma, but to also unload it of its karmic imprinting. Which, if you are reading this blog, is the part of the journey you are on…

The Ever-Evolving You! Without End You are never stuck. Well, unless you think you are. And even then, you can always re-decide. We are souls well-established on our journeys. We have loaded up our psyches with karma from our past. And this karma creates a momentum of sorts. A consistency of sorts in our everyday experiences. A lot of this momentum is found in our subconscious. You can imagine a huge supertanker out in the ocean. Laden with cargo. Riding low in the water. The top speed is quite slow. If this immense amount of mass wanted to just turn around, it might take an hour. And a mile of space in which to do it. Loaded up. Lots of inertia. The last moment similar to this moment. In a lot of ways, this metaphor is similar to ourselves. At least collectively. We have loaded up our psyches with karma.…

Connecting with your Higher Self Your Ego doesn’t know it all How is your life going? So far so good? Perfect. Wait, what? What if you answered that your life was not so good? Perhaps you feel like you have been through the proverbial ringer. Enough! Life has a way about it. The sage and the psychopath are both swimming in the same “sea.” The same world. So what gives? Nobody has the same karma as you do. Not the exact same karma. Your life path(s), through this lifetime and all the lifetimes before this one, has created … well … you. The more I have studied this human experience, I have found that we have several core factors that contribute a lot to how we see ourselves. The ego, our emotions, and our Higher Self or Soul. The first two, our ego and our emotions, are where most of…

Suffering is Optional The Untouchable You We have all had our struggles. Some more painful than others. We all have had our own paths to walk. Sometimes it seems like a soul will choose a life path loaded with, often severe, personal challenges, perhaps to ensure there would be an awakening. For many of us, is has been over the last few years that our lives got turned upside down. Where everything we thought life would bring us, is perhaps lost forever. We can avoid the possibility of pain as well. How many of us have had our hearts broken. Perhaps crushed. And now we just don’t want to go “there” ever again. It is the pain itself, or the possibility of pain, that can freeze us in our tracks. Perhaps the memory of painful events. Our personal history is loaded up with intense events from our past. Some are…

Play the hand you have been dealt Blossom where you are planted I find it quite curious how some of the most powerful people I have interviewed have had some of the toughest life lessons. There is a notion that says our Soul chooses our life path, at least initially, before we incarnate. A theme, if you will, for our life. With, perhaps, a primary theme, and then, perhaps, multiple secondary themes. A primary theme might be to learn how to hold compassion for another. Or perhaps forgiveness. And then we are born. The idea of free will, where we can choose to honor our life purpose, or we can choose to ignore it, is what decides what will actually happen. When you hold space for others, there is something that happens you might not expect. I had hosted a men’s group for several years. It always amazed me what…

The Winds of Change are Blowing Time to adjust the sails What a time to be alive, eh? I know not everyone sees these times as a “positive.” There has been so much change over the last few years. And with it has come many struggles and challenges of all sorts. How is it that we can navigate so much change, and still come out with our sanity? It might depend on “You.” Who are “You?” I know it is a simple question, but the “You” I am referring to is who you know yourself to be. In other words, if I were to ask you to list who you were, in a list of titles, what would you write? You might write … I am an engineer, husband, father, spiritual author, etc. The more I am “vested” in those labels, the more “pain” I will feel if those aspects…

Eat the Ice Cream We are here for the Human experience. What is it like to live life as a human BEing? Life is short … eat the ice cream. Ok, I know if all we do is eat ice cream, then perhaps our life would be short(er). ;- ) But there is a richness that is missed by millions and perhaps billions of people. Although it is available to all, our collective societies have some built-in stigmas. Perhaps not ALL cultures, but certainly in the Western mindsets. There is a temporal expansion. An elongating of life that really doesn’t serve us. If I were to use a metaphor, imagine a jet ski and a supertanker. A jet ski is nimble and quick. Changing direction, speed and outcomes in a moment. Whereas the supertanker is so big, it might take an hour to turn around, and it would need a…