


Your Dreams are the Seeds for Your Tomorrow The future always exists as energy first. The LAST thing to happen is when the atoms move. The physical effect is the result of what was once only energy. Your consciousness is what can create fresh new energy. You can think of it like a whip. The handle of the whip moves first, and then the tip of the whip always follows the handle of the whip. Creation starts as an inside job. At the core of your consciousness is Divinity itself. All consciousness is holographic. When there is a new desire or a new inspiration … that is the beginning of a physical change. When we get better as creators in our life, it typically comes from moving our attention on the outside, the physical world, and moving our attention inward to the vision itself. Indeed, the ability to HOLD A…

The Vision of Your Soul What is the plan? Your ego is assigning value to each one of these words, right here, right now… But what about the vision of your Soul? What is the plan for THIS life of yours? What are the core life lessons for this time around? This incarnation? This life of yours? Your body is the canvas on which you feel your karma. Where you feel your life. Feelings… (cue the music… 😉 Nothing more than feelings… lol God/Goddess does not have a plan for you. Wait… what? God/Goddess does not have a plan for your life that they will force on you. God/Goddess DOES have a vision, a possibility, for what your life could look like. But there is this free-will thing. Your free will TRUMPS God/Goddess’s desires for your life. Your ego is the boss. Your ego is the Big Cheese! Your ego’s…

All Of Your Desires Are Held In Your Divine Escrow Everything You desire shall come to pass Do you know who you are? Do you really know who you are? Your soul is timeless. Timeless. Think about that for just a second. For just a second or a few trillion seconds. Hell, take a few eons. It can seem like we, as human beings, are living in a fixed-pace life. This cycle of waking up, getting about our day, and retiring when night falls. Perhaps yesterday wasn’t much different than today … a well-defined cycle of living. Where are we going? Are we there yet? How can we tell when we have arrived? Where ARE we going? When we think about living as a human being on THIS planet … we can feel as if we are at the circus. When we see the collective culture go through another circus…

You push the large, heavy wooden doors open and walk into the room. All eyes land on you. Your inspirations have brought you to this day. This moment. Today is the result of you following your inspiration. It was you honoring your potential that made your dreams come true. As you take your place you remember the journey that has brought you here, a journey that at one point in your life you never thought possible. Yet here you are. When the idea had first come to you it seemed improbable. Impossible. But you gave yourself the permission, the power, to hope. As you look back over the journey you see the stepping stones, the incremental growth that changed who you are. That personal growth brought you into alignment with the very idea, the very dream you had, in that beginning moment. You trusted in yourself even through the darkness,…

Creating your own Heaven on Earth Think about it. You are here NOW. You have chosen to participate in the most transformational time in perhaps all of our human history. This lifetime is exceptional on many levels. And here you are, now, front and center in it all. All of human creation is an example of what lies before you now. The creation of the universe has no end. The creator didn’t have an end-game in mind. There isn’t going to be a day when it is all done. There is always another chapter in our human story. But what about THIS chapter? This story? It is all here for you. The universe would not be complete without you. You are here now. You are here. You have a ticket. You are part of the story. The universe can see itself through your eyes. Your experiences. Your feelings. Life loves…