You can’t exhaust the (quantum) mirror Every reflection has the same merit How do you “burden” a mirror? I mean, really, it just reflects…
The Metrics of a Mirror Changing the image in a mirror There is a fluke to trying to change the reflection of a mirror,…
The Natural Cycles of Life … inhale … exhale … repeat Nature is never finished. You are that nature expressing (it/your)self. We are seeing…
This too … will pass There are no permanent markers We are never stuck. We are (eternally) free. It just doesn’t seem that way…
Suffering is Optional The Untouchable You We have all had our struggles. Some more painful than others. We all have had our own paths…
Can You Reset Yourself? So many narratives … so little time How many triggers do you have? Are you easily offended? How do you…
Forgiveness … giving up all hope for a better past Set yourself free We could call this the self-love blog. Forgiveness is a powerful…
Play the hand you have been dealt Blossom where you are planted I find it quite curious how some of the most powerful people…
Resolving Your Past to Own Your Future It’s all in your hands There is a shift that happens within ourselves, when we choose to…
The Winds of Change are Blowing Time to adjust the sails What a time to be alive, eh? I know not everyone sees these…