


To walk out of the Karmic Storms Your subconscious decides how much your environment influences you We posture with reality. At least until we come to terms with it. In other words, our karma has us posturing with reality based on our subconscious programming. Based on our unresolved karmic stigmas. There is a curious thing that happens. Perhaps not in every situation. But certainly for myself. We get cracked open, by some major event in our lives. And that starts an unraveling of sorts. You might call it an inward dive into our own psyche. For myself, once I got cracked open, I started a whole new journey in my life. And thus a whole new outcome for my life. We have all felt a collective experience. Say, for example, 9/11. The whole world witnessed that event. Do you remember how you felt that day? Do you remember how the…

To Divide and to Unite The flow of life Imagine the first steps out of Heaven. Or perhaps the first moments of the birth of your Soul. Haven’t been incarnate yet. Haven’t felt any emotions to speak of. Where you haven’t formed any opinions or preferences. Where you are very similar to Source Consciousness itself. Then you plunge into duality. You plunge into separation. You take the deep dive into karma. Fast forward many, many lifetimes, and like now, you find you are living on a planet with massive separation. Or perhaps the perception of massive separation. Divided and divided again until there are literally thousands of issues and opinions of what is “true.” How do I get “back” to Heaven? It is a common trait to label evil as … well …evil. Evil is bad. Evil is of the Devil. OK, sure. You did decide to experience free will.…

You can’t do it wrong. You can’t do it All. You are a timeless Soul having a Human experience. Are you deserving of all that you can imagine for yourself? Are you worthy? Or did you do something in your past that makes you unqualified? God knows the answer. Does your ego? If we were to disqualify ourselves any time we “messed up,” nobody but nobody would make it out unscathed. Lucky for us we get to make mistakes. It is part of our Soul’s journey. But Les, if you really knew what I have done … well … OK, let’s list some of the top seemingly unforgivable things that might get in our way. So, say you were Hitler. Just for some perspective. Under your directive, you massacred millions. Does God hate you now? Nope. How about Ivan the Terrible? God just has to hate HIM! Nope. Wait ……

What have You voted for? It’s all up to you We are in a gigantic election of sorts. No, not the political kind. At least not here in the United States just yet. But the BIG election I am talking of is an everyday type of thing. We cast our votes, metaphorically, by what we put our attention on. Your attention is a very valuable asset. There is a multi-billion-dollar industry, actually several industries, that want your vote (attention). The mainstream media wants your attention. The movie industry wants your attention. Every industry that runs commercials on the various media outlets wants your attention too. I am sure there are others if we put our attention on it. ;- ) When we talk about attention, there are two prominent types of attention. Our conscious attention and our subconscious attention. It is well-known in some marketing circles, that the latter type…

What would You prefer? Draw your measure. Claim your good. What do you want more of? What do you want to feel? What do you want to experience? What would you prefer? What? The End … if you could get clear about that, you would move towards that. Clarity is a decider of sorts. The more we can get clear about what we would prefer, the more we are focusing our consciousness on what we want. It is not that we are putting judgment on the opposite, but rather, shifting our attention to what we want. Well, maybe we are putting judgment on what we don’t want. You don’t want that!  ;- ) I was noodling the idea of posturing, several decades back. I was the Chief Engineer at a TV station. And I was also studying the idea of karma. There is the notion of posturing as an arena…

Forgiveness … giving up all hope for a better past Set yourself free We could call this the self-love blog. Forgiveness is a powerful tool to restore your ability to love yourself. But let’s start with those people in our lives that we haven’t forgiven. Perhaps there are several. Are there people in your past that you feel may have taken malice out on you? Perhaps it was your parents? Or perhaps you are very angry toward someone who has unexpectedly left you? Ether personally, or perhaps they passed away without saying goodbye? Perhaps they left you holding the bag? Or perhaps your lover cheated on you? Or you cheated on your spouse? Or … or … or … For myself, I have had to forgive several people in my life. Well, I didn’t have to forgive them. But in truth, it would just be a matter of time before I got…

Stand Solid through the Chaos Weathering the storm These times … they are a changing. ~ Unknown One of the more common ways we lose our way, is when we take in information and then base our life on this information. I know we are constantly bombarded with information. But when we take it in, and make it our own, that is when we put our power behind it. Whatever it is. You cannot lose your power “somewhere else.” In other words, when we lose our power, it doesn’t “leave” us. It gets fragmented within us. You are always in 100 percent control over your power. It is never anything “out there” that is holding your power. It might not seem to us that we are always holding our power. This is due to our soul’s decision to fragment ourselves into seemingly less powerful archetypes. In order to live out…

Where is Your path to Nirvana? Follow the Yellow Brick Road A nuclear ka-boom. Where is your path to the promised land? Where will you find what you are looking for? Where will you be when you “get there?” We all have a “normal” of sorts. Even if it is uncomfortable. Perhaps, within our own normal, we have chronic pain. Or an emotional tempest within us. But if you wipe off the descriptions of what your normal feels like … there is a baseline of sorts. A “density” of sorts. A “viscosity” of sorts. But what about the ka-boom? There is so much power in the nuclear arena. A softball size of nuclear material has a tremendous amount of energy or power. So, imagine with me a bit. When that power is released, it e-x-p-a-n-d-s very rapidly. And then eventually normalizes itself. So, let’s reverse that process. Let’s take a…

The Re-constitution of Your Soul RE-uniting all that has been separated In the beginning, of your Soul, there was no separation. No fragmentation. But there was no experience either. We, as Souls, incarnate for the Human experience. In the inevitable existence as a human, we come across experiences that start to fragment our consciousness. Perhaps a clear example is the before/after of a war veteran. PTSD is a clear example of the fragmentation of a Soul. I use this extreme example, for its clarity. But we can become fragmented in our everyday lives as well. If we enter into judgment about people who are doing things we just don’t like … or even hate … we create a posture. Karma is created when we posture with what is. But Les, there are very evil people in the world. Yes, indeed. There is the ugliest of uglies on this planet. Yes,…