Are you waiting for God to answer you?

Ring … Ring …

So you have said your prayers. Done!

Just waiting for God to answer them now.

tick … tock … tick … tock … (The passage of time)

Helloooo? Are you there God? I was pretty specific. Where are my answers?

Is God like a short order cook? Ask and it is given. Right? More time passes  … What the hell? God????

If God isn’t going to show up the way you might expect her to, then why are you praying? How does this “God” play his cards? Easy math says billions of prayers have been prayed. And yet, there is still considerable suffering on this planet. How does this “God” work? If we are not seeing the results of our prayers … perhaps someone isn’t keeping their side of the agreement. Seems a little fishy to me. ;- )

We came here for the human experience, yet we want to bypass the human solution and just have God take care of it. Have God take care of us. Have God take care of You.

Whatever your issues are, there is a path through them. Whatever you are praying to God about, there is a solution. But perhaps, just perhaps, we have given up on God. I mean, if our prayers go unanswered, did we eventually give up on God? Give up on God as a viable resource?

God, as a big-ass glowing deity, will not  descend from the heavens, reach over humanity’s metaphorical shoulder and turn the steering wheel towards heaven. That would negate our free will. It is through us, as us that God has an effect on humanity’s condition. God, indeed, is all-powerful. But God didn’t create the Planet Earth School of Karma just to wipe it away. It, perhaps, is like a baby learning to walk. You are not very good at walking for a very long time. It takes time to learn how to overcome the struggle of walking. So too, everything you are struggling with, will take time for you to learn what it has to teach you. Whatever the struggle/lesson there is to learn, it is who you become in the journey.

None of our saviors want to save us. Not really. They would much prefer we arise to the challenge(s). Where we are saving ourselves. Our linear minds cannot comprehend the vastness of who we really are. Yet our egos can have a feeling of hopelessness and despair. It is as we heal our relationship with our karma, that we start to (re)awaken our vast potentials. For most of humanity, the lion’s share of our personal karma is our mental and emotional karmic stigmas. Our emotions themselves are an impersonal karmic mechanism of being human. It is our minds that really decide what does or does not happen. To master our mind is to navigate the journey back to our Divinity. To heal our mind’s relationship with our emotions is a great place to start. And then there is Love. To heal our relationship with (self) Love is the final chapter to our awakening. Got Love?

Love You


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