
Les Jensen


When Your Ego Finds Your Soul Where are You going? For the vast majority of people, they live their lives in their heads. In their egos. It can feel quite comfortable there. You choose what you want. It can seem like you have a good handle on your life. Perhaps a very manageable existence. Your ego is managing … everything out there. The car, the house, the job. It can seem like everything is under (the ego’s) control. (But) Everything happens energetically first. In other words, the field of creation, the birthplace of all change, does not have a physical form. It is undetectable by our five senses. If you were to go visit a (good) psychic, they would be reading the energy of what you are about to manifest. It doesn’t mean that it is a done deal. It doesn’t become “reality” until the atoms move. Until it shows…

Taking it on the Chin When are you going to learn? Where do you stand? What do you (really) believe in? What? There is certainly a bit of a tug-of-war going on in the media. Both Social and Mainstream media. Whether it is a discussion about what the best way is to handle our health, or perhaps, the political arena(s). Or any other of the many topics that are being debated online. It can take a bit of self-confidence to navigate your own personal evolution. Every time we raise our consciousness, we are shifting our perspective of our own life. When we share these new perspectives, we can get pushback. We can get critical feedback about our new perspectives. There is a gigantic evolution of human consciousness going on right now. And thank God. If we truly want to live in a better world, then change is a requirement. But…

The Great Transformation Where are You going? You might imagine the 1950’s. A white-picket-fence kind of living. Where the roles and the expectations of (pretty much) everyone was identical. Where you had well-defined examples of “how to fit in” with the culture. It reminds me of the notion of a religious template. A template of “God’s expectations.” If you could train yourself to live a “righteous life,” then God would find favor with you and grant you access to heaven. To imagine a “perfect” world where how we are to behave was so well-defined. But a static unchanging idea of living is perhaps the truest definition of blasphemy there is. There was immense folly in such static notions of life. In the 1950’s, as a young boy (no, I am not THAT old) you were expected to suck it up. To not show emotions. If you fell and scraped your…

What good can you harvest from your shadow? Both Light and Shadow … are the Dance of Love. ~ Rumi There is a momentum that is created by the untrained ego. An accumulation of “programming” that will install itself if we are not careful. Fast forward a few decades, and we can find ourselves very stuck in a sense of normalcy. There is nothing wrong here. If you want … more of the same. Normal, by its very nature, means more of the same. Normal won’t “fix” anything. I want to hang with the abby-normal folks. I want to explore the not-normal aspects of life. For it is there, where we will find the “new” outcomes. The new narratives. The new possibilities. Groovy man. Far out! Did you guess what we will look at next? We will look at the shadow side of a entire culture. In the 60’s and…

This too … shall pass Everything that has a beginning … has an end What a most curious time to be alive. The traditional Western ego is not compatible with the soul’s intention of life. In other words, there are many ways where we become stuck, as far as it relates to being able to manifest our full potential. Our ego was never intended to “run the show.” You might even say that a lot of the suffering on the planet is perhaps due to a huge case of “ego overdose.” There is a flow to life. A flow of consciousness. A flow to the mechanics of creation. If we were to look at a pie chart of how most of us use our consciousness, there would be two parts. How much of our consciousness is used by our egos, and how much of our consciousness is used to listen…

The Last Mile is All You! The Kingdom of Heaven is within You … now. If we take a big step back and look at what it means to have the human experience, from a much bigger perspective, we can see that the “karmic rules” of life are rather subjective. If you think of a brand new Soul, incarnating for the first time, there is a bit of an indifference of sorts. In other words, the younger the Soul, as far as the number of incarnations, the simpler the experiences. Just like traditional education, the first day in kindergarten is intended to go over the basics. Whereas an experienced student, shooting for their Ph.D., is immersed in a sea of information. A very challenging level of new information to learn and integrate into their own personal education. Pushing their skills to the limit. As we incarnate, over the many lifetimes…

My mama (never) told me … What we don’t know might … … my unknowing mind knows so much more than my knowing mind. In other words, we have much more to learn than we know right now. Both individually and collectively. When we are raised in a culture, we are literally programmed by that culture. We are a “blank page” when we are born. As far as what we believe. Because beliefs are the place of the ego/mind. We didn’t have an ego the day we were born. And it was in our cultures of origin, that we were told, by our tribe, what was important and the truth, and what was considered false or perhaps blasphemy. Jesus … Jesus Les! Why do you keep using Him as an example? You are not even religious! ;- ) Because He is an “accepted” belief. I could use Zor, defender of…

Our Saviors will not save us. They don’t want to. Ask and it is given. What are you waiting for? What will help you feel more comfortable about your future? Is there a way where you could relax, and know that you are on the right path? What will “save” you? All of our Saviors suck … at actually saving us. It is quite evident that all of the saviors, from all of our religions, from all the different cultures of the world, have “failed” to save us. Most of our “traditional religious” saviors are from thousands of years ago in our collective past. And yet, the free will of our human demeanor built out a nuclear arsenal, in the 1950’s, that could have ended all life on the planet. I don’t know about you, but there is no sense of safety with such destructive intentions creating at will. The…

Change is getting serious … as it should Where ARE we going? They used to burn witches … didn’t they? Excuse me … I have a question. Jesus said that we would (eventually) be doing everything that he has done, including healing the sick. Yet, in the past, IF you were to actually heal the sick, you could be labeled a witch and burned at the stake. If God, with a big “G”, will not descend down, reach over our shoulders, and grab the wheel, then it is up to us, the human BEings, to show up in more powerful ways. This fierce free-will thingy is elusive. In the sense that what we are looking for, collectively, is hidden within ourselves. It is done unto US as WE believe. If we are to have Heaven on Earth, it will be US who create it. Sure, we can pray to a…

Breaking from the Herd (Mentality) Knowing when it’s time I have had a very fortunate perspective. With decades of working in the Television industry, I have had a front-row seat. In the TV industry there is so much content that the industry distributes within itself, which never makes it to the airwaves. News stories from all over the nation, and all over the world, that never make the newscast. One of the things that I started to notice, was the overall narrative. When you watch a (single) human being grow up, you watch them develop and evolve. Eventually reaching maturity. Becoming an adult. But, over time, it was becoming evident that I was watching cycles. The same cycles. A narrative that kept falling back into the same old narrative. There was a herd mentality that seemed to never make the next step in its own evolution. I was fascinated that…

Power is measured as Energy Pure Authentic You! How is it that electricity evaded our awareness for so many centuries? And then there is the elephant in the room, consciousness. Perhaps more specifically, human consciousness. Why would I say that human consciousness is an undiscovered (elephant in the room) source of power? Isn’t God the elephant in the room? Well, yes and yes. You, as human consciousness, are Source, or God Consciousness Incarnate. There is no consciousness outside of God Consciousness. The universe is not divided. The notion of “All That Is” as a (single) hologram of Source, or God Consciousness. With that in mind, human consciousness IS God Consciousness. The Father and I are one … now. No separation. God, with a big G, does not interfere with free will. God, with a big G, will not descend from the heavens, and reach over our shoulder to make corrections…