In or Out

To Expand or to Contract Yourself

Have you ever had a pet, perhaps a cat or a dog, that couldn’t make up their mind? Like you would let them outside, and in the very next moment, they wanted to come back inside? Only to want to go right back outside?

Pick one! lol

There is an “In” and an “Out” when it comes to our consciousness. Where are we going to put our attention?

Perhaps you start your morning meditation, intending to focus your attention inside of you … and then you smell the chocolate you bought at the market, that you had left in the room the night before.

As you look at these words written on this page, you are perceiving a “reality” that you didn’t have access to before. Before you were born, that is. As a soul, before you were born, you didn’t have a body. But you decided to come here, onto planet Earth, to have the human experience. To immerse in the human experience has some side effects. Some possible metaphorical traps you can get caught up in.

Your thinker is a wonderful thing. Our minds are very powerful. The Wright Brothers, the two men who invented the airplane, left the earth’s surface by means of a powered machine in 1903. Sixty-six years later, in 1969, men walked on the moon. The Apollo space program, operated through NASA, was the effort of an estimated 400,000 people who worked for over a decade to make it happen.

Our souls could not have done that without incarnating. Without the physical experience. Without the human experience. Yet the physical experience can also devastate the human persona. Countless wars, over the millennia of the past, have scarred our human psyche very deeply. Soldiers, putting their attention on the horrific battleground, have had their life paths devastated for perhaps many generations. Very deep karmic scarring.

If you want more karma, put your attention on the physical realm and start posturing with it. If you want less karma, put your attention on the inside of you. To learn to “see” reality without having bias or posture moves us towards the same perspective as the Burning Bush. Or God. As It Is.

We fragment our consciousness when we posture with “reality.” By fragmentation, I mean that we take some of our consciousness, and move it into our subconscious. Perhaps by suppressing our emotions. Perhaps by installing a belief system that someone’s behavior is “wrong.”

Landing on the Moon = “Good.” Creating war = “Bad.”

But in truth, God, with a big ‘G’, is indifferent. The Burning Bush summed it up nicely. “I Am That I Am.” In other words, all of reality is a creation of consciousness. In the beginning was the LIGHT. That LIGHT was Source Consciousness, or God unexpressed in physical form. In the same way our souls wanted to come into physical form for the experience, God wanted to create duality, for the experience of it. All of creation is the one consciousness, God Consciousness creating. You are that consciousness personified. There is no other source of consciousness for you to occupy. All consciousness comes from the same source. God.

When we put our consciousness outside of us, we have the human experience. If we could magically turn our consciousness within us, we would find God. At least our own personal connection to God. Since all of creation is a product of God Consciousness, all of our experience is God interacting with Itself.

The journey back home, is the journey within. In other words, when we tune IN to ourselves, we are tuning in to Source Consciousness. At our core, there is pure LIGHT. About 15 years ago, my soul took me there. Where in one afternoon, I was pulled up and up and up until I was in this infinite field of LIGHT. There was nothing there. “I”, as my ego, wasn’t there. There was no thing at all. No time. No space. No thing. I had connected to Source Consciousness. On the metaphorical INside of me.

Everything we have accumulated in our subconscious, over the many lifetimes of incarnating, is the journey back home. In other words, to find everywhere we have fragmented our consciousness, to find those places and re-integrate that fragmentation, is the journey back to wholeness. When we have cleansed all of the fragmentation within us, there will only be LIGHT left. Just as Jesus took some followers and turned himself into Pure Light while having a body. Was it Enoch, in the bible, that went with God (LIGHT) as was no more? The returning to Source Consciousness. Always an inside job.

If you were to go back in time to before you were born, that “you” is timeless. You are a timeless soul, having a human experience. You are safe. No human intention, no matter how bad it is, can touch your truth. Your essence. That “you” is safe. So enjoy the journey. Oh, and … enjoy some chocolate!

Love You!


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