


World’s Largest Ball of Yarn Don’t forget to EnJoy the Journey The journey is the “reason.” There is no finish line. We are here for the human experience. The experience of the journey. What does it feel like to … [Insert experience(s) here]. Even the “bad” ones. The “landscape” of this journey (called life) is how we feel. How we are experiencing our lives. It can be our emotions, or perhaps the awe of our ego seeing something that is overwhelmingly beautiful. The passion flowing through us as we engage our heart’s desires. It can be a bit of a challenge to sharpen our focus when there is so much change going on in our lives and in the collective. There are times when we are actually shifting our own life-purpose in our life. I was a television engineer, and my heart told me to start writing books. Huh? Books?…

From a Struggle to a Gift What have you been carrying? So, I have been delving into my family dynamic lately. Focusing on my Father. My dad was a WWII vet that fought in the Pacific Campaign. The emotional demands of intense battle, that impaled him in the theater of war, turned out to be quite the gift for me. But I spent most my life not knowing that. My Father was a very intense man. With fierce resolve, tenacity, focus, determination, courage, etc. These traits, as far as I can tell, were not part of his demeanor before he entered the war. Perhaps you are familiar with the HBO series, “A Band of Brothers”, which followed men who fought in the European Campaign of WWII. The makers of that series then made a similar series, called “The Pacific”, which followed several men as they fought in the Pacific Campaign.…

Filling the Void What will go in its place? Do you remember a wonderful time in your life? Perhaps it was a wonderful past relationship? Or maybe a challenging job that you loved? And then something changed. There was a loss of sorts. Where that wonderful situation ended. For whatever reason. Leaving a void in its place. Like how the 2020 karmic tsunami changed everything. We might have been living high on the hog in 2019 … but then something happened. We can have a longing to return to that time, that circumstance, that was so nice. We can have a longing within us for a repeat performance. I want THAT again. But Nature, by its very nature, doesn’t copy itself. At least, not on purpose. There is nothing wrong to want whatever you want. But we can come up short, not because of what has happened, but how we…

Riding the Escalator to Nirvana Everything you seek … is within you now There is a shift that happens. That can change everything about how you live your life. On one hand, we can live in our heads. Where our ego is driving the boat. This is an extremely common modality. I have certainly spent many years there. But there is another way to live. One that changes everything. And that is living from the inside out. Where you tune in to the inspiration of your heart and soul. There is a curious thing that happens. At first, it doesn’t seem like much. I feel that the reason it doesn’t really “satisfy” the ego so much, is that we are barely making ourselves available. Where our ego isn’t really fully committed to the inspirations. But rather, has an attitude of .. we could try it once. The vision of what our life could be, is but…

Follow the Yellow Brick Road There IS a path for You All roads lead to Rome. Or so they say. I find it very curious how our ego has the final say. At least, until it takes a cosmic two-by-four to get our attention. It is quite evident that the vast majority of the collective consciousness is “suffering” from ego overdose. We can choose anything we want. Our thoughts have no tether, except the conditioning from our past. In other words, there is no Divine strong arm that will force us to make one decision or another. As a consequence to that, the human race built out a global nuclear arsenal, that could end all life on this planet. Egos overdosing. Wet clean up … Aisle 7. Our Souls came here for the experience. The human experience. You are that human. And your life IS the desired experience. But what the hell?…

When Your Ego Finds Your Soul Where are You going? For the vast majority of people, they live their lives in their heads. In their egos. It can feel quite comfortable there. You choose what you want. It can seem like you have a good handle on your life. Perhaps a very manageable existence. Your ego is managing … everything out there. The car, the house, the job. It can seem like everything is under (the ego’s) control. (But) Everything happens energetically first. In other words, the field of creation, the birthplace of all change, does not have a physical form. It is undetectable by our five senses. If you were to go visit a (good) psychic, they would be reading the energy of what you are about to manifest. It doesn’t mean that it is a done deal. It doesn’t become “reality” until the atoms move. Until it shows…

Taking it on the Chin When are you going to learn? Where do you stand? What do you (really) believe in? What? There is certainly a bit of a tug-of-war going on in the media. Both Social and Mainstream media. Whether it is a discussion about what the best way is to handle our health, or perhaps, the political arena(s). Or any other of the many topics that are being debated online. It can take a bit of self-confidence to navigate your own personal evolution. Every time we raise our consciousness, we are shifting our perspective of our own life. When we share these new perspectives, we can get pushback. We can get critical feedback about our new perspectives. There is a gigantic evolution of human consciousness going on right now. And thank God. If we truly want to live in a better world, then change is a requirement. But…

We have all the help we need… if we ask for it You do know that the Souls incarnate on Earth right now are the brave ones. And Yes … that would be YOU! We set ourselves up. We consciously chose to do this. To do the epic thing. Epic is putting it mildly. Earth is at a crossroads. We are in a very large transition. A transition of a very long narrative. The planet is filled with every kind of intention. Karmically, the whole spectrum of human archetypes are here in one global soup of sorts. And paradigms anchored in fear, fear change. In other words, there will be a bit of a power grab. Whenever old systems start to go through a metamorphosis of sorts, there are those that step up and lobby for a bigger piece of the pie. The heart of humanity is calling out for…

Walk This Way What is the “right” way to live? Where are you going? What do you intend to experience in the future? Who do you want to be? We are all on a journey … of sorts. I find it quite curious, this notion of ourselves. Who am I? Who are You? As we progress through our lives, we have so many opportunities to change. Some of us are living quite intentional lives. With a clear sense of direction. And others are seeking a firm path to walk on. A clearer sense of who they really are. Nobody had an ego the day they were born. In a sense … there was nobody home. And then we grew an ego. We grew a sense of self. And if we all took a moment and wrote down how we viewed life, we would have many very different views of what…

What is Your True Divine Potential? What is your measuring stick? How do you compare yourself with your true Divine potentials? What is REALLY possible in this physical form? … have you noticed … I ask a lot of questions?! Why it that? lol The curious thing is how we compare ourselves. How do we compare? … to what? We are Divinity incarnate. We are Source Consciousness personified. It is virtually impossible to describe your potential with words… Ever. Using ALL the words there are. The really powerful thing about living on Earth right now is knowledge. It really wasn’t that long ago when the notion of knowing your own Divinity was unheard of. Where the power of Divine consciousness wasn’t known by the masses. When, if you wanted to communicate with someone in a foreign land, you wrote your correspondence on a piece of paper and gave it to…

The Divine Idea of You The sweet spot of living your Divine potentials Here we are. Another day on planet Earth. Another day in your life. Another moment of eternity. So … What is the point? Where are we “going?” How will we know when we have arrived? What IS the Divine idea of BEing a human BEing? I find it curious to listen to people as they share what is front and center in their everyday living. For so many of us it is about healing. Or success, or prosperity. Or perhaps Love. And, of course, perhaps countless other arenas of focus. But where does it end? Where ARE we going? What is all this for anyway? Well … You. You are a point of presence of Divinity right now. What do YOU desire right now? What You desire. That might seem like a cop-out. Like the answer is…