


Out with the Old … In with the New Shifting into the New Year The winds of change are upon us. Nobody has to be told that the world is changing. Humanity is going  though more change(s) than perhaps any time in our history. And here we are. So, what’s it going to be? There is a bit of an opportunity here. If, metaphorically, everything has been turned on its head, then you too can completely redesign yourself. (You always can.) But the notion I want to look at closer is your authentic preferences. You really didn’t have an ego, to speak of, the day you were born. No sentencing, no preferences, per se. And it was in your family of origin that your ego was created. Your ego, by its very nature, is a creature of habits or patterns. You could say we installed a groundwork of habits and…

This too … will pass There are no permanent markers We are never stuck. We are (eternally) free. It just doesn’t seem that way when we are marching on a linear timeline. There have been many people sharing with me lately how their life is in despair. But this too … will pass. There is nothing that can impede our journey, at least not forever. It might seem a little silly, but we get a “master reset” when we transition. If you lost a leg, in a previous life from perhaps a WWI mishap, poof, you get a new one in this life. How cool is THAT? The idea that when the ego tires of the back-to-back challenges of this life and takes on a “this life is finished” attitude, is a short-term temporal notion. There  is ALWAYS another lesson. Another chapter of sorts in your life. But to be…

Play the hand you have been dealt Blossom where you are planted I find it quite curious how some of the most powerful people I have interviewed have had some of the toughest life lessons. There is a notion that says our Soul chooses our life path, at least initially, before we incarnate. A theme, if you will, for our life. With, perhaps, a primary theme, and then, perhaps, multiple secondary themes. A primary theme might be to learn how to hold compassion for another. Or perhaps forgiveness. And then we are born. The idea of free will, where we can choose to honor our life purpose, or we can choose to ignore it, is what decides what will actually happen. When you hold space for others, there is something that happens you might not expect. I had hosted a men’s group for several years. It always amazed me what…

Breaking into the Open Karma is not a forever thingy There is a factor to karma, that I think goes overlooked. The curious thing is that we have been through, collectively, such huge karmic events. Events that have touched generation after generation. At a very deep level. If you look at war, for example, PTSD can cripple a person. Devastate them. Crush their ability to function in the world at all. Collapse their ability to process emotions. To the point of either wrestling with the horror of their memories, or perhaps, the opposite end of the spectrum of feeling numb. Or when entire countries go through a deep financial depression. Scarring those people for generations to come. My father went through those days, and he was the co-fabricator of my ego, along with my mother. Teaching me how I would end up thinking. If you are walking around on planet…

The Elegance of Karma Karma will always resolve itself There is an elegance to karma that comes from its most beautiful “design.” Not sure just how it came about, but I am in awe of its most beautiful construct. So let’s play around a bit and see if we can see the more subtle effects of karma. Your ego, the one reading this sentence, has no consciousness of its own. None. It is powered by the consciousness of your Soul. If your Soul were to “disconnect” from your ego, your ego would cease to operate at all. It has nothing, of its own, to sustain itself. “Evil” is dependent on the consciousness of the ego. And thus, it has no consciousness of its own either. It is the ego that gets us “off in the weeds.” In other words, evil personas are “running on” consciousness. Evil has no source of…

Your Karma isn’t personal. Don’t take it that way. Who are your teachers today? My boss was a malicious, and perhaps even evil, man. And he was my angel. He was, perhaps, one of my most important soul contracts in this lifetime. He put me on a shrink’s couch. He cracked me open. It wasn’t what he did TO me, as much as it was what he stirred up within me. I had a lot of anger in my subconscious. And I had no idea that it was there. None. He would stir that up, my anger, and I would go home every day feeling “upset.” Well, what was “upset?” It was my anger. My anger, had it not been upset over and over again, might have slowly pinched the life out of me. My body was shutting down. I had digestive tract issues for over a decade. And I…

Your Soul seeks growth. To grow. To evolve. Bend and Stretch For myself, I find it most curious that our egos have the final say in what we actually do. Well, at least for a while. There is a static effect when we live in our egos. Where our lives become static, or perhaps stagnant, and not dynamic. Our egos really want to know what is going to be the outcome of our decisions. Perhaps we have been burned before. Or, perhaps, our hearts have been broken. And we don’t want to feel THAT (ever) again. So we become very cautious with all of our decisions. Welcome to, perhaps, the most advanced karmic classroom in the galaxy. Planet Earth. If you can find the Light (of unconditional Love) at the core of your BEing, within this karmic tsunami, well, you just might be a badass angel. It can be challenging for sure. Very challenging.…

The Last Mile is All You! The Kingdom of Heaven is within You … now. If we take a big step back and look at what it means to have the human experience, from a much bigger perspective, we can see that the “karmic rules” of life are rather subjective. If you think of a brand new Soul, incarnating for the first time, there is a bit of an indifference of sorts. In other words, the younger the Soul, as far as the number of incarnations, the simpler the experiences. Just like traditional education, the first day in kindergarten is intended to go over the basics. Whereas an experienced student, shooting for their Ph.D., is immersed in a sea of information. A very challenging level of new information to learn and integrate into their own personal education. Pushing their skills to the limit. As we incarnate, over the many lifetimes…

Getting your ego on-board We all have a higher wisdom within us, an innate intelligence that transcends any paradigm, struggle or worry. Indeed, it is our own heart that holds so much power. But there is something that needs to happen to get that authentic power online, for it is our ego that dictates what can really happen. So often we can find ourselves living out a repetitive pattern. One day like the next. With no real change happening. Living in a karmic rut of sorts. It starts out as our ego keeping our life “safe.” And certainly it can be for good reason, at least initially. For many of us, our karmic lessons started so early in our life that we had no choice but to choose survival. From the perspective of a child, often we observed the powerful emotions of adults wreaking havoc in our own household, which then…