


Creating what you want There are two things that will make all the difference in the world. Not getting what you want, and getting what you are asking for. So first things first … what do you want? What do you want consciousness to provide for you? Is it a thing or things? Is it a feeling or experience? What? Don’t tell me … tell you. There can be a tendency to keep going. To keep pushing through your life. To keep up with work, bills, chores and such. And certainly there is a place for all of that. Sometimes it can consume us too. Perhaps we have a Divine trainwreck show up in our life. Perhaps a divorce, illness, or an unexpected death of a loved one. Where we are so wiped out that just getting through the day is almost too much to ask. Here on this planet,…

The Kingdom of Heaven lies within YOU now We are not talking about any THING here. But something much much better. There is a tendency to develop habits as we go through our day-to-day lives. Certainly, those habits can be a very good thing. For myself, breathing is a habit I am very fond of. There are also habits of thoughts. Where we have an ongoing monologue in our heads too. And by the very nature of karma, there can be habits of experiences. Where we might drop into a karmic propensity when we hear gossip about others. You get to choose what you do, every single time. Unless… I have been curious about our human demeanor my whole life. There are stories I have heard, perhaps decades ago, that linger in my mind. One of those stories was a TV program that looked at Lottery “winners.” The show reviewed…

The process of creating starts within us Our eyes can only show us the birthing of the past. What you are seeing in this moment, is already the past. Perhaps the freshest past you have. The past is created in this and every moment. No matter how hard we look, with our human eyes, we cannot ever see the future. We see atoms. Matter. Things. This now is the birthplace of our past. Some of our past is very old. And some of it is as fresh as the previous sentence you just read. But there IS a place within you in which you can “see” the future. Well, not physically see it, but rather, energetically see it. In fact, the energy within you is what CREATES the future. You can think of the energy within you now as the early stages of the creation process of YOUR future. If…

Finding the Divine within you now When we created our ego, there was no outside input. Sure, our parents taught us how to do it. Perhaps not directly. At least my parents did not say, Les, you are growing an ego … It happened much more organically. Teaching us the symbols we would be using in life. That big thing over there is called a tree. Step by step creating a symbol processor. What we would now call our brains, personality and ego. But there is an elephant in the room. Or rather, there is a huge presence within you now. A point of Divine consciousness. The source of ALL of your thoughts. And … the Divine potential to create anything you can imagine. But what decides what we are able, or unable, to create is the imprinting of our past. Our karma. Our own consciousness from the past, influencing…

Creating a lasting culture for humanity We are life itself. Life personified. When we walk through nature, we are seeing an ocean of life. Where everything we can experience in the environment of nature, is in harmony with itself. There is a lucid aspect of a healthy life. Your life. My life. Lucid in the sense that there are no stagnant parts of ourselves. Now that is a simple sentence. However, for the vast majority of humanity, karmic stagnation is what we are trying to overcome. Indeed, our karma IS stagnant energy of our past, stored in our own subconsciousness. Our karma is our own consciousness that has become stagnant and dormant in our own personal energy persona. We are standing at the doorway where the very large social structures of our past are going to be replaced. Our educational systems, economic systems, health systems, and such. We are coming…

By their words will you know them There is a scale, of sorts, that maps the levels of consciousness. With one end being Love, with a capital L. A place of immense (Divine) power. And at the other end would be some flavor of hell. On the edge of life itself. A place of powerlessness. And then, in between those two, are all the possible karmic paradigms of humanity. Although this scale is rather abstract, it does have an immense value in understanding where you are in the scheme of our human story. You can think of your life journey as traversing the scale of human consciousness. Either up or down. At some point in our lifetimes on earth we had to be going down, to create such a dark karmic storyline for humanity. We had to have had many lifetimes of suffering, pain and sorrow. And now we are…

Fear has no power of its own There is nothing to fear. But yet, we can live in fear. We can find ourselves worrying about everything that is going on. How can you find a place of happiness when the world itself might seem like it is all falling apart? How can you find happiness if your life in in ruins? How can you find happiness if you have lost what was the happiest part of your life? Know the truth. The more you know the truth of who you really are, the less your ego frets over what is. The consciousness behind you is timeless. It is actually God consciousness. Indeed, every thought, every where, is God consciousness. There is no separation. Ever. All that is, is a part of the Divine. But what about those terrorists? All God. What? Yes, all God. Fear needs consciousness to exist. Fear…

Coming out of karma There is a point in our spiritual journey where everything flips over. For most of us, our spiritual journey has been about overcoming our own karma. And certainly that is a very important step. But after that … what happens then? I totally get the notion of fool’s gold behind the thought that we are done with our karma. I have met countless “very spiritual” folks who carry a chip on their shoulder. The idea that the ego can think it has made it home can be an early warning sign that there is much more journey left in our journey. But … there is a place within us, within you and me right now, where there is nothing left to let go of. Where the notion of surrendering to the Divine has nothing left to give up. Perhaps you can think of it as building…

Find the Christ consciousness within you The Christmas Holiday is upon us. The holiday is typically celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ. When we think of Jesus, we have a living example of what is possible in our human story. Jesus Christ told us that we would be doing EVERYTHING he has done, and even more. If we think of our own Divinity, we can recognize that we all have the Divine spark within us. The consciousness you are “using” right now, to understand this sentence, is God consciousness. Jesus had total access to his inner Divine wisdom and power. And he performed miracles. And so too, will you. If we were to think of the metaphor of going to school, then Jesus would have been the first “A” student, with perhaps a 4.0 (excellent) grade point average. If we can image all of us in a gigantic classroom,…

Awakening the Giant in You Who are You? Why are you here? Where are you going? When we take a look at the common stories in our human history, we can see a trend of a relatively slow personal evolution. When we would go through an entire lifetime and not have much change in the level of our own personal consciousness. It is the idea that you are born into a genre, and you die in the same genre. Born blue collar, die blue collar. There is no wrong here. And your journey might not be about genres either. Also, I am not talking about personal evolution as some kind of a race, or that anything specifically is required of you. Because it isn’t. You are free. Totally free to choose as you prefer. And there is no value to try to force your evolution. In fact, I would suggest…

When the Citizens heal (enlighten) the kingdom will thrive … every time So what is your idea of power? What does “powerful” mean to you? An army? A hurricane? Nuclear power? What is powerful? If you were to imagine the appearance of power, what would that be? Perhaps, from above, it the sight of a valley full of nuclear power plants. So many, in fact, that there is no place left to put one more? Or the view of a hurricane from outer space? That huge circle of clouds that are wreaking havoc on the land below. Or perhaps we would bump it up a bit. God. I mean … God. The creator of all that is. That’s got to surpass anything. Right? I mean … God. Let’s get to the point here.What’s bigger than God? Right? Hold on a minute. History show some troubling truths.  For example … God…