The Other Side of the Soul You are a Soul having a Human experience So, perhaps, I can assume it is your ego reading this sentence. And this sentence too. But “you” didn’t even HAVE an ego the day you were born. So who is this “You”? For those of us who are parents with multiple kids, we can often see the very distinct personalities that each child has. A “personality” of sorts, from the day they were born. A personality that had character, from the beginning. That personality is coming from the Soul. The Soul that has (re) incarnated. You, as a Soul, have been there from the beginning. The day you were born, your Soul was there. Complete and whole. A large part of your personality was present in the demeanor of your Soul. What would you say are your top two or three characteristics? Personality traits? Aspects…
Your own Personal Jesus Free at last! Jesus doesn’t want to save you. God is not “coming” either. You came here for the human experience. You CAME here of your own free will. You chose to have these experiences. God won’t “grant” you enlightenment. Even if you ask nicely. Well, OK, technically you are enlightened now. There is nothing to be added to you, to your psyche, that will give you enlightenment. The separation of your enlightened consciousness, and your ego, is what makes it seem like you are not enlightened right now. But, again, you chose to get where you are. You chose to load up your psyche with karma, to have this experience of separation. To not only load up your psyche with karma, but to also unload it of its karmic imprinting. Which, if you are reading this blog, is the part of the journey you are on…
Your Happiness and Your Sorrow It is all up to You Your mind is the beginning, and the end, of your happiness and your sorrow. It is a most curious thing. Our mind/ego is the decider. Well … kind of. How many people have created a vision board, and religiously chanted their daily affirmations, only to find that years later … nothing (of significance) has changed? If those things, affirmations and vision boards, are the creation and intent of the mind/ego, how can I say that the mind/ego is the decider? We take on karma when we posture with what is. That posturing is initiated by the mind/ego. At least, most of the time. There are times when the mind/ego doesn’t get to decide. For example, a young soldier going into battle for the first time. The shock and horror of carnage can trigger the body to protect itself. It…
You can’t escape … your Divinity The Kingdom of Heaven is within you … now Have you dropped the ball? Do you feel like you’ve gotten off the “path?” Feeling a bit out in the weeds? You can think that you have fallen from Grace. You can’t. Well … you can. You can think that you are not enough. Or, perhaps, that the struggles before you are too great. You can think of your life in any way that you want. Who is more “righteous?” The sinner or the saint? Jesus or the Devil? If you were, metaphorically, to go visit a planet where everyone is … well, “Jesus”… everyone Divine … there would be nothing to learn. It would be like taking an advanced sailing class, but the boat is in a backyard swimming pool. Nothing here to challenge you. No skills to learn. Not compared to navigating the tempest…
Life in the Fast Brain What is the role of the ego? There are many, many spiritual gurus that think the ego is to be reduced or shrunk to be as small as possible. Some even use the term to kill the ego. But something doesn’t add up with that stance. Sure, indeed, the ego can be the source of so much suffering. The ego can be a significant contributor to our karmic dysfunction. The undisciplined ego is indeed something we would want to heal and teach, if we are wanting to fulfill our true Divine potentials. But riddle me this. If indeed the ego “runs” on the framework of our mind, and we are only using 10% of our mind, then as we activate more and more of our mind, or mental horsepower, then the “engine” our ego is running on becomes much more powerful. Based on the idea…
The Metrics of a Mirror Changing the image in a mirror There is a fluke to trying to change the reflection of a mirror, by focusing on the mirror. In other words, reaching towards the mirror, to change the image it is showing you, won’t actually change where the image is really coming from. If you hair is messy in the mirror, comb your hair. If the world outside of you is holding karmic stigmas for you, change your personal energy persona. Your “reality” is your reflection. Although this seems simple, it can take a bit of trial and error to get the knack of it. Everything you are observing in your life exists as an energetic component of your personal energy persona. To change your life experience, change the INNer chi, your inner energy, and see if you notice a difference in your external experience. The mirror won’t change…
The Elegance of Karma Karma will always resolve itself There is an elegance to karma that comes from its most beautiful “design.” Not sure just how it came about, but I am in awe of its most beautiful construct. So let’s play around a bit and see if we can see the more subtle effects of karma. Your ego, the one reading this sentence, has no consciousness of its own. None. It is powered by the consciousness of your Soul. If your Soul were to “disconnect” from your ego, your ego would cease to operate at all. It has nothing, of its own, to sustain itself. “Evil” is dependent on the consciousness of the ego. And thus, it has no consciousness of its own either. It is the ego that gets us “off in the weeds.” In other words, evil personas are “running on” consciousness. Evil has no source of…
Your SuperHero Cape in the Closet The evolution of who you are The curious thing about our spiritual evolution is that is it a returning of sorts. We were once there and now we are on our way back. In other words, we came from being enlightened, into the darkness, or shadow. And now we are on the return. The return to our truth. A return to our enlightenment. It is not that we are not enlightened now, because we are. We are always enlightened. We are always connected to our truth. You might not feel that enlightenment within you now. But it is there. Like a superhero cape tucked in the back of your closet. I find it very curious that Western science tells us that we are only using 10 percent of our brains. And they also tell us that 90 percent of our DNA is junk. As if…
Your Emotions evolve as You evolve There IS a promised land So … do you ever feel stuck? Kind of like … is this all there is? There is a thing about karma … a quagmire of sorts. As we, as timeless souls, load up our psyches with karma … everything slows down. You might even think of it kind of like temperature and water. Niagara Falls is a pretty impressive sight. So many tons of water, crashing on the rocks. But there are photographs of Niagara Falls frozen solid. An immense amount of power … frozen. Held “captive” by the cold temperature. That is kind of like our karma. Zap! Poof! Zang! Ka-Powee! When we completely cleanse our karma, out of our timeless persona, we will manifest in the moment. Jesus could manifest things out of thin air, in the moment. A very powerful persona. And he promised that…
Celebrating the Christ Within The Kingdom of Heaven is Within (You Now) Wishing You and Yours a very Merry Christmas!The great spiritual geniuses, whether it was Moses, Buddha, Plato, Socrates, Jesus, or Emerson….. have taught man to look within himself to find God. ~ Ernest Holmes.The celebration of the Christ, is the celebration of the Christ Consciousness…. when Jesus was spending his last days on Earth, he was nowhere close to “saving humanity.” The Roman Empire was expanding its intentions of war. The suffering of humanity was expanding. Jesus didn’t even come close to “saving mankind.” He never intended to be the (sole) savior of humanity.Enter You (and me)…. you will do everything that I have done, and more. ~ JesusIf Jesus (ever) intended to “save humanity,” it was through the awakening of the Divine within us all. Yet, for the organized religions that come from Jesus’s time on Earth,…
My mama (never) told me … What we don’t know might … … my unknowing mind knows so much more than my knowing mind. In other words, we have much more to learn than we know right now. Both individually and collectively. When we are raised in a culture, we are literally programmed by that culture. We are a “blank page” when we are born. As far as what we believe. Because beliefs are the place of the ego/mind. We didn’t have an ego the day we were born. And it was in our cultures of origin, that we were told, by our tribe, what was important and the truth, and what was considered false or perhaps blasphemy. Jesus … Jesus Les! Why do you keep using Him as an example? You are not even religious! ;- ) Because He is an “accepted” belief. I could use Zor, defender of…