We came here for the Human experience What would it be like to … Nature, by its very nature, is never done. Ever. You are that nature expressing itself. The white picket fence idea that we were raised on (get an education, and a job, and now retire) is blasphemy at its finest. Institutionalized blasphemy. Your age is none of your business. You, as a soul incarnate, have no need for an assigned “age.” Your soul doesn’t ever reach a point where it “retires.” Unless perhaps, when we (completely) return to Source Consciousness. The narrative of the collective, that reduces the importance of people as they age, is perhaps a contributor to our folly. We are re-debating such fundamental aspects of BEing a human being. We have so much wisdom in our society, that is “offline.” I say this for two reasons. One, for the consideration of how we see…
Pray to a BIG God Don’t hang with the lesser gods. I pray to a Big God, because I kneel in a Big Church. ~ Peter Gabriel With some simple math, it could be easily estimated that billions of prayers have been prayed, to the BIG Guy, to end the suffering on this planet. And no God shows up. No glowing Orb descends from the Heavens. No Deity waves a magic wand. No Savior(s) to save us. Well then … what the hell am I praying for, if there will be no “saving?” I guess you could climb the highest mountain, stick out your thumb, and hitch a ride from a passing UFO. There is a path to salvation. We have a regulator of sorts. We were not designed that way, but nonetheless, there is a regulator of sorts. When I say regulator, I mean something that regulates us. Or…
Don’t run with scissors … throw them … overhand Life is a daring adventure There is an inherent part of consciousness that wants to express. Over and over. Just look at nature. Never really done creating new expressions. The many types of flowers and their beautiful blossoms. Or all the creatures in the seas. Then there is … you. As an aspect of nature, you have an inherent part of you that wants to express … more. Sometimes we don’t really feel very fulfilled. We can get into a bit of a rut. Certainly, the last couple of years has had many people kind of stop their normal life and go into a holding pattern. There is so much change going on in the world outside of you. But there is a part of you, on the inside, that is not worried. The truth of you cannot be touched by…
The Pinch of the Collective Where does Your Divinity live? There is a rather BIG shift going on. An awakening of sorts. And within that shift, there is you. You. The collective narrative is unraveling itself. It is experiencing a bit of a collapse. And this is a very good thing. The many different prophecies have proclaimed a Golden Era. A Dawn of a New Beginning for humanity. We are evolving out of the herd mentality. Out of the narrative of our own history. The notion of the Castle on the Hill (where the King and Queen live). The notion of royalty. Of agencies and institutions that “decide” the direction of humanity. Where, perhaps, there was a pyramid of sorts. The rulers at the top, and the masses at the bottom. Although this style of modeling our culture around a few, that dictates the choices of us all, has been…
“Normal” means more of the same “Normal” will not fix anything Happy New Year!We have arrived at 2022!Are you wanting change for your life? Are you wanting something new in your life?So, whether we are talking about our own personal problems, or we are talking about the problems with our collective consciousness, “normal” will not be fixing anything.I am very thankful for my life path. Specifically, that I was born the last of seven children. By the time the seventh child, me, came along, my folks were on cruise control with the kids. I remember my parents asking my siblings, “does anyone see Les?” If any of my siblings said yes, that was it. They never asked what I was actually doing. Which meant I could really do whatever I wanted. And nobody cared what I thought either. I was the proverbial caboose. I had extreme freedom, growing up as a child, to think whatever I wanted…
Celebrating the Christ Within The Kingdom of Heaven is Within (You Now) Wishing You and Yours a very Merry Christmas!The great spiritual geniuses, whether it was Moses, Buddha, Plato, Socrates, Jesus, or Emerson….. have taught man to look within himself to find God. ~ Ernest Holmes.The celebration of the Christ, is the celebration of the Christ Consciousness…. when Jesus was spending his last days on Earth, he was nowhere close to “saving humanity.” The Roman Empire was expanding its intentions of war. The suffering of humanity was expanding. Jesus didn’t even come close to “saving mankind.” He never intended to be the (sole) savior of humanity.Enter You (and me)…. you will do everything that I have done, and more. ~ JesusIf Jesus (ever) intended to “save humanity,” it was through the awakening of the Divine within us all. Yet, for the organized religions that come from Jesus’s time on Earth,…
The Beginning is Near So what’s it going to be? We are experiencing a bit of the Phoenix metaphor. Rising from the proverbial ashes. The “normal” of our lives, that perhaps we last experienced in 2019, is gone. The new normal hasn’t “landed” yet. Sure, certainly the dust hasn’t settled yet. But that is a good thing. At least as it relates to where we land. In other words, with the old “normal” off the table, we get to choose a new “normal.” You could, perhaps, ask yourself … was your life in 2019 in balance? Did it support and nurture you? Did it have a place for growth? Were you evolving? Honoring the innate desire for expansion? Nature is always seeking to express itself in new ways. You are that nature, expressing itself. What would you like to be different? If you were to look at your life in…
Going Up … Going Down The Evolution of Consciousness From the Light, into the shadow, and then the return to Light. A timeless journey. From the Light. In the beginning … was the Light. And it was without form. There was no duality, or form. If you were to go to the absolute core of yourself, you would find the Light. A non-local field of Source Consciousness. And if I were to do the same, I would find the Light as well. It is not like we would both be there, but rather, there would be no “us” there. We would be One. As I have shared before, my Soul dragged my ego there. To show me the total realm of human consciousness. The Light is beyond the description of words (symbols). You can (kind of) get a sense for this if you were to look at a light bulb,…
The Great Transformation Where are You going? You might imagine the 1950’s. A white-picket-fence kind of living. Where the roles and the expectations of (pretty much) everyone was identical. Where you had well-defined examples of “how to fit in” with the culture. It reminds me of the notion of a religious template. A template of “God’s expectations.” If you could train yourself to live a “righteous life,” then God would find favor with you and grant you access to heaven. To imagine a “perfect” world where how we are to behave was so well-defined. But a static unchanging idea of living is perhaps the truest definition of blasphemy there is. There was immense folly in such static notions of life. In the 1950’s, as a young boy (no, I am not THAT old) you were expected to suck it up. To not show emotions. If you fell and scraped your…
What did You get out of 2020? There are always gifts woven within the struggles First things first … Happy New Year!!! 2020 did provide bountiful harvests … for those who had the courage to do the work. What if … 2020 was just like 2019? Would that have been “better?” We would not be on the trajectory of change that we are on now. We would be quite a bit more unconscious. Our trajectory would not have anywhere near the freedom and awareness that the real 2020 has brought us. When I say “freedom and awareness” what I am talking about is You. The thing is … when things are “easy” we tend to ignore ourselves. We tend to ignore our subconscious tendencies. We would be thinking about vacations, sports teams, social gatherings, movies and such. And these things typically do not bring about (deep) change. If we are…
We are living in most exceptional times So what is it going to BE? What will actually happen in your life? We are in the most powerful chapter of change for our human condition. A call is going out. A call to every budding mystic, sage and alchemist … the New Humans that will step up and bring the vision into form. A vision that will seed the potential of our future. How wonder-full can you imagine? How vivid are your dreams of our future? Can you envision Heaven? That place that our ancestors dreamt of? That utopia that has been held in the hearts of humanity for eons of time? It is done unto you as you believe. So what DO you believe is possible? To daydream is to leave the current trajectory, and literally pluck, out of the infinite potentials, a new direction. A new beginning. The curious…