How Long Is Your Emotional Rebound Time? Do your emotions stay longer than they’re welcome? Do you remember, early in 2020, when there was a run on toilet paper? Well, you better hurry out and get yourself a yardstick. Because they are not going to make them any longer. ;- ) A measuring stick can be so handy. If there was a measuring stick for our emotional demeanor, a lot of us might find ourselves coming up short. I know I would have, had I been able to measure my emotional skills before the universe cracked me open. The thing was, the most prominent emotional struggles I was having were completely off my radar. They were totally dominating my life, and I had no idea what so ever that I had such emotional problems. If I only had a measuring stick, then I could have discerned that, before the universe…
Look again … with fresh eyes Both light and shadow are the dance of Love. ~ Rumi As you evolve your consciousness, you can re-evaluate your past. There is something about the vibration, or frequency, of your consciousness, that literally acts like a lens, a karma lens perhaps, that filters what you see. In other words, on first observation, it might seem that angry people are just plain mean. And from an experiential perspective, they can seem that way. A “truth” of sorts. But evolve yourself, and then look again, and there is a whole other story to tell.My father was a very intense man. He had a fire for God anchored in his core. When he spoke of God, he would well up in tears. He had a very fierce faith. He easily made the top local church officials look like slackers. The church officials never welled up with…
Not Over, Not Around … But Through You can’t get there through the back door There is a part of our evolution of consciousness that we cannot avoid. Well, we can avoid it. And many of us do, at great expense. And that is our emotions. Or perhaps, our emotional education. There is a very good reason that we can’t avoid it. Well, yes, we CAN avoid it, but why we might want to not avoid it IS a choice. There is a multidimensional aspect of our Soul. We are far more multidimensional than we are 3D. In other words, as we evolve our consciousness, we open up to higher realms of consciousness. These dimensions were there all the time, but if we had a habit of avoiding our emotions, and just stockpiling them in our subconscious, we kept ourselves out of alignment with the higher realms of our own…
The Great Transformation Where are You going? You might imagine the 1950’s. A white-picket-fence kind of living. Where the roles and the expectations of (pretty much) everyone was identical. Where you had well-defined examples of “how to fit in” with the culture. It reminds me of the notion of a religious template. A template of “God’s expectations.” If you could train yourself to live a “righteous life,” then God would find favor with you and grant you access to heaven. To imagine a “perfect” world where how we are to behave was so well-defined. But a static unchanging idea of living is perhaps the truest definition of blasphemy there is. There was immense folly in such static notions of life. In the 1950’s, as a young boy (no, I am not THAT old) you were expected to suck it up. To not show emotions. If you fell and scraped your…
The Last Mile is All You! The Kingdom of Heaven is within You … now. If we take a big step back and look at what it means to have the human experience, from a much bigger perspective, we can see that the “karmic rules” of life are rather subjective. If you think of a brand new Soul, incarnating for the first time, there is a bit of an indifference of sorts. In other words, the younger the Soul, as far as the number of incarnations, the simpler the experiences. Just like traditional education, the first day in kindergarten is intended to go over the basics. Whereas an experienced student, shooting for their Ph.D., is immersed in a sea of information. A very challenging level of new information to learn and integrate into their own personal education. Pushing their skills to the limit. As we incarnate, over the many lifetimes…
If I do your homework for you … you will never… You chose to come here at this time Imagine, if you will, if you never got past gravity. What I mean is that you never learned how to walk. To stand upright. To run, skip or dance. Gravity didn’t care about the outcome. You could have chosen either way. Karma is a lot like that too. The principles of karma are timeless. Timeless and impersonal. Just think about it … there are over seven billion variations of karma playing out on the planet right now. Seven billion people, each with their own unique karmic disposition. And karma, as a whole, doesn’t care how any of it turns out. Karma, by its very nature, has a momentum to it. A propensity, if you will. A probability that a particular type of outcome will play out. You might think of karma…
Emotional Freedom The (re) integration of your subconscious So … what’s in your sub-conscious? The very notion of “sub-conscious” is that we are not conscious of it. Off our radar. Yet our subconscious can “shut down” whole arenas of choices. Without our awareness that it is happening. How can we consider ourselves powerful if there are aspects of ourselves that we are not aware of? So, what is the difference between a very powerful person and, perhaps, a homeless person that is having a tough time just trying to get through the day? The curious thing about working with consciousness … is that it is ethereal. Undetectable by our five senses. We can’t see our own thought processes as we go throughout our day. We can’t “see” what factors our subconscious is weighing with our every choice. This can be a very big deal. Epic really. If, indeed, we are…
Emotional Freedom The (re) integration of your subconscious So … what’s in your sub-conscious? The very notion of “sub-conscious” is that we are not conscious of it. Off our radar. Yet our subconscious can “shut down” whole arenas of choices. Without our awareness that it is happening. How can we consider ourselves powerful if there are aspects of ourselves that we are not aware of? So, what is the difference between a very powerful person and, perhaps, a homeless person that is having a tough time just trying to get through the day? The curious thing about working with consciousness … is that it is ethereal. Undetectable by our five senses. We can’t see our own thought processes as we go throughout our day. We can’t “see” what factors our subconscious is weighing with our every choice. This can be a very big deal. Epic really. If, indeed, we are…
What did You get out of 2020? There are always gifts woven within the struggles First things first … Happy New Year!!! 2020 did provide bountiful harvests … for those who had the courage to do the work. What if … 2020 was just like 2019? Would that have been “better?” We would not be on the trajectory of change that we are on now. We would be quite a bit more unconscious. Our trajectory would not have anywhere near the freedom and awareness that the real 2020 has brought us. When I say “freedom and awareness” what I am talking about is You. The thing is … when things are “easy” we tend to ignore ourselves. We tend to ignore our subconscious tendencies. We would be thinking about vacations, sports teams, social gatherings, movies and such. And these things typically do not bring about (deep) change. If we are…
What did You get out of 2020? There are always gifts woven within the struggles First things first … Happy New Year!!! 2020 did provide bountiful harvests … for those who had the courage to do the work. What if … 2020 was just like 2019? Would that have been “better?” We would not be on the trajectory of change that we are on now. We would be quite a bit more unconscious. Our trajectory would not have anywhere near the freedom and awareness that the real 2020 has brought us. When I say “freedom and awareness” what I am talking about is You. The thing is … when things are “easy” we tend to ignore ourselves. We tend to ignore our subconscious tendencies. We would be thinking about vacations, sports teams, social gatherings, movies and such. And these things typically do not bring about (deep) change. If we are…
Your Body Is Your Karmic Canvas How DO You Feel? Can you feel it? Feelings. How we feel. This is the time. Right now. How do you feel right now? This ever-present Now is the only time you will feel anything. Including heaven or hell. Our feelings are a real-time guidance system. How we feel has a message for us. On the shadow-side of life, our feelings can hold pain. All of the shadow emotions are a reflection of the shadow side of being human. Depression. Grief. Sorrow. Deceit. Betrayal. Shame. Guilt … You get the idea. So-called “Negative” feelings are a sign we have disconnected with our truth. I say “so-called” because, as Rumi has said, “Both Light and Shadow … are the Dance of Love.” What … What? Love cannot be the source of pain. All of those negative emotions can’t be from Love … Can they? Well,…