


Follow the Yellow Brick Road There IS a path for You All roads lead to Rome. Or so they say. I find it very curious how our ego has the final say. At least, until it takes a cosmic two-by-four to get our attention. It is quite evident that the vast majority of the collective consciousness is “suffering” from ego overdose. We can choose anything we want. Our thoughts have no tether, except the conditioning from our past. In other words, there is no Divine strong arm that will force us to make one decision or another. As a consequence to that, the human race built out a global nuclear arsenal, that could end all life on this planet. Egos overdosing. Wet clean up … Aisle 7. Our Souls came here for the experience. The human experience. You are that human. And your life IS the desired experience. But what the hell?…

The Re-constitution of Your Soul RE-uniting all that has been separated In the beginning, of your Soul, there was no separation. No fragmentation. But there was no experience either. We, as Souls, incarnate for the Human experience. In the inevitable existence as a human, we come across experiences that start to fragment our consciousness. Perhaps a clear example is the before/after of a war veteran. PTSD is a clear example of the fragmentation of a Soul. I use this extreme example, for its clarity. But we can become fragmented in our everyday lives as well. If we enter into judgment about people who are doing things we just don’t like … or even hate … we create a posture. Karma is created when we posture with what is. But Les, there are very evil people in the world. Yes, indeed. There is the ugliest of uglies on this planet. Yes,…

Power is measured as Energy Pure Authentic You! How is it that electricity evaded our awareness for so many centuries? And then there is the elephant in the room, consciousness. Perhaps more specifically, human consciousness. Why would I say that human consciousness is an undiscovered (elephant in the room) source of power? Isn’t God the elephant in the room? Well, yes and yes. You, as human consciousness, are Source, or God Consciousness Incarnate. There is no consciousness outside of God Consciousness. The universe is not divided. The notion of “All That Is” as a (single) hologram of Source, or God Consciousness. With that in mind, human consciousness IS God Consciousness. The Father and I are one … now. No separation. God, with a big G, does not interfere with free will. God, with a big G, will not descend from the heavens, and reach over our shoulder to make corrections…

Merry Christ Consciousness The return of the Christ (Consciousness) First things first… Wishing You and Yours a very Merry Christmas! We are (literally) living in new times. December 21, 2020 was the end of one precession of the equinox, and the beginning of a new equinox. A precession of an equinox is an (approximately) 25,000-year cycle, which is the amount of time the Earth/Solar System takes to complete one cycle around our galaxy. So, as of this past Monday, we are living in “new times.” With this transition, from the last precession into this new one, we are entering a new realm of space. As all cycles of nature include a compression of sorts, followed by an expansion of sorts, we have now entered a new cycle of expansion. This is really good news. A rising tide lifts all boats. This new expansive cycle will promote an expansion within ourselves.…

We have all the help we need… if we ask for it You do know that the Souls incarnate on Earth right now are the brave ones. And Yes … that would be YOU! We set ourselves up. We consciously chose to do this. To do the epic thing. Epic is putting it mildly. Earth is at a crossroads. We are in a very large transition. A transition of a very long narrative. The planet is filled with every kind of intention. Karmically, the whole spectrum of human archetypes are here in one global soup of sorts. And paradigms anchored in fear, fear change. In other words, there will be a bit of a power grab. Whenever old systems start to go through a metamorphosis of sorts, there are those that step up and lobby for a bigger piece of the pie. The heart of humanity is calling out for…

Assume that whatever you Dream will come true Where are we going? Where will we end up? Assuming there was an end … Humanity is going through some very big changes. There is an upheaval of sorts going on. The collective consciousness is redefining itself. And what will it become? What will the collective consciousness embrace? There is a journey, of sorts, for all of us. The journey of our Soul. We, as individual Souls, chose to go into the shadow. We chose to load ourselves up with karma, until we couldn’t recognize the truth within us. We disconnected so completely from our truth, that we thought ourselves mere mortals. But your Soul is actually timeless. The journey back to our truth, to our wholeness, is the journey back to our own Divine potentials. To our powerful personas. Not powerful like one seeking dominance over another. That is the paradigm(s)…

The Many Flavors of Heaven You are here to BE you So what will heaven look like? What are the dreams of our ancestors? Where are we going as a human race? In the same way that God, with a big G, will not descend from the heavens and directly change humanity … God, with a big G, will not be the one experiencing heaven. You will. Of course, we could say, that God with a big G, IS heaven. O.K. Sure… But if we were to embody the Divine, to the point of (re)turning ourselves into pure Light, there would be no “me.” There was a moment in my life, where my Soul took me to “heaven.” It was a very profound experience. Very hard to describe in words. But the gist of it was going to that place within us, where our Divinity is present. So imagine taking all…

Sages, Mystics and Alchemists … Oh My! Who are You going to become? Does Your wand work? Are You powerful? Can You own Your power? Is there someone else on the planet that deserves to own the power of their Divinity more than You? Does God/Goddess play favorites? I am sorry (no, I am not 😉 if you think you can keep reading these blogs and yet still consider yourself a mere mortal. That you might still see yourself as a seeker of the truth. That you are not here for a Divine purpose. That there is immense Power in Your purpose. At some point … You need to own it to honor it. You can’t poke at your Divinity with a stick, and think that you are honoring your life purpose. Sure … wait. And wait again … still waiting? Still waiting to own Your Divinity? Your dreams are…

Your Body Is Your Karmic Canvas How DO You Feel? Can you feel it? Feelings. How we feel. This is the time. Right now. How do you feel right now? This ever-present Now is the only time you will feel anything. Including heaven or hell. Our feelings are a real-time guidance system. How we feel has a message for us. On the shadow-side of life, our feelings can hold pain. All of the shadow emotions are a reflection of the shadow side of being human. Depression. Grief. Sorrow. Deceit. Betrayal. Shame. Guilt … You get the idea. So-called “Negative” feelings are a sign we have disconnected with our truth. I say “so-called” because, as Rumi has said, “Both Light and Shadow … are the Dance of Love.” What … What? Love cannot be the source of pain. All of those negative emotions can’t be from Love … Can they? Well,…

All For You You are the thing itself When is it all over? When will the stars retreat back to where they came from? When will it all be done? We can put our salvation … out there. We haven’t met God again. We haven’t found Heaven. I mean, the car needs tires. The house isn’t paid for. And then there is the issue of the new aches and pains. How long are you going to wait? When WILL you get there? Where are you going to find the Holy Grail? When will you return to Heaven? After you let your body go? Right now. This now. This NOW. Now is the only time that you can ever experience Heaven. The Heaven that is IN You right now. You are what you are looking for. You are the thing itself. Don’t envy another. Don’t think that someone else has a…

Unplugged Did you try unplugging it? Did you ever have something stop working? You tried giving it a good smack? Just when you thought it was a lost cause… … and then you unplugged it … and it started working again? Did you ever fret and worry about something in your life… wringing your hands over it, and it just wouldn’t go away? We are the creators of our experience(s). What we focus on … expands. Our emotions are waves of energy (inner chi) that are broadcast out into the universe. And the Law of Attraction kicks in and brings us more of the same. You cannot create abundance, love, joy, happiness, etc. while focusing on lack, fear, hate, etc. Try unplugging yourself. Try imagining that you are just observing the situation. That what you are witnessing is not yours. Your karma is not personal. Wait … what? The principles…