You cannot exhaust it. Go ahead and try. I’ll watch. You cannot exhaust Your potential. Has your relationship gone flat? Feeling uninspired? Bored? Tired of the chaos? … which “relationship(s)” came to mind, when I didn’t put a context to the question? Was it with your spouse? Or perhaps your kids? Or maybe work has been difficult lately? But what about your relationship with … You? How similar will today be, compared to yesterday? Or, perhaps, compared to yesterday, and the day before. What I am getting at, is that we can easily fall into a norm. And one norm, after another, can make for a very unfulfilled life. You have an infinite well of inspiration at your disposal … if you actually choose to tap into it. Nature, by its very nature, is never “done.” It is always there with another variation. Another new creation. You are that very…
Your SuperHero Cape in the Closet The evolution of who you are The curious thing about our spiritual evolution is that is it a returning of sorts. We were once there and now we are on our way back. In other words, we came from being enlightened, into the darkness, or shadow. And now we are on the return. The return to our truth. A return to our enlightenment. It is not that we are not enlightened now, because we are. We are always enlightened. We are always connected to our truth. You might not feel that enlightenment within you now. But it is there. Like a superhero cape tucked in the back of your closet. I find it very curious that Western science tells us that we are only using 10 percent of our brains. And they also tell us that 90 percent of our DNA is junk. As if…
Don’t run with scissors … throw them … overhand Life is a daring adventure There is an inherent part of consciousness that wants to express. Over and over. Just look at nature. Never really done creating new expressions. The many types of flowers and their beautiful blossoms. Or all the creatures in the seas. Then there is … you. As an aspect of nature, you have an inherent part of you that wants to express … more. Sometimes we don’t really feel very fulfilled. We can get into a bit of a rut. Certainly, the last couple of years has had many people kind of stop their normal life and go into a holding pattern. There is so much change going on in the world outside of you. But there is a part of you, on the inside, that is not worried. The truth of you cannot be touched by…
A Timeless Soul … personified Who do you think you are? What if every time you crashed your car, you got a brand new one? It’s not that I am suggesting you crash … anything. But… There is nothing on this earth that can harm your essence. Ever. You are safe. You are safe. You are safe. But, we don’t identify as our Soul so much. Sure, our ego can die, with our body. But our essence is always safe. The point of this is … how safe are you going to play out your life? I totally get having a fear of death. And a healthy awareness of keeping your “human” (you) safe from harm is a good thing. But, you are living in the most transformational era of, perhaps, all of time. You (your soul) saw this coming and chose to incarnate. To be here now. It was seen as…
The Pinch of the Collective Where does Your Divinity live? There is a rather BIG shift going on. An awakening of sorts. And within that shift, there is you. You. The collective narrative is unraveling itself. It is experiencing a bit of a collapse. And this is a very good thing. The many different prophecies have proclaimed a Golden Era. A Dawn of a New Beginning for humanity. We are evolving out of the herd mentality. Out of the narrative of our own history. The notion of the Castle on the Hill (where the King and Queen live). The notion of royalty. Of agencies and institutions that “decide” the direction of humanity. Where, perhaps, there was a pyramid of sorts. The rulers at the top, and the masses at the bottom. Although this style of modeling our culture around a few, that dictates the choices of us all, has been…
When Love has You Love loves You Love is a very powerful thing. I have noticed, over the years, that if I talk/write about Love, people tend to disconnect. And yet here we are. Love is a most curious thing, really. When people fall in Love, it is something to behold. And yet, so many people don’t even want to bother (to look for Love again). Cue Love. And Love comes rushing in. Love is really a very fascinating “thing.” I would say Love is very multi-dimensional. Love is every where and every when. Often we think about Love as a personal relationship. Parents loving their children. Lovers loving up on each other. Pets loving up on their owners. Angels loving up on us. And then there is God/Goddess … the BIG Love. But I suggest you throw all of that out the window. And look again with virgin eyes.…
Your Emotions evolve as You evolve There IS a promised land So … do you ever feel stuck? Kind of like … is this all there is? There is a thing about karma … a quagmire of sorts. As we, as timeless souls, load up our psyches with karma … everything slows down. You might even think of it kind of like temperature and water. Niagara Falls is a pretty impressive sight. So many tons of water, crashing on the rocks. But there are photographs of Niagara Falls frozen solid. An immense amount of power … frozen. Held “captive” by the cold temperature. That is kind of like our karma. Zap! Poof! Zang! Ka-Powee! When we completely cleanse our karma, out of our timeless persona, we will manifest in the moment. Jesus could manifest things out of thin air, in the moment. A very powerful persona. And he promised that…
Your Soul seeks growth. To grow. To evolve. Bend and Stretch For myself, I find it most curious that our egos have the final say in what we actually do. Well, at least for a while. There is a static effect when we live in our egos. Where our lives become static, or perhaps stagnant, and not dynamic. Our egos really want to know what is going to be the outcome of our decisions. Perhaps we have been burned before. Or, perhaps, our hearts have been broken. And we don’t want to feel THAT (ever) again. So we become very cautious with all of our decisions. Welcome to, perhaps, the most advanced karmic classroom in the galaxy. Planet Earth. If you can find the Light (of unconditional Love) at the core of your BEing, within this karmic tsunami, well, you just might be a badass angel. It can be challenging for sure. Very challenging.…
Riding the Escalator to Nirvana Everything you seek … is within you now There is a shift that happens. That can change everything about how you live your life. On one hand, we can live in our heads. Where our ego is driving the boat. This is an extremely common modality. I have certainly spent many years there. But there is another way to live. One that changes everything. And that is living from the inside out. Where you tune in to the inspiration of your heart and soul. There is a curious thing that happens. At first, it doesn’t seem like much. I feel that the reason it doesn’t really “satisfy” the ego so much, is that we are barely making ourselves available. Where our ego isn’t really fully committed to the inspirations. But rather, has an attitude of .. we could try it once. The vision of what our life could be, is but…
What ARE you looking for? … to get clear about what you REALLY want. What is it that you want? Do you feel like there is a “better” place/feeling/condition/relationship for you? There is such a busy world “out there.” So many things that compete for our attention. Our egos can get in a mode, where we are just looking for the better feeling … and soon. I notice it at the grocery store. When folks hurry over to the checkout station that just opened up. There is this underlying feeling that hurry is going to get us where we “really” want to be. You can see it in traffic too. Perhaps any time we are in a situation where we are waiting in some form of line. … take a break. Just stand down and relax. Take three long deep breaths … and relax. There is an ocean of peace…