
God Consciousness


Looking through Your Karmic Lens What do You see? I was thinking the other day about the spiritual journey itself. A journey, that if you are reading this blog, you are most likely on. To grow or evolve our spirituality. There are hundreds of “modalities” or “processes” that so many spiritual teachers provide. Somatic work, Emotional work, Mental work, and the like. These topics of focus are relevant because that is what we bump up against when we want to make some progress on our journey. They are part of the journey. But after working on ourselves for a while, maybe a long while, maybe many lifetimes, we come to the part of the journey about Love. On the last mile of the journey you might say Unconditional Love is the “finish line.” Not that our journey just stops there. But once we have learned how to embody Unconditional Love,…

The Villain makes the Hero Had we never left heaven … Was it a mistake to leave Heaven? I mean, really? God, as Unconditional Love, is Heaven itself. In other words, many of us are on a spiritual journey to return to Heaven. But, why did we even leave Heaven in the first place? In the beginning was the Light. The Light of Heaven. The Light of Love. OK. Perfect. Stop right there. Heaven as the vast field of Unconditional Love sounds like, well, it sounds like Heaven to me. Heaven is what we metaphorically left. God, as Consciousness/Love, wanted to know more about its potentials. Wanted to know what it would feel like to have a dualistic experience. Wanted to know what it could be. And it entered duality. The beginning of creation itself. Fast forward billions and billions of years, and here we are. God Consciousness personified as…

In or Out To Expand or to Contract Yourself Have you ever had a pet, perhaps a cat or a dog, that couldn’t make up their mind? Like you would let them outside, and in the very next moment, they wanted to come back inside? Only to want to go right back outside? Pick one! lol There is an “In” and an “Out” when it comes to our consciousness. Where are we going to put our attention? Perhaps you start your morning meditation, intending to focus your attention inside of you … and then you smell the chocolate you bought at the market, that you had left in the room the night before. As you look at these words written on this page, you are perceiving a “reality” that you didn’t have access to before. Before you were born, that is. As a soul, before you were born, you didn’t…

Karma In Karma Out The Journey of the Soul Karma is impersonal and indifferent. Just like gravity is. There is a phrase that seems applicable here. The Journey of the Soul. Think about a brand new Soul as a lightbulb that is turned on. Shining bright. As Souls come from Source Consciousness or God Consciousness. In the beginning was the Light. That statement, perhaps, could refer to the composition of a brand new Soul. Light. A new Soul has no human experience until it incarnates for the first time. Without any experience(s), it has no known preferences. Preferences that are decided by an experience. Sometimes those experiences are too much. Where we feel overwhelmed. And thus, the posturing begins. And thus the karma begins. and thus the loading up of our psyche begins. If, perhaps, we could stay completely in the feelings of living our life we would do well…

The Other Side of the Soul You are a Soul having a Human experience So, perhaps, I can assume it is your ego reading this sentence. And this sentence too. But “you” didn’t even HAVE an ego the day you were born. So who is this “You”? For those of us who are parents with multiple kids, we can often see the very distinct personalities that each child has. A “personality” of sorts, from the day they were born. A personality that had character, from the beginning. That personality is coming from the Soul. The Soul that has (re) incarnated. You, as a Soul, have been there from the beginning. The day you were born, your Soul was there. Complete and whole. A large part of your personality was present in the demeanor of your Soul. What would you say are your top two or three characteristics? Personality traits? Aspects…

To you, personally, it’s impersonal It is done unto You as You believe … OK, the next time you go into a book store, find the biggest book on mythology. The kind that lists countless previous cultures, and their particular beliefs. Open the book to some random page, close your eyes, and touch the page somewhere. Oh look, they have to offer a human sacrifice to appease a god, and then maybe the crops will be blessed. Perhaps turn another page, and do it again. But wait .. there’s more. More than you can imagine. Much more. Much, much more. The mythology book at the store is only covering a few thousand years of mythology. Oh, and it is only covering mythology on this planet. This is like .0000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent of “time.” Actually it is much smaller than that. Much smaller. Take a look up, in the night sky, and…

Love has a Wisdom to it Love You Let’s take a journey of sorts. To imagine the journey of Consciousness. In the beginning was the Light. I would suggest this was the radiant field of Unconditional Love. Perhaps also called Source, or Christ, Consciousness. Without form, posture or preference. This is the fabric or substance of all that will be created. Ever. Fast forward 6 billion years. Now we have the Earth and upon this Earth the Human BEing. A vehicle of experience. In other words, how a Soul can come into form to experience what it is like to have the human experience. What it feels like to take on karma. To separate from our innate power. And so forth. When a new Soul is born, just like a new baby, there is no preference or opinion. As we incarnate, and take on karma, we are traversing a scale…

Are You on God’s side? Best be on the “safe” side When we are on a spiritual journey or quest, we want to come out on the “right” side. Right? I mean, it’s a journey. If I don’t go the “right” way, I won’t end up at the “right” place. This can be the basis of the idea of a right vs. wrong mentality. Certainly, if given a choice between right and wrong, we typically want to choose the “right” answer. I mean, who wants to be intentionally wrong? Are we not coming out of the metaphorical darkness? Are we not becoming more and more awake? Are we not choosing the better choices because we have awakened on some level(s)? Sure. Seems to be what’s happening. But wait, we are coming “out of the darkness.” Out of it. Which means some where, some when, we decided, on some level, to…

When the Ego runs out of Gas Who’s driving anyway? Imagine, if you will … that you wake up on top of an old-fashioned stagecoach, with the horses running as fast as they can. You are on a horrible bumpy dirt road. The stagecoach is bouncing all over the road. The road narrows with cliffs on either side. Holy crap! One wrong move … and it’s all over (the cliff). Oh, the peril! Egos like drama … ;- ) So you wake up, thinking that you just might not survive this perilous scene. You grab the reins, and try to bring it all under your control. (Can you see where this (stagecoach) is going? ;- ) When we talk about our spiritual journey, we are talking about the evolution of our own consciousness. At one end of said journey, we are our egos. Flat out. Where there aren’t any thoughts that…

By Becoming Empty, You Become Full The re-integration of your Soul There is an emptiness, a purity you might say, regarding the language of the burning bush. “I Am That I Am.” No posturing. No real “information.” No stance. No thing. When we look to make progress on our spiritual journey, we can search out information. Books, podcasts, lectures, etc. That is just fine. But within the last mile of our spiritual journey, there is a purging of … really everything. It is not that information does not have its value, but rather, the information itself creates a belief. It is done unto us as we believe. It is easy to see the vast collage of beliefs that people are owning. And yet, across those vast belief systems, is a great diversity. There is so much going on in the news these days. With each side stating their belief system(s),…

Your Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps you just don’t know. Not knowing all of the things you could choose. We tend to stop dreaming when we have difficulty manifesting what we would prefer. Karmic momentum has a way of shutting us down. Not forever, but long enough for us to become complacent with where we are. Complacent with our life condition. It is totally understandable. I mean, how many of us have had, perhaps, daily affirmations, and here we are months, years, or even decades later, with no significant changes towards the intent of our affirmations coming into fruition. Karma can sure be a bitch. It is not personal, mind you. Karma, that is. Your karma is made up of … well … You. Karma, as an energy,…