


You are in the perfect place … right now No where to go but here (and now) Is there something “missing” in your life? Do you have an ongoing intention? Shooting for heaven? Time to get out of hell? Karma is a bitch, until it isn’t. It is as if, perhaps, you “wake up” in a dream. You are in the middle of a tsunami out in the middle of the ocean. On a boat that is perhaps not suited for such challenge. Perfect. You have, metaphorically, been here before. Just look at Earth’s history. Imagine what some of your past lives might have looked like. Perhaps you fought alongside Joan of Arc? Or took swimming lessons, that didn’t end so well, from the outside of Noah’s Ark? Plagues, famine, war, floods, earthquakes and the like. Earth has been the place of extreme challenges for quite some time. But now,…

Your Freedom is very Important to your “Salvation” Untether Your Potentials … So you are on your Spiritual Journey, eh? Where will that take you? Who will you be when you arrive? There is this “you” reading this now. And there is the “prize” you. The you whom you become after your spiritual journey. And what is the difference between those two (of you)? We accumulate karma over many lifetimes. It takes a long time to load up a human psyche. Sure, horrific events, such as fighting in a war, or being a victim of brutality, can load up a lot of karma in our psyche in a single lifetime. But overall, the human psyche can hold a lot of karma. And here we are. For myself, I have been scrubbing my psyche for 25+ years now. And I Love Love Love how my life keeps elevating itself. Even after…

Your own Personal Jesus Free at last! Jesus doesn’t want to save you. God is not “coming” either. You came here for the human experience. You CAME here of your own free will. You chose to have these experiences. God won’t “grant” you enlightenment. Even if you ask nicely. Well, OK, technically you are enlightened now. There is nothing to be added to you, to your psyche, that will give you enlightenment. The separation of your enlightened consciousness, and your ego, is what makes it seem like you are not enlightened right now. But, again, you chose to get where you are. You chose to load up your psyche with karma, to have this experience of separation. To not only load up your psyche with karma, but to also unload it of its karmic imprinting. Which, if you are reading this blog, is the part of the journey you are on…

Where is Your Sense of Self? Who do you think you are? So let’s mangle “reality” a bit. Shall we? So, if we asked one thousand people to answer a few questions … Say like, is the world safe or is it dangerous? Is life happening to you, or can you change anything about your life? Is Love easy or hard? Does God hold my salvation? The questions, per se, are not the information we are looking for. But rather, the answers. As we would, metaphorically, read through the results, we could soon see that there are thousands of different viewpoints, attitudes and beliefs, all being experiences … by an ego. One by one. Each “reality” unique yet very “real.” So, how about your ego? Let’s take a jump back, to the day you were born. Just a newborn little baby. Ohhh my … nice butt! On this “birth”day ……

Pray to a BIG God Don’t hang with the lesser gods. I pray to a Big God, because I kneel in a Big Church. ~ Peter Gabriel With some simple math, it could be easily estimated that billions of prayers have been prayed, to the BIG Guy, to end the suffering on this planet. And no God shows up. No glowing Orb descends from the Heavens. No Deity waves a magic wand. No Savior(s) to save us. Well then … what the hell am I praying for, if there will be no “saving?” I guess you could climb the highest mountain, stick out your thumb, and hitch a ride from a passing UFO. There is a path to salvation. We have a regulator of sorts. We were not designed that way, but nonetheless, there is a regulator of sorts. When I say regulator, I mean something that regulates us. Or…

Stuck in the Mud Nowhere to go From the Light … Into the darkness … How we take our selves offline. So then … imagine. Imagine a super-muddy mud puddle. And then crawling in and rolling around in the mud. Loading up your clothes with mud. And then laying in the sun and letting it all dry. Crusty muddy clothes. Now imagine getting bigger clothes and putting them on over your already muddy clothes. And going right back into the mud. Imagine doing this for many iterations. Where you have so many layers of clothes on, all loaded up with mud. And then lying in the sun until it all dries up and is rigid and stiff. There you are, lying on the ground, perhaps stuck. Stuck in the mud. Not having the strength to move. Not even a budge. This is a metaphor for karma. How many people on…

When the Citizens heal (enlighten) the kingdom will thrive … every time So what is your idea of power? What does “powerful” mean to you? An army? A hurricane? Nuclear power? What is powerful? If you were to imagine the appearance of power, what would that be? Perhaps, from above, it the sight of a valley full of nuclear power plants. So many, in fact, that there is no place left to put one more? Or the view of a hurricane from outer space? That huge circle of clouds that are wreaking havoc on the land below. Or perhaps we would bump it up a bit. God. I mean … God. The creator of all that is. That’s got to surpass anything. Right? I mean … God. Let’s get to the point here.What’s bigger than God? Right? Hold on a minute. History show some troubling truths.  For example … God…

Where ARE you going? Are we there yet? Have we “awakened?” Are we stuck in nirvana? Overwhelmed with bliss? When I look at people’s energy, one of the most common energies I feel is an anxiousness. A sense of angst about the moment. Well, it isn’t really about this moment, but rather, what might happen next. Perhaps it is a desire to reach “fulfillment” or “happiness.” Anywhere but here and any time but now. Like there is something coming from the future that will put all the pieces of the puzzle together. I am not “there” yet. I am not “where” I want to be … yet. OK. Let’s wait. Let’s stand down and let this future moment come to us. Sometimes I see a mindset in social media that says I have given my heart to God. Maybe it sounds like this … I surrender to your will Oh…