How Dare You? Who do you think you are? Somebody is getting too big for their britches. You do not realize just how bad what you are doing is. Come on. Stop it now. We all know what you are doing is wrong. So once again, tell me why you keep doing it. Your Soul can dream in unimaginable realms. Are you going to be available, to walk in step with your soul, as the big dreams fulfill? Or is the first barking dog going to shut you down? You have a savior. Well, several excellent saviors. The wisdom is available. Follow Jesus. Follow Buddha. Follow whomever you wish, or follow your own heart and soul. That’s the one I’m down for. That’s the wake I suggest. So, take a bold test. What is the biggest dream you can imagine for yourself? Now double it. And again. Repeat. That is…
Life in the Fast Brain What is the role of the ego? There are many, many spiritual gurus that think the ego is to be reduced or shrunk to be as small as possible. Some even use the term to kill the ego. But something doesn’t add up with that stance. Sure, indeed, the ego can be the source of so much suffering. The ego can be a significant contributor to our karmic dysfunction. The undisciplined ego is indeed something we would want to heal and teach, if we are wanting to fulfill our true Divine potentials. But riddle me this. If indeed the ego “runs” on the framework of our mind, and we are only using 10% of our mind, then as we activate more and more of our mind, or mental horsepower, then the “engine” our ego is running on becomes much more powerful. Based on the idea…
Putting Yourself Back Together Have you ever been wiped out? For so many people, these have been some pretty hard times. How do you put yourself back together? I recently had to go through this. Well, I chose to go through this. As you know, scrubbing my psyche is a priority in my life. And over the Christmas week, I hit pay dirt. Or perhaps, pay pain. There were events buried in my psyche that were very painful. As my intention is to clear out those heavy substantial events, I bumped up against a doozie. There was so much pain, buried so deep within me, that when I released it, it felt like I was chained flat to the ground, and a slow-moving river of molten lava slowly engulfed me. I have heard others personally relate to this description. Having similar events within their lives too. If you are feeling…
The Metrics of a Mirror Changing the image in a mirror There is a fluke to trying to change the reflection of a mirror, by focusing on the mirror. In other words, reaching towards the mirror, to change the image it is showing you, won’t actually change where the image is really coming from. If you hair is messy in the mirror, comb your hair. If the world outside of you is holding karmic stigmas for you, change your personal energy persona. Your “reality” is your reflection. Although this seems simple, it can take a bit of trial and error to get the knack of it. Everything you are observing in your life exists as an energetic component of your personal energy persona. To change your life experience, change the INNer chi, your inner energy, and see if you notice a difference in your external experience. The mirror won’t change…
The Natural Cycles of Life … inhale … exhale … repeat Nature is never finished. You are that nature expressing (it/your)self. We are seeing the “first light.” That first glimpse of the New Human. For eons of time, humanity has been in a very repetitive cycle of sorts. Here on Planet Earth, humanity has loaded up its psyche with so much karmic imprinting. This karmic momentum has kept us in very small narratives. The tendency is that the more karma you have, the narrower your narrative. In a sense, our egos really like this. In the sense that everything is much more predictable, and therefore, “safer.” The unknown is just too big of a risk. The Divine Feminine IS the unknown. The undefined. The Divine Masculine is the known, the physical, the well-defined. We have lived within a gigantic ego overdose, you might say. Or perhaps, a testosterone overdose. And now the pendulum swings the…
Forgiveness … giving up all hope for a better past Set yourself free We could call this the self-love blog. Forgiveness is a powerful tool to restore your ability to love yourself. But let’s start with those people in our lives that we haven’t forgiven. Perhaps there are several. Are there people in your past that you feel may have taken malice out on you? Perhaps it was your parents? Or perhaps you are very angry toward someone who has unexpectedly left you? Ether personally, or perhaps they passed away without saying goodbye? Perhaps they left you holding the bag? Or perhaps your lover cheated on you? Or you cheated on your spouse? Or … or … or … For myself, I have had to forgive several people in my life. Well, I didn’t have to forgive them. But in truth, it would just be a matter of time before I got…
Resolving Your Past to Own Your Future It’s all in your hands There is a shift that happens within ourselves, when we choose to evolve. As we intend to grow ourselves spiritually. For many of us, the spiritual path wasn’t always in our life. For some, perhaps it was. But for many of us, we “found” our own innate desire to grow ourselves spiritually. If you were to look over your life, you might notice key events, moments or people, who would end up significantly changing your life’s direction. Some for the “better” and some for the “worse.” It is said that as we evolve our consciousness, we gradually take more and more responsibility for our life. Where we might have “blamed” the past for the reason we are where we are. For myself, I certainly had some very challenging situations in my life. One of these events, that ultimately…
Our Emotional Struggles are really a Mental problem Our Emotions, themselves, are an impersonal thing One of the things that makes change more of a challenge, can be our emotions. We can get into a stuck repetitive cycle with our emotions. But the emotions themselves are a very natural and indifferent phenomenon. You could think of getting stuck in emotional re-actions, like yelling the same phrase into “echo canyon,” expecting to hear something different. When we find a particular emotion getting stirred up, over and over again, we can think that it is the emotions themselves that are creating the problem. But our emotions are a natural response to our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes bumping up against “reality.” A response is caused by something. When there is a response, it is a result of something else. Just like the echo itself is like a response of the “echo canyon,”…
What would make You feel “Better”? Is there a feeling you are looking for? There is a bit of a back and forth. Once we get (more) focused on what we want. As part of the “awakening” process, you start paying more attention to your thoughts and feelings. You start to discern what you prefer, and what you don’t prefer. You start to “mind.” You start to pay attention to how you feel, doing those things that, perhaps, you have always done. To discover our subconscious habits that we have instilled in ourselves, we need to stretch ourselves. If we always avoid bad feelings, we are actually accumulating the karmic energy behind them. If we don’t ever get to the point of actually feeling them, they are taking more of a proverbial hold on us. It isn’t like we have to feel our bad feeling all the time, like it…
From Light into Shadow. From Shadow into Light. Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love. ~ Rumi There is a real elegance to karma. It is a beautiful design. WTF! Les, there is so much suffering on this planet. Karma sucks. What if, in an imaginary world, you spent your entire life in an incubator of sorts. It was a very nice incubator, with all the latest delights. But the incubator made sure it was always 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21º Celsius). What if the temperature never changed? And then I asked you … what does cold feel like? Huh? What is “cold?” Source Consciousness (God), it seems, is in an eternal quest to know more about itself. It seems that everything in nature is in a cycle of sorts. Day/Night. Summer/Winter. Fast/Slow. Light/Dark. Birth/Death. Within the journey of a Soul, there is a cycle of sorts as well.…
Your Emotions evolve as You evolve There IS a promised land So … do you ever feel stuck? Kind of like … is this all there is? There is a thing about karma … a quagmire of sorts. As we, as timeless souls, load up our psyches with karma … everything slows down. You might even think of it kind of like temperature and water. Niagara Falls is a pretty impressive sight. So many tons of water, crashing on the rocks. But there are photographs of Niagara Falls frozen solid. An immense amount of power … frozen. Held “captive” by the cold temperature. That is kind of like our karma. Zap! Poof! Zang! Ka-Powee! When we completely cleanse our karma, out of our timeless persona, we will manifest in the moment. Jesus could manifest things out of thin air, in the moment. A very powerful persona. And he promised that…