Follow the Yellow Brick Road Where ARE you going? You have been born into many different lifetimes. You have learned many lessons. You have always come out intact. At least your Soul has. As you have been born many times, you have also died many times. And here you are. What are you afraid of? Are you living your life? There is a common “dis-ease” that happens here on Earth. Millions, if not billions, of people “suffer” from it. It is called “Ego Overdose.” Is your mind afraid of what might happen to you? Are you posturing with the world “outside” of you? Trying to navigate these precarious times? Buy some land in the middle of nowhere and dig a bunker. Get in it and hide. You will be “safe” there. That is … if “safety” means being karmically comatose. You would have been safer had you just not incarnated.…
Your Freedom is very Important to your “Salvation” Untether Your Potentials … So you are on your Spiritual Journey, eh? Where will that take you? Who will you be when you arrive? There is this “you” reading this now. And there is the “prize” you. The you whom you become after your spiritual journey. And what is the difference between those two (of you)? We accumulate karma over many lifetimes. It takes a long time to load up a human psyche. Sure, horrific events, such as fighting in a war, or being a victim of brutality, can load up a lot of karma in our psyche in a single lifetime. But overall, the human psyche can hold a lot of karma. And here we are. For myself, I have been scrubbing my psyche for 25+ years now. And I Love Love Love how my life keeps elevating itself. Even after…
God will not fix your problems Not without You God is so very powerful. Right? And God has unconditional Love for us. Yet we can pray for God to help us and it seems like nothing is really happening. How many times, as a child, did you pray to God for that bicycle for your birthday? Only to not get it. Do you think, as a child, you lost faith in God? Did you think, as a child, that God really didn’t love you? Do you think, as you were growing up, that you ever got angry at God? Come on God, I have prayed and prayed, and you just don’t listen. Would you take a child out of kindergarten and give them a Ph.D? Would you take a pre-med student and have them perform brain surgery? It is the journey, and the things we learn along the way, that…
What is it going to be? It is done unto You as You believe There is a curious thing … about our egos. In our society, the ego can easily “move in” and consume all of our day-to-day consciousness. Life in the fast brain. Think Think Think. But there is another realm of our persona. It wasn’t obvious to me for many years. Decades, really. But there is another aspect of who we are that has an idea of what our life might be. A vision of our life, that was put in place before we were even born. One of the things I think is lacking in this world of ours is a persona that is living just the opposite. In other words, instead of living our lives from our ego alone, living our lives from the perspective of our hearts. Sure, there are folks that do live with…
It gets easier … if you engage You always have free will I understand not everyone knows about snow skiing. But there is a bit of a dichotomy behind getting good at it. When you first put on the skis, you feel very clumsy. It is difficult to move around at all. And then add trying to go down even a small hill … the tendency is to lean back. Why would you lean forward when you feel like you have no control? Yet, that is when you gain control. The skiing becomes easier (eventually ;- ) once you learn to lean into it. Once you get the knack of it, you can easily ski wherever you want on the ski slope. The skis are designed in such a way that when you lean forward, that is when the ability to control where you are going gets much easier. But…
Pray to a BIG God Don’t hang with the lesser gods. I pray to a Big God, because I kneel in a Big Church. ~ Peter Gabriel With some simple math, it could be easily estimated that billions of prayers have been prayed, to the BIG Guy, to end the suffering on this planet. And no God shows up. No glowing Orb descends from the Heavens. No Deity waves a magic wand. No Savior(s) to save us. Well then … what the hell am I praying for, if there will be no “saving?” I guess you could climb the highest mountain, stick out your thumb, and hitch a ride from a passing UFO. There is a path to salvation. We have a regulator of sorts. We were not designed that way, but nonetheless, there is a regulator of sorts. When I say regulator, I mean something that regulates us. Or…
Don’t run with scissors … throw them … overhand Life is a daring adventure There is an inherent part of consciousness that wants to express. Over and over. Just look at nature. Never really done creating new expressions. The many types of flowers and their beautiful blossoms. Or all the creatures in the seas. Then there is … you. As an aspect of nature, you have an inherent part of you that wants to express … more. Sometimes we don’t really feel very fulfilled. We can get into a bit of a rut. Certainly, the last couple of years has had many people kind of stop their normal life and go into a holding pattern. There is so much change going on in the world outside of you. But there is a part of you, on the inside, that is not worried. The truth of you cannot be touched by…
A Timeless Soul … personified Who do you think you are? What if every time you crashed your car, you got a brand new one? It’s not that I am suggesting you crash … anything. But… There is nothing on this earth that can harm your essence. Ever. You are safe. You are safe. You are safe. But, we don’t identify as our Soul so much. Sure, our ego can die, with our body. But our essence is always safe. The point of this is … how safe are you going to play out your life? I totally get having a fear of death. And a healthy awareness of keeping your “human” (you) safe from harm is a good thing. But, you are living in the most transformational era of, perhaps, all of time. You (your soul) saw this coming and chose to incarnate. To be here now. It was seen as…
This too … shall pass Everything that has a beginning … has an end What a most curious time to be alive. The traditional Western ego is not compatible with the soul’s intention of life. In other words, there are many ways where we become stuck, as far as it relates to being able to manifest our full potential. Our ego was never intended to “run the show.” You might even say that a lot of the suffering on the planet is perhaps due to a huge case of “ego overdose.” There is a flow to life. A flow of consciousness. A flow to the mechanics of creation. If we were to look at a pie chart of how most of us use our consciousness, there would be two parts. How much of our consciousness is used by our egos, and how much of our consciousness is used to listen…