


What do You Value? It is a choice. Oftentimes, it might seem like our values are some kind of static thing. That shouldn’t be tampered with. I mean, values are important. Right? But yet, we all have different values. Sometimes completely different values. So, which ones are “right?” And thus, which ones are “wrong”? Is there a fundamental measuring stick that we can use, and know if we are in the right? Going back to where we get our values, we could look at our family of origin. The programming of our egos, if you will. If your were born on a farm, your family values might be … to be reliable. To have a strong work ethic. To be responsible. It wouldn’t work too well if you decided you didn’t want to water the crops or feed the livestock. Those values would be fundamental to the success of the…

I do Mind. I don’t Mind. Who is running the show? So, let me ask you a simple question. What percentage of your thoughts, that you have today, what percentage is being made by your conscious mind? And, likewise, what percentage is being made by your subconscious mind? What is that ratio? 50/50? 10/90? 90/10? Another question. If you were to look at your conscious thoughts, the ones you are consciously making, how similar are the conscious thoughts you are making today, to the conscious thoughts you made yesterday? In other words, how similar are your conscious thoughts, day to day? Another question. Is this too many questions? ;- ) The curious thing about our thoughts, both conscious and subconscious, is that they fall into quite distinct patterns. These somewhat linear troughs or ruts of sorts. These patterned paths that we “follow” day in and day out. This is what…

By Becoming Empty, You Become Full The re-integration of your Soul There is an emptiness, a purity you might say, regarding the language of the burning bush. “I Am That I Am.” No posturing. No real “information.” No stance. No thing. When we look to make progress on our spiritual journey, we can search out information. Books, podcasts, lectures, etc. That is just fine. But within the last mile of our spiritual journey, there is a purging of … really everything. It is not that information does not have its value, but rather, the information itself creates a belief. It is done unto us as we believe. It is easy to see the vast collage of beliefs that people are owning. And yet, across those vast belief systems, is a great diversity. There is so much going on in the news these days. With each side stating their belief system(s),…

Moving through Your Karma Karma, like gravity, is impersonal Karma is a curious thing. If we were to try to pin down just what karma is, we might take a look at the mind/ego, and its relationship with emotions. Certainly this is not the totality of how we experience karma, but I would say this is the lion’s share. So many people go through their life and never consider what they are doing, karmically. We can take on habits, often at a very early age, that sets us up for accumulating more and more karma as we go through our life. Patterns that we often pick up from our parents. For myself, I had a very strong habit of avoiding the emotion of anger. So I would subconsciously avoid it at all cost. I believe my health would be considerably worse had I not connected with my subconscious anger, and…

The Cadence of Your Karma Where there is motion, there is change Ka ka karma … it starts with … consciousness. Your consciousness. So how are you doing? How do you feel about your life? You situation(s)? Your karma? There is a momentum of sorts, embedded in the effect that karma has on our psyche. Where we are each having our own personal experience of karma. The mechanism or physics of karma is impersonal. Indifferent. Karma, like gravity, doesn’t really care how you experience it. But karma has a realm, or spectrum, of possibilities. Possibilities of what you might experience, as far as your own personal experience of karma. In other words, you could look laterally at other people, who are experiencing a quite different karma. Where their life, as a karmic experience, is very different from yours. When we first bump up against our karma, in a conscious way,…

What You FOCUS On Your Word is Your Wand You are voting in every moment. You “vote” based on what you put your attention on. The process of creation is happening in every moment. You are always in the “creator” role. The clearer you are about what you want to create, the more power you have. Vague intentions create vague results. There is an understanding, as far as “hijacking” human consciousness, that says if you can get the masses to believe it, it will surely be. Perhaps it is clearer to you, over the past few years, how there is a specific effort to control the collective narrative. So many folks are peddling their narrative, and want it to be taken on as THE narrative of the masses. And to have the opposite narratives discounted or even banned. The desire to be able to label a viewpoint as “dis-information” and…

God will not fix your problems Not without You God is so very powerful. Right? And God has unconditional Love for us. Yet we can pray for God to help us and it seems like nothing is really happening. How many times, as a child, did you pray to God for that bicycle for your birthday? Only to not get it. Do you think, as a child, you lost faith in God? Did you think, as a child, that God really didn’t love you? Do you think, as you were growing up, that you ever got angry at God? Come on God, I have prayed and prayed, and you just don’t listen. Would you take a child out of kindergarten and give them a Ph.D? Would you take a pre-med student and have them perform brain surgery? It is the journey, and the things we learn along the way, that…

Good Emotions Bad Emotions How do You feel? So where are you? Where are you on the emotional scale? Emotional scale? What is the emotional scale? When we bump up against “reality,” we get a reflection of sorts. An emotional radar, you might say. We project our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes up against the “reality” before us and what comes back is our “emotional” echo. It is those thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that decide where we are on this metaphorical emotional scale. Life isn’t fair. It’s not my fault. They won’t let me. I can’t. These types of thoughts and beliefs are anchored in a victim mentality. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford We are all experiencing a form of karmic momentum. A karmic collage of experiences. We build up our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes as we go through our life. The…

What is it going to be? It is done unto You as You believe There is a curious thing … about our egos. In our society, the ego can easily “move in” and consume all of our day-to-day consciousness. Life in the fast brain. Think Think Think. But there is another realm of our persona. It wasn’t obvious to me for many years. Decades, really. But there is another aspect of who we are that has an idea of what our life might be. A vision of our life, that was put in place before we were even born. One of the things I think is lacking in this world of ours is a persona that is living just the opposite. In other words, instead of living our lives from our ego alone, living our lives from the perspective of our hearts. Sure, there are folks that do live with…

Where is Your Sense of Self? Who do you think you are? So let’s mangle “reality” a bit. Shall we? So, if we asked one thousand people to answer a few questions … Say like, is the world safe or is it dangerous? Is life happening to you, or can you change anything about your life? Is Love easy or hard? Does God hold my salvation? The questions, per se, are not the information we are looking for. But rather, the answers. As we would, metaphorically, read through the results, we could soon see that there are thousands of different viewpoints, attitudes and beliefs, all being experiences … by an ego. One by one. Each “reality” unique yet very “real.” So, how about your ego? Let’s take a jump back, to the day you were born. Just a newborn little baby. Ohhh my … nice butt! On this “birth”day ……

You can’t exhaust the (quantum) mirror Every reflection has the same merit How do you “burden” a mirror? I mean, really, it just reflects other things. No matter how big. Any image a mirror reflects, has the same “merit” as any other image. I have been using the metaphor of a mirror a lot lately. It fits so well. It fits the nature of how we create our “reality.” Is the world “safe” or “dangerous?” Your belief, an internal attribute, will decide this for you. It is done unto you as you believe. Our beliefs are an inside job. And yet, they “decide” how we experience the world outside of us. The world outside of us is a reflection of (the inside of) us. Are you karma’s b*tch? Is karma happening to you? Or is your karma a reflection of you? Is karma an inside job? One of the, perhaps,…