


Where ARE you going? Are we there yet? Have we “awakened?” Are we stuck in nirvana? Overwhelmed with bliss? When I look at people’s energy, one of the most common energies I feel is an anxiousness. A sense of angst about the moment. Well, it isn’t really about this moment, but rather, what might happen next. Perhaps it is a desire to reach “fulfillment” or “happiness.” Anywhere but here and any time but now. Like there is something coming from the future that will put all the pieces of the puzzle together. I am not “there” yet. I am not “where” I want to be … yet. OK. Let’s wait. Let’s stand down and let this future moment come to us. Sometimes I see a mindset in social media that says I have given my heart to God. Maybe it sounds like this … I surrender to your will Oh…

We live in a sea of Divinity, yet what does our mind see? Don’t look now, but God is here. With a well-trained eye, one can see the Divine right here, right now. The universe is not divided against itself. It is a whole. Complete. Inclusive. Now. But what about our “journey back home?” Are we not “going” back to heaven? What did the last signpost say? Is heaven this way? The idea that the universe is a giant hologram suggests we are already there. Or perhaps, we are already Divine. Yet if we are living with some sense of desire, then we do not feel complete. The paradigm might be to see the Divinity of it all, WHILE we are still in the journey back. There is a curious thing about enlightenment. It can “happen” right here, right now. Enlightenment is a discovery of an already existing truth. There…

Finding that place of nirvana within Life can seem like it has a rigid pacing to it. Like the time it takes for us to create what we want. For so many of us, it can seem as if this takes a long time too. But there is a place within us where the creative force is powerful and expanded beyond anything we have experienced. And then we bring in the idea that all of us have more of that creative effect to discover … which can bring a genuine sense of excitement. As it should, for the evolution of consciousness is a very powerful journey to be on. The creative impulse that started this whole universe/galaxy thing exists within you now. The impulse to create is woven into consciousness itself. When you make it a practice to expand your own consciousness, you are changing the “rate of change” itself…

Changing our relationship with creation itself As we transcend our karma, we are reclaiming our own power. Our Divine power. To have taken on so much karma, and then to spend generations there, is to pretty much stop the flow of creation. Where we are so disconnected from source that we have to use force for all of our creating. Where everything that happens is done through sweat and effort. There is another aspect of creation that can change it all. A place where our soul goes before us and prepares the way. For most of humanity, this side of creation can seem like folklore. A pie-in-the-sky type of thinking. From the place where we are collectively coming from, it is unheard of. But keep in mind that consciousness is a very vast arena of possibilities. When we take a step back, and consider the total span of human consciousness,…

The flow of creation itself What is the end game of living? Where are we going? How can we tell when we get “there”? When we set out on our spiritual journey, as seekers, we are looking for something that we desire to have. Perhaps we are looking for the truth. Or perhaps we would like to meet God. Or perhaps we are looking for our life purpose. Seeking is looking. Looking to discover something. Sure enough. From our human perspective there is a bigger picture to life. Perhaps we feel it when we look up at the stars in the sky at night. Or perhaps we feel it when we see a flower bloom. Or perhaps we experience it with the miracle of a baby being born. What IS this thing that we are all experiencing? For the vast majority of humanity, we are coming out of the darkness.…

What is your relationship with creation itself? When we consider the notion that we are the creator incarnate, it can seem like we are just “part” of creation. I mean, there is this “me” and then there is the world and the universe outside of me. Therefore I am just “part” of creation. But I suggest there is a more authentic way to look at it. You are the creator. You are the thing itself. You are the consciousness of creation personified. And there is no separation between you and it. You are one with it, as it. Creation itself. All that is … is a mirror of you. Mind the gap. Mind your relationship with ALL of creation. Is there part of creation that you dis-own? Those pesky terrorists? Those evil ones? Those “bad” words and deeds that we avoid in order to stay in favor with righteousness? The…

Playing our roles in this BIG Event For many of us in this group, we are the old Souls. If you are on this mailing list, chances are very good that you are interested in a much bigger picture of what is going on. You are an Old Soul that is waking up to our bigger truths. But that doesn’t make your journey predefined. In fact, there is a much bigger influence in how your life plays out. And that is your ego. What? An ego trumps a Soul? Yup. Sure thing. For many of us, we chose, as souls, to come down here as a member of a soul group. Souls who perhaps have spent many lifetimes together. Who have taken turns playing out the villain and the victim with each other. Many lifetimes spent learning the many different ways it feels to be a human being. Yet, although…

Tapping your infinite potential We all have more personal potential to discover about ourselves. It arrives in any one moment. There is this ever-present “now.” Every moment offers an opportunity for a new idea or direction to show up for us. We can take a step back and look at the history of our human experience and see so many different eras and cultures in our human history. And I suggest that we are at the doorway of one of the most incredible yet. From my perspective, this chapter of our human story is without comparison. We are at the curve of an exponential shift in our human story. A shift that will be so vast and so spectacular, that this chapter will be talked about for quite some time to come. The infinite potential of our human nature never dims. Ever. We are all a point of presence in a galactic…

To celebrate the Christ within Merry Christmas to You! The Christmas holiday is such a favorite holiday to so many of us … when we all can reunite with family and friends and share this special time together. Christmas has been the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus is such a prominent persona in our collective religious experience in the Western world. As a role model for so many people, Jesus set such a nice example of what is possible. Many stories have been shared about the life of Jesus and his many miracles. And yet Jesus said … surely you will do everything I have done, and even more. That gives us a clue of what is possible in our own experience of life. The universe has no bias of its own. When Jesus told us that we too could have the same types of experiences like…

Creating as you are inspired to You are the thing itself. The creative process of our human nature happens through the human experience. Exactly like your experience. The creative process IS happening in you. All of our human history is about people just like you. Every story about humanity that has unfolded throughout time is a mirror of what you are living out right now. You hold the reins. You are the artist. You are creating right now.To become conscious of that, and then to consciously engage that, is to fulfill the vision of your own heart. Self-love is the doorway to the most incredible life. Love seeks expansion. Expansion through you. Love as you. As you purify your own heart, you open up the floodgates of love within you now. Infinite love is present as source. Source consciousness has created the universe, and is still seeking expansion. The universe has given us trillions…

Walking in step with your Soul We have all had moments when the timing of things just seems to be perfect. Like when we meet the person we were just thinking of … by “accident.” There is a curious thing about how things manifest in our lives. Everything happens energetically first … before the atoms get involved. The future is created on this invisible energetic canvas before anything in the physical world actually moves. Sometimes the events in the energetic realm tell us how to avoid something. On the morning of 9/11 many people missed their train, called in sick or had something else “come up” that kept them from getting to work on time. At the Soul level, everything is known before it actually happens. And at the Soul level, it can be decided whether we actually participate in it. This is part of the reason that karma is…