


The Polarity of Desire What do You REALLY want? There is a notion of faith that I really like. And that is the notion of … No thought contrary. No thought contrary to what is desired. When we HAVE faith, we have a thought or desire that we want to manifest. And there is no other thought (energy) contrary to what we want. And the faith, no thought (energy) contrary, stipulates that it will happen. We have absolute faith that it will come to be. The trick of this is the relationship between our conscious thoughts (energy) and our sub-conscious thoughts (energy). If, indeed, our thoughts are energy … and you take in the notion of the quantum field as being a mirror of our self … then IF our desire is the ONLY thought there is … the mirror would reflect just that. The only energy present. The subconscious…

I Am … This. I Am … That. It is done unto you as You believe. We all do it. We all have described our lives to others with such statements of … I Am. I am happy. I am sad. I am rich. I am broke. I am mad. I am glad… When it comes to the unraveling of our past, it would serve us well to watch our language. Very carefully. We can think that who is talking, with this internal dialogue, is our ego. But it is … and it isn’t … just our egos talking. We have talked about the holographic nature of consciousness. We have talked about past-life regression. And the notion of talking with the future. All of it. All of what we talk about is Divine consciousness itself. Every point of presence, is Divine consciousness expressing. It is actually God/Goddess talking. There is…

Pull Over and Let Your Soul Drive Your Ego wants off the hook… Happy Happy Joy Joy What is awaiting your surrender? What would your life look like, if your Soul had total say in what would happen next? Our ego was never designed to navigate life. Our ego is a symbol-processor. It quantifies and assigns value to all the symbols that come streaming into our every-moment consciousness. Your Soul already knows about next week and next month. Your Soul can look ahead, seeing the future clearly. Able to line up synchronistic opportunities for you. Able to know WHEN the time is right for every action. And able to know when our ego tends to do things “just to get them done.” Timing is everything. Everything in its own Divine Time. When you cleanse and purify your own personal energy persona, you allow the embodiment of your Soul. When that…

New Chapter, New Game We are entering a whole new paradigm There were so many centuries of the old-school living. The 3D world of our past. But now we are entering a whole new paradigm, in so many ways. There is a whole new “set of rules” to live your life by. Not rules in shoulds and shouldn’ts. But rather, new ways in which we experience the world around us. We all have an Akashic record. We all have a lineage of sorts. Kind of like a genetic history of our past. But it is really even more than that. There is an etheric history of us. Personally. We all have a history of our past. And even our future history. What we knew, or will know. There are lifetimes where our bodies knew how to repair anything “wrong” with us. There are lifetimes when we had overcome every single…

By their words will you know them There is a scale, of sorts, that maps the levels of consciousness. With one end being Love, with a capital L. A place of immense (Divine) power. And at the other end would be some flavor of hell. On the edge of life itself. A place of powerlessness. And then, in between those two, are all the possible karmic paradigms of humanity. Although this scale is rather abstract, it does have an immense value in understanding where you are in the scheme of our human story. You can think of your life journey as traversing the scale of human consciousness. Either up or down. At some point in our lifetimes on earth we had to be going down, to create such a dark karmic storyline for humanity. We had to have had many lifetimes of suffering, pain and sorrow. And now we are…