Life & Arts
Play the hand you have been dealt Blossom where you are planted I find it quite curious how some of the most powerful people…
Our Emotional Struggles are really a Mental problem Our Emotions, themselves, are an impersonal thing One of the things that makes change more of…
The Great Transformation Where are You going? You might imagine the 1950’s. A white-picket-fence kind of living. Where the roles and the expectations of…
The Time Has Come You have been watching it happen from the day you were born. The process of creation happening. Right before your…
Food Stories
Nobody but You It is all created by You There is a choice that we can make, but for so many, that choice isn’t “available.” For so many…
Getting off the Emotional Rollercoaster Our Emotions connect us to the Collective Story … until it doesn’t Emotions, as a mechanism or part of being human, are impersonal.…
Your own Personal Jesus Free at last! Jesus doesn’t want to save you. God is not “coming” either. You came here for the human experience. You CAME here…
Getting off the Emotional Rollercoaster Our Emotions connect us to the Collective Story … until it doesn’t Emotions, as a mechanism or part of being human, are impersonal.…
View AllThe Villain is also the Teacher You can’t get triggered if … So, who in your life is “giving” you the most grief? Who can get under your skin,…
Getting off the Emotional Rollercoaster Our Emotions connect us to the Collective Story … until it doesn’t Emotions, as a mechanism or part of being human, are impersonal.…
View AllThe Villain is also the Teacher You can’t get triggered if … So, who in your life is “giving” you the most grief? Who can get under your skin,…
View AllThe Villain is also the Teacher You can’t get triggered if … So, who in your life is “giving” you the most grief? Who can get under your skin,…
View AllTo meet your Soul where it is A non-linear aspect of You! There are no requirements. The idea of fierce free will is proven. Just look at how…
View AllTo meet your Soul where it is A non-linear aspect of You! There are no requirements. The idea of fierce free will is proven.…
To find the Calm within the Storm This too … will pass We are in the middle of big shifts happening on the planet.…
From the Inside Out Karma is always an inside job Have you ever learned something that totally changed how you experience your life? Or…
What is your Karmic Cadence? Karma, like gravity, is impersonal. In any one moment, you are either releasing karma, experiencing no change in your…
What you focus on … expands Where are you putting your attention? There is a thing about gratitude that can have an effect on…
View AllThe Villain is also the Teacher You can’t get triggered if … So, who in your life is “giving” you the most grief? Who can get under your skin,…
Getting off the Emotional Rollercoaster Our Emotions connect us to the Collective Story … until it doesn’t Emotions, as a mechanism or part of being human, are impersonal.…
View AllThe Villain is also the Teacher You can’t get triggered if … So, who in your life is “giving” you the most grief? Who can get under your skin,…
View AllThe Villain is also the Teacher You can’t get triggered if … So, who in your life is “giving” you the most grief? Who can get under your skin,…
View AllTo meet your Soul where it is A non-linear aspect of You! There are no requirements. The idea of fierce free will is proven. Just look at how…
View AllTo meet your Soul where it is A non-linear aspect of You! There are no requirements. The idea of fierce free will is proven.…
To find the Calm within the Storm This too … will pass We are in the middle of big shifts happening on the planet.…
From the Inside Out Karma is always an inside job Have you ever learned something that totally changed how you experience your life? Or…
What is your Karmic Cadence? Karma, like gravity, is impersonal. In any one moment, you are either releasing karma, experiencing no change in your…
What you focus on … expands Where are you putting your attention? There is a thing about gratitude that can have an effect on…
View AllThe Villain is also the Teacher You can’t get triggered if … So, who in your life is “giving” you the most grief? Who can get under your skin,…
Getting off the Emotional Rollercoaster Our Emotions connect us to the Collective Story … until it doesn’t Emotions, as a mechanism or part of being human, are impersonal.…
View AllThe Villain is also the Teacher You can’t get triggered if … So, who in your life is “giving” you the most grief? Who can get under your skin,…
View AllThe Villain is also the Teacher You can’t get triggered if … So, who in your life is “giving” you the most grief? Who can get under your skin,…
View AllTo meet your Soul where it is A non-linear aspect of You! There are no requirements. The idea of fierce free will is proven. Just look at how…
View AllTo meet your Soul where it is A non-linear aspect of You! There are no requirements. The idea of fierce free will is proven.…
To find the Calm within the Storm This too … will pass We are in the middle of big shifts happening on the planet.…
From the Inside Out Karma is always an inside job Have you ever learned something that totally changed how you experience your life? Or…
What is your Karmic Cadence? Karma, like gravity, is impersonal. In any one moment, you are either releasing karma, experiencing no change in your…
What you focus on … expands Where are you putting your attention? There is a thing about gratitude that can have an effect on…