The “Value” of the Human Persona? Sell me this “pen.” Does it feel like you are living in a circus of sorts? Like there is a tug-of-war going on? So many people want control of the collective’s narrative. Not only the control of the collective, but that ultimately means you too. People want a “piece of you.” Could it be because you are the (Divine) Creator incarnate? If what you put your attention on … expands, then what I can get you to put your attention on … would expand too. What I get you to put your attention on (I am playing the role of the villain in this example) is more likely to be part of our future. In other words, mass communications become a virtual “mass consciousness” of creation. Oftentimes without the participants realizing it. “YOUR WORD IS YOUR WAND. THE WORDS YOU SPEAK CREATE YOUR OWN DESTINY.” ~ Florence Scovel…
Your Divine Human Blueprint What shall You become? In a way, we are a long way from “home.” But it isn’t that we are gone. We chose, as Souls, to “go for a trip.” And what a long strange trip it has been. As I prepared for this week’s podcast, I recognized an aspect of the evolution of our consciousness. We have collectively been “living” with our awareness on the physical world. And that has served us very well. But I think there is a possible snag. I say snag, because we are never stuck. What I mean by snag could also be said as a karmic detour. If we, as a collective, keep our attention and our sciences on the physical world, we will miss, perhaps, the Divine idea of BEing an evolved human being. The Divine has you all set for quite the evolutionary journey. You already have…
Wishing for the Way Things Were? Wishing on a memory Where did the “normal” go? We had a “normal” way back in 2019. Wishing that things become the way they were can be counterproductive. During the podcast Wednesday night, we discussed the different ways our Soul can “get our attention.” Often resorting to the proverbial cosmic two-by-four. When our Soul wants change in our life, it might serve us to follow our Soul’s inspiration so our Soul doesn’t have to resort to more drastic measures to get our attention. Often we can cling to a “comfort zone” of sorts. Where we don’t really want change. Where our ego would prefer more of the same. Perhaps it was a relationship that was fantastic. Or perhaps we had the job where we had the best boss ever. It is never off the table. That is to say, the universe can bring us something…
The Elegance of Karma Karma will always resolve itself There is an elegance to karma that comes from its most beautiful “design.” Not sure just how it came about, but I am in awe of its most beautiful construct. So let’s play around a bit and see if we can see the more subtle effects of karma. Your ego, the one reading this sentence, has no consciousness of its own. None. It is powered by the consciousness of your Soul. If your Soul were to “disconnect” from your ego, your ego would cease to operate at all. It has nothing, of its own, to sustain itself. “Evil” is dependent on the consciousness of the ego. And thus, it has no consciousness of its own either. It is the ego that gets us “off in the weeds.” In other words, evil personas are “running on” consciousness. Evil has no source of…
What would make You feel “Better”? Is there a feeling you are looking for? There is a bit of a back and forth. Once we get (more) focused on what we want. As part of the “awakening” process, you start paying more attention to your thoughts and feelings. You start to discern what you prefer, and what you don’t prefer. You start to “mind.” You start to pay attention to how you feel, doing those things that, perhaps, you have always done. To discover our subconscious habits that we have instilled in ourselves, we need to stretch ourselves. If we always avoid bad feelings, we are actually accumulating the karmic energy behind them. If we don’t ever get to the point of actually feeling them, they are taking more of a proverbial hold on us. It isn’t like we have to feel our bad feeling all the time, like it…
From Light into Shadow. From Shadow into Light. Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love. ~ Rumi There is a real elegance to karma. It is a beautiful design. WTF! Les, there is so much suffering on this planet. Karma sucks. What if, in an imaginary world, you spent your entire life in an incubator of sorts. It was a very nice incubator, with all the latest delights. But the incubator made sure it was always 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21º Celsius). What if the temperature never changed? And then I asked you … what does cold feel like? Huh? What is “cold?” Source Consciousness (God), it seems, is in an eternal quest to know more about itself. It seems that everything in nature is in a cycle of sorts. Day/Night. Summer/Winter. Fast/Slow. Light/Dark. Birth/Death. Within the journey of a Soul, there is a cycle of sorts as well.…
The Hand in the Glove Get a Grip When we look at the journey of the Soul, we can see some aspects of the journey that can help us get our bearings. Get a clearer understanding of “where we are going.” You might say we start the journey out as Soul. Living by the wisdom of our Soul, in the sense that the ego doesn’t have much say or sway in our psyche. You might say that the journey into the shadow or darkness, is the shifting of our Soul consciousness, into our ego. In other words, if you were to keep track of all your thoughts, day by day, what percent would you say is coming from your ego? And what percentage is coming from your Soul? Perhaps the journey into the shadow, is the journey into our egos. The ego, by design, was not intended to be the…
Let’s do the Time Warp (again) It’s Just a Jump to the Left … There is a curious thing about a hologram. There is no where to go. And there is no when to go. Well, kind of. Sure, you are “where you are.” When we think of our spiritual “journey,” we are going … going to the promised land. To the Big E (Enlightenment). To Heaven. To Nirvana. Get out the map. In the quantum realm, there is no time. There is no (other) place. It is a singularity of sorts. Your consciousness now, is a single step away from any where else. From any when else. In other words … there is no “place” or “time” to go. Sort of. Sure, you are “here” now. A bit of mental aerobics, really. But the point is, you can tap, or access, all the other points in the hologram from…
Where is Your path to Nirvana? Follow the Yellow Brick Road A nuclear ka-boom. Where is your path to the promised land? Where will you find what you are looking for? Where will you be when you “get there?” We all have a “normal” of sorts. Even if it is uncomfortable. Perhaps, within our own normal, we have chronic pain. Or an emotional tempest within us. But if you wipe off the descriptions of what your normal feels like … there is a baseline of sorts. A “density” of sorts. A “viscosity” of sorts. But what about the ka-boom? There is so much power in the nuclear arena. A softball size of nuclear material has a tremendous amount of energy or power. So, imagine with me a bit. When that power is released, it e-x-p-a-n-d-s very rapidly. And then eventually normalizes itself. So, let’s reverse that process. Let’s take a…
Who do You think You are? There is no measuring stick We live in a world of symbols and definitions. What is that? That is a table. “Table” is a string of common symbols that have nothing to do with the actual table. Well, except if you use that particular string of common symbols, well then, we know what you are talking about. Who are You? The “who” that would have answered this question, didn’t exist the day you were born. In other words, the “who” that would have answered this question is your ego. Yet, the day you were born, you didn’t have an ego (to speak of). Think of your ego when you were, perhaps, 10 years old. Who were you “then?” Fast forward a decade or so, and who were you then? Probably quite different answers. Yet, here “You” are. Fast forward, from this day, perhaps a…
Your Karma isn’t personal. Don’t take it that way. Who are your teachers today? My boss was a malicious, and perhaps even evil, man. And he was my angel. He was, perhaps, one of my most important soul contracts in this lifetime. He put me on a shrink’s couch. He cracked me open. It wasn’t what he did TO me, as much as it was what he stirred up within me. I had a lot of anger in my subconscious. And I had no idea that it was there. None. He would stir that up, my anger, and I would go home every day feeling “upset.” Well, what was “upset?” It was my anger. My anger, had it not been upset over and over again, might have slowly pinched the life out of me. My body was shutting down. I had digestive tract issues for over a decade. And I…