


What did You get out of 2020? There are always gifts woven within the struggles First things first … Happy New Year!!! 2020 did provide bountiful harvests … for those who had the courage to do the work. What if … 2020 was just like 2019? Would that have been “better?” We would not be on the trajectory of change that we are on now. We would be quite a bit more unconscious. Our trajectory would not have anywhere near the freedom and awareness that the real 2020 has brought us. When I say “freedom and awareness” what I am talking about is You. The thing is … when things are “easy” we tend to ignore ourselves. We tend to ignore our subconscious tendencies. We would be thinking about  vacations, sports teams, social gatherings, movies and such. And these things typically do not bring about (deep) change. If we are…

Healing our relationship with Love The notion of Love, in a general sense, can bring all sorts of reactions. There are those that cringe at the thought of giving Love another go. There are those that see Love as a romantic relationship. There is an arena of Love, often experienced through the practice of Tantra, that might be thought of as a deep communion with another. And, perhaps, Divine Love. And then there is tough Love. And I am sure many other way to experience Love. But which Love is the real deal? What is the essence of Love? Love has so many faces. Love has so many arenas of expression. If you study the teachings of the Enlightened Ones … you might conclude that Love is actually the fabric of all-that-is. The fabric of the universe itself. That Love itself is Source Consciousness, Prime Creator, or God with a…

Assume that whatever you Dream will come true Where are we going? Where will we end up? Assuming there was an end … Humanity is going through some very big changes. There is an upheaval of sorts going on. The collective consciousness is redefining itself. And what will it become? What will the collective consciousness embrace? There is a journey, of sorts, for all of us. The journey of our Soul. We, as individual Souls, chose to go into the shadow. We chose to load ourselves up with karma, until we couldn’t recognize the truth within us. We disconnected so completely from our truth, that we thought ourselves mere mortals. But your Soul is actually timeless. The journey back to our truth, to our wholeness, is the journey back to our own Divine potentials. To our powerful personas. Not powerful like one seeking dominance over another. That is the paradigm(s)…

Growing Your Sense of Self Creating what you really want You are sitting in the best seat in the house … so to speak. But indeed, your life, right now, IS the time to enjoy the process of life itself. The only time you can feel anything … is right now. So, what DO you want to feel? Safe? Loved? Happy? Enlightened? Abundant? When we talk about our human experience, especially on this planet, there are two distinct arenas of living. Healing ourselves, and fulfilling ourselves. Kind of like a teeter-totter. Humanity, as a whole, is coming out of the dark ages. Karmically speaking, there is a huge swath of humanity that just wants life to be easier. To be able to feel better. The healing side of humanity. It isn’t like there is no joy in life until you completely heal. There can be joy and happiness all along…

Unraveling Our Past To re-unite with our Soul It does actually take conscious effort. Left unchecked, the ego will chase shadows until the end of time. It was, at least for a substantial part, our egos that loaded up our subconscious in the first place. You are infinite potential, in human form. But, so what? If you don’t do anything to e-x-p-a-n-d your sense of self, then, perhaps, you are just your ego looking for fulfillment in the reflection of the quantum mirror. In other words, looking for a deeper understanding of yourself, by chasing people, circumstances and a sense of validation from those external factors of your everyday life. The “world” you see outside of you, is a reflection of what is inside of you. Everything that pisses you off, is a reflection of unresolved parts of yourself on the inside of you that you have not resolved. Everything.…

Home for the Holidays The gift of family gatherings… Ding dong … and it begins. Time with our families can be such a joy for some of us, and for others, it can be such a burden. Each family dynamic is different in its own ways. Just like our family traditions. Perhaps you have had an opportunity to visit the family of a friend … and perhaps then you notice a change in your friend’s demeanor … as if when walking into their home, they become someone different. Our family of origin is a great place to do some soul-searching about ourselves. There are a few reasons behind this. One reason would be the idea that our soul consciously chose our specific family in which to incarnate. Our soul chose the specific family dynamic for the opportunities it would present in order to set us up to learn specific karmic…

It is Who You become … The journey changes YOU! It is through our growth that we are given an opportunity to evolve our consciousness. To evolve your own consciousness is, perhaps, the most satisfying thing to do. Sometimes we can look at struggles in our life like some kind of punishment. Like some unfair weight put on our shoulders. Indeed, on this planet, there are plenty of people who find their life to be very difficult. Many find it to be too much. Checking out of life before their intended time is up. Surrendering their own life because of the struggles and challenges in their own life. For myself, I have found myself curled up in a ball, alone, on the kitchen floor. With so much pain in my life. So much pain and heartache. There have been moments in my life where a hot metal spear, thrust into…

It Is All For You You have the best seat in the house We can find ourselves looking for it. Looking for a better experience. Perhaps we see other people enjoying themselves. Or we read something that makes us long for a particular experience. Or perhaps we just want to feel better. But you are it. You are sitting in the BEST seat in the house. What you want to experience is totally possible. It is the journey through time that will bring it about. And when you “get there” it will be in the moment that you feel it. In the body that you are living in right now. Indeed, everything that you will experience will be felt in the body you are in now. What will you feel today? What did you feel yesterday? To get more mindful of our present environment is to hone our ability to…

The Polarity of Desire What do You REALLY want? There is a notion of faith that I really like. And that is the notion of … No thought contrary. No thought contrary to what is desired. When we HAVE faith, we have a thought or desire that we want to manifest. And there is no other thought (energy) contrary to what we want. And the faith, no thought (energy) contrary, stipulates that it will happen. We have absolute faith that it will come to be. The trick of this is the relationship between our conscious thoughts (energy) and our sub-conscious thoughts (energy). If, indeed, our thoughts are energy … and you take in the notion of the quantum field as being a mirror of our self … then IF our desire is the ONLY thought there is … the mirror would reflect just that. The only energy present. The subconscious…

Your Body Is Your Karmic Canvas How DO You Feel? Can you feel it? Feelings. How we feel. This is the time. Right now. How do you feel right now? This ever-present Now is the only time you will feel anything. Including heaven or hell. Our feelings are a real-time guidance system. How we feel has a message for us. On the shadow-side of life, our feelings can hold pain. All of the shadow emotions are a reflection of the shadow side of being human. Depression. Grief. Sorrow. Deceit. Betrayal. Shame. Guilt … You get the idea. So-called “Negative” feelings are a sign we have disconnected with our truth. I say “so-called” because, as Rumi has said, “Both Light and Shadow … are the Dance of Love.” What … What? Love cannot be the source of pain. All of those negative emotions can’t be from Love … Can they? Well,…

Unplugged Did you try unplugging it? Did you ever have something stop working? You tried giving it a good smack? Just when you thought it was a lost cause… … and then you unplugged it … and it started working again? Did you ever fret and worry about something in your life… wringing your hands over it, and it just wouldn’t go away? We are the creators of our experience(s). What we focus on … expands. Our emotions are waves of energy (inner chi) that are broadcast out into the universe. And the Law of Attraction kicks in and brings us more of the same. You cannot create abundance, love, joy, happiness, etc. while focusing on lack, fear, hate, etc. Try unplugging yourself. Try imagining that you are just observing the situation. That what you are witnessing is not yours. Your karma is not personal. Wait … what? The principles…