
free will


To meet your Soul where it is A non-linear aspect of You! There are no requirements. The idea of fierce free will is proven. Just look at how far into the “darkness” or “shadow” we have gone. Every manner of pain and suffering are playing out on this planet now. Our souls seem to allow it. Until they don’t. Have you ever had a life-changing event in your life? Where would you be now, if that same event had not happened? Sometimes our soul takes off the metaphorical gloves and rings our bell. In other words, there are countless N.D.E. (Near Death Experience) stories shared online. Or an accident or such has turned your life on its head. It’s not that our souls are uninterested in what we choose, but for the most part, it, the ego, is given carte blanche to think, choose, and act as it wishes. The…

Taking the Soul Perspective There are no mistakes Did you read the fine print? Before you chose to incarnate into this lifetime of yours, did you read the fine print? It can seem like a karmic tsunami gone bad. I mean, there is talk of another world war. There is so much suffering and division. And the karma, so you think, you can metaphorically cut with a knife. What went “wrong?” There is “no” wrong. The thing is, is that Source Consciousness/Prime Creator/God chose to create the realm of duality. To explore. To explore infinite potential. Infinite. Without end. We are never stuck. Not on the Divine scale of time. All things will resolve. All of creation will, eventually, return to Source. Our ego can easily become consumed by the vast amounts of information that we sort through as we go about our day. And the BS that we bump…

The Villain makes the Hero Had we never left heaven … Was it a mistake to leave Heaven? I mean, really? God, as Unconditional Love, is Heaven itself. In other words, many of us are on a spiritual journey to return to Heaven. But, why did we even leave Heaven in the first place? In the beginning was the Light. The Light of Heaven. The Light of Love. OK. Perfect. Stop right there. Heaven as the vast field of Unconditional Love sounds like, well, it sounds like Heaven to me. Heaven is what we metaphorically left. God, as Consciousness/Love, wanted to know more about its potentials. Wanted to know what it would feel like to have a dualistic experience. Wanted to know what it could be. And it entered duality. The beginning of creation itself. Fast forward billions and billions of years, and here we are. God Consciousness personified as…

Are you waiting for God to answer you? Ring … Ring … So you have said your prayers. Done! Just waiting for God to answer them now. tick … tock … tick … tock … (The passage of time) Helloooo? Are you there God? I was pretty specific. Where are my answers? Is God like a short order cook? Ask and it is given. Right? More time passes  … What the hell? God???? If God isn’t going to show up the way you might expect her to, then why are you praying? How does this “God” play his cards? Easy math says billions of prayers have been prayed. And yet, there is still considerable suffering on this planet. How does this “God” work? If we are not seeing the results of our prayers … perhaps someone isn’t keeping their side of the agreement. Seems a little fishy to me. ;-…

Leave Room to Grow You are never stuck There are no requirements. That is the thing about free will. But there are no limitations either. There is a flow of sorts. Inspiration(s) manifesting into form(s). We can settle into a normal or typical routine. Where one day is like the next. You might think of it as a corridor of preferences. Where the ego has a comfort zone. Where life is predictable and routine. If you were to build a house, you might start with a foundation. Something to build upon. There would literally be no place to put the walls or floor until the foundation was complete. A sequence of steps. The more I look at the difference between a Soul and an Ego, the more I see two very different realms of intents. The Soul is a timeless persona. Looking to expand its experiences and expressions. And the…

To Divide and to Unite The flow of life Imagine the first steps out of Heaven. Or perhaps the first moments of the birth of your Soul. Haven’t been incarnate yet. Haven’t felt any emotions to speak of. Where you haven’t formed any opinions or preferences. Where you are very similar to Source Consciousness itself. Then you plunge into duality. You plunge into separation. You take the deep dive into karma. Fast forward many, many lifetimes, and like now, you find you are living on a planet with massive separation. Or perhaps the perception of massive separation. Divided and divided again until there are literally thousands of issues and opinions of what is “true.” How do I get “back” to Heaven? It is a common trait to label evil as … well …evil. Evil is bad. Evil is of the Devil. OK, sure. You did decide to experience free will.…

It is important to do it right. Right? Who wants to be wrong? We want, I suppose, that we want to be “good” people. Right? I mean Bad is … well, Bad. If we are to evolve ourselves spiritually, it is important to do things right. Is that right? Who gets to decide what is the right right? Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love. So, in the beginning, there was Light. LIGHT. The only thing in existence is Light. (Technically it doesn’t “exist,” but that’s another story.) If the only thing that “exists” is Light, well, stop right there. Heaven itself. Ladies and gentlemen we have Heaven. Completely and totally Heaven. Perfect … right? Who the hell would want to leave “Heaven?” Well, God would, and did. Did God screw it all up? I mean HEAVEN damn it! Don’t mess with it if it is perfectly right?…

Your Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps you just don’t know. Not knowing all of the things you could choose. We tend to stop dreaming when we have difficulty manifesting what we would prefer. Karmic momentum has a way of shutting us down. Not forever, but long enough for us to become complacent with where we are. Complacent with our life condition. It is totally understandable. I mean, how many of us have had, perhaps, daily affirmations, and here we are months, years, or even decades later, with no significant changes towards the intent of our affirmations coming into fruition. Karma can sure be a bitch. It is not personal, mind you. Karma, that is. Your karma is made up of … well … You. Karma, as an energy,…

What You FOCUS On Your Word is Your Wand You are voting in every moment. You “vote” based on what you put your attention on. The process of creation is happening in every moment. You are always in the “creator” role. The clearer you are about what you want to create, the more power you have. Vague intentions create vague results. There is an understanding, as far as “hijacking” human consciousness, that says if you can get the masses to believe it, it will surely be. Perhaps it is clearer to you, over the past few years, how there is a specific effort to control the collective narrative. So many folks are peddling their narrative, and want it to be taken on as THE narrative of the masses. And to have the opposite narratives discounted or even banned. The desire to be able to label a viewpoint as “dis-information” and…

A Merit of One There is no difference The Burning Bush, perhaps, said it best. I AM that I AM. This ties in nicely with the notion of the Quantum Mirror. Every reflection has equal measure or importance. In other words, a mirror has no preference to any particular image or images. The reflection of the quantum mirror (reality) will be whatever it is shown. Our consciousness, as energy, determines our “reality.” The energy, or chi, of our consciousness is the energy that is reflected back to us, by the quantum mirror, as our own personal reality. The (quantum) mirror itself is indifferent. We have fierce free will to create. Without limits or boundaries from the principles of creation. God has no personal bias to our choices, and thus outcomes. I AM that I AM. Or as the Bhagavad Gita said it … As It Is. God, with a big…

What is it going to be? It is done unto You as You believe There is a curious thing … about our egos. In our society, the ego can easily “move in” and consume all of our day-to-day consciousness. Life in the fast brain. Think Think Think. But there is another realm of our persona. It wasn’t obvious to me for many years. Decades, really. But there is another aspect of who we are that has an idea of what our life might be. A vision of our life, that was put in place before we were even born. One of the things I think is lacking in this world of ours is a persona that is living just the opposite. In other words, instead of living our lives from our ego alone, living our lives from the perspective of our hearts. Sure, there are folks that do live with…