Can You Reset Yourself? So many narratives … so little time How many triggers do you have? Are you easily offended? How do you react to completely contrary points of view? If your life gets turned on its head, how long does it take to re-adjust to what is? Could you go back through your life and look at every decision you have ever made, and decide, with each and every one, if they were “right” or “wrong?” Are you a writer? a dancer? a poet? a Diva? an architect? a singer? a doctor? a healer? an artist? a sage? a mystic? a … fill in the [ ]. Can you decide, in this moment, which one(s) of those you “are” … or “are not?” I never saw myself as a writer. In fact, my ego argued with my heart and soul for about six years. In those first moments…
Eat the Ice Cream We are here for the Human experience. What is it like to live life as a human BEing? Life is short … eat the ice cream. Ok, I know if all we do is eat ice cream, then perhaps our life would be short(er). ;- ) But there is a richness that is missed by millions and perhaps billions of people. Although it is available to all, our collective societies have some built-in stigmas. Perhaps not ALL cultures, but certainly in the Western mindsets. There is a temporal expansion. An elongating of life that really doesn’t serve us. If I were to use a metaphor, imagine a jet ski and a supertanker. A jet ski is nimble and quick. Changing direction, speed and outcomes in a moment. Whereas the supertanker is so big, it might take an hour to turn around, and it would need a…
Stand Solid through the Chaos Weathering the storm These times … they are a changing. ~ Unknown One of the more common ways we lose our way, is when we take in information and then base our life on this information. I know we are constantly bombarded with information. But when we take it in, and make it our own, that is when we put our power behind it. Whatever it is. You cannot lose your power “somewhere else.” In other words, when we lose our power, it doesn’t “leave” us. It gets fragmented within us. You are always in 100 percent control over your power. It is never anything “out there” that is holding your power. It might not seem to us that we are always holding our power. This is due to our soul’s decision to fragment ourselves into seemingly less powerful archetypes. In order to live out…
Our Emotional Struggles are really a Mental problem Our Emotions, themselves, are an impersonal thing One of the things that makes change more of a challenge, can be our emotions. We can get into a stuck repetitive cycle with our emotions. But the emotions themselves are a very natural and indifferent phenomenon. You could think of getting stuck in emotional re-actions, like yelling the same phrase into “echo canyon,” expecting to hear something different. When we find a particular emotion getting stirred up, over and over again, we can think that it is the emotions themselves that are creating the problem. But our emotions are a natural response to our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes bumping up against “reality.” A response is caused by something. When there is a response, it is a result of something else. Just like the echo itself is like a response of the “echo canyon,”…
It gets easier … if you engage You always have free will I understand not everyone knows about snow skiing. But there is a bit of a dichotomy behind getting good at it. When you first put on the skis, you feel very clumsy. It is difficult to move around at all. And then add trying to go down even a small hill … the tendency is to lean back. Why would you lean forward when you feel like you have no control? Yet, that is when you gain control. The skiing becomes easier (eventually ;- ) once you learn to lean into it. Once you get the knack of it, you can easily ski wherever you want on the ski slope. The skis are designed in such a way that when you lean forward, that is when the ability to control where you are going gets much easier. But…
What would make You feel “Better”? Is there a feeling you are looking for? There is a bit of a back and forth. Once we get (more) focused on what we want. As part of the “awakening” process, you start paying more attention to your thoughts and feelings. You start to discern what you prefer, and what you don’t prefer. You start to “mind.” You start to pay attention to how you feel, doing those things that, perhaps, you have always done. To discover our subconscious habits that we have instilled in ourselves, we need to stretch ourselves. If we always avoid bad feelings, we are actually accumulating the karmic energy behind them. If we don’t ever get to the point of actually feeling them, they are taking more of a proverbial hold on us. It isn’t like we have to feel our bad feeling all the time, like it…
From Light into Shadow. From Shadow into Light. Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love. ~ Rumi There is a real elegance to karma. It is a beautiful design. WTF! Les, there is so much suffering on this planet. Karma sucks. What if, in an imaginary world, you spent your entire life in an incubator of sorts. It was a very nice incubator, with all the latest delights. But the incubator made sure it was always 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21º Celsius). What if the temperature never changed? And then I asked you … what does cold feel like? Huh? What is “cold?” Source Consciousness (God), it seems, is in an eternal quest to know more about itself. It seems that everything in nature is in a cycle of sorts. Day/Night. Summer/Winter. Fast/Slow. Light/Dark. Birth/Death. Within the journey of a Soul, there is a cycle of sorts as well.…
big T LITTLE t … what’s the Truth? Some “truths” are not the Big truth Is the world safe? Or is it dangerous? Which one is the “real” truth? To answer that question you could consider where people lived. If you lived on a large homestead in the middle of nowhere, you might say that the world is pretty safe. Whereas if you lived in a violent prison or perhaps a rough neighborhood, you could say life is dangerous. And both of you would be “correct.” A subjective truth. Can you walk on water? Ever? Jesus has told us that we will do everything that he has done … and more. Truth with a big ‘T’ is a very small pond. Whereas truth with a little ‘t’ is a huge ocean. It is done unto you as you believe. The “active” ingredient in a placebo … isn’t a thing. It…
The Great Transformation Where are You going? You might imagine the 1950’s. A white-picket-fence kind of living. Where the roles and the expectations of (pretty much) everyone was identical. Where you had well-defined examples of “how to fit in” with the culture. It reminds me of the notion of a religious template. A template of “God’s expectations.” If you could train yourself to live a “righteous life,” then God would find favor with you and grant you access to heaven. To imagine a “perfect” world where how we are to behave was so well-defined. But a static unchanging idea of living is perhaps the truest definition of blasphemy there is. There was immense folly in such static notions of life. In the 1950’s, as a young boy (no, I am not THAT old) you were expected to suck it up. To not show emotions. If you fell and scraped your…
My mama (never) told me … What we don’t know might … … my unknowing mind knows so much more than my knowing mind. In other words, we have much more to learn than we know right now. Both individually and collectively. When we are raised in a culture, we are literally programmed by that culture. We are a “blank page” when we are born. As far as what we believe. Because beliefs are the place of the ego/mind. We didn’t have an ego the day we were born. And it was in our cultures of origin, that we were told, by our tribe, what was important and the truth, and what was considered false or perhaps blasphemy. Jesus … Jesus Les! Why do you keep using Him as an example? You are not even religious! ;- ) Because He is an “accepted” belief. I could use Zor, defender of…
By becoming empty … you become … Mirror Mirror There is a dichotomy of sorts. It is through the ego that many of us “see” ourselves. And the ego is the realm of symbols. Or labels. I am this. I am that. Certainly, there can be value to that. For example, perhaps we are trying to conquer a big challenge. To become a doctor, leader, or such. It can help to tell ourselves … I got this. I can do it. But, from a much bigger perspective, holding on to symbols does not have any value. In other words, our soul has no need for symbols. If you think of holding a static image of yourself, by claiming certain attributes as your identity, you are actually diluting the quantum field in each moment. But … I AM a doctor. OK. Got it. There is a curious thing, in the mechanics…