


Taking it on the Chin When are you going to learn? Where do you stand? What do you (really) believe in? What? There is certainly a bit of a tug-of-war going on in the media. Both Social and Mainstream media. Whether it is a discussion about what the best way is to handle our health, or perhaps, the political arena(s). Or any other of the many topics that are being debated online. It can take a bit of self-confidence to navigate your own personal evolution. Every time we raise our consciousness, we are shifting our perspective of our own life. When we share these new perspectives, we can get pushback. We can get critical feedback about our new perspectives. There is a gigantic evolution of human consciousness going on right now. And thank God. If we truly want to live in a better world, then change is a requirement. But…

We have all the help we need… if we ask for it You do know that the Souls incarnate on Earth right now are the brave ones. And Yes … that would be YOU! We set ourselves up. We consciously chose to do this. To do the epic thing. Epic is putting it mildly. Earth is at a crossroads. We are in a very large transition. A transition of a very long narrative. The planet is filled with every kind of intention. Karmically, the whole spectrum of human archetypes are here in one global soup of sorts. And paradigms anchored in fear, fear change. In other words, there will be a bit of a power grab. Whenever old systems start to go through a metamorphosis of sorts, there are those that step up and lobby for a bigger piece of the pie. The heart of humanity is calling out for…

The Power of an Idea Honoring the Vision of your Soul We are living in such exciting times. This lifetime, this one right now, has a unique opportunity to it. How are you going to live your life? Day in and day out we can get comfortable in a sense of normalcy or predictability. The ego can really like knowing what will happen next. The unknown can feel unsettling and unsure. And for many of us, there is so much energetic upheaval within us. We are going though some big energetic shifts. The universe is upgrading us energetically. We are coming out of old energy. Old paradigms. Old stories of possibilities. And our mythology cannot show us what is next. For perhaps the first time in aeons of time, the next chapter of our human story is going into COMPLETELY new ground. Enter the notion of a Soul. Your Soul…

Playing our roles in this BIG Event For many of us in this group, we are the old Souls. If you are on this mailing list, chances are very good that you are interested in a much bigger picture of what is going on. You are an Old Soul that is waking up to our bigger truths. But that doesn’t make your journey predefined. In fact, there is a much bigger influence in how your life plays out. And that is your ego. What? An ego trumps a Soul? Yup. Sure thing. For many of us, we chose, as souls, to come down here as a member of a soul group. Souls who perhaps have spent many lifetimes together. Who have taken turns playing out the villain and the victim with each other. Many lifetimes spent learning the many different ways it feels to be a human being. Yet, although…

You are the creator incarnate It can seem like we are each experiencing a very human persona. And indeed, this body thing tends to be a very common factor with us humans. But there is a bigger story here. A much bigger story. The human body is the vehicle of choice in this lifetime. However, we were all souls from the beginning of time. And we will continue to be souls. Our “current” bodies represent but a moment of time, in the very long thread of time, on which this human story is playing out. We are being upgraded. Our bodies, and even our DNA, are making a metamorphic transformation. But there is nothing to worry about. The DNA of humanity across the universe is something that has received a lot of intention and attention. For we all have a Divine blueprint within us. The Creator has our best interest…