In or Out To Expand or to Contract Yourself Have you ever had a pet, perhaps a cat or a dog, that couldn’t make up their mind? Like you would let them outside, and in the very next moment, they wanted to come back inside? Only to want to go right back outside? Pick one! lol There is an “In” and an “Out” when it comes to our consciousness. Where are we going to put our attention? Perhaps you start your morning meditation, intending to focus your attention inside of you … and then you smell the chocolate you bought at the market, that you had left in the room the night before. As you look at these words written on this page, you are perceiving a “reality” that you didn’t have access to before. Before you were born, that is. As a soul, before you were born, you didn’t…
To you, personally, it’s impersonal It is done unto You as You believe … OK, the next time you go into a book store, find the biggest book on mythology. The kind that lists countless previous cultures, and their particular beliefs. Open the book to some random page, close your eyes, and touch the page somewhere. Oh look, they have to offer a human sacrifice to appease a god, and then maybe the crops will be blessed. Perhaps turn another page, and do it again. But wait .. there’s more. More than you can imagine. Much more. Much, much more. The mythology book at the store is only covering a few thousand years of mythology. Oh, and it is only covering mythology on this planet. This is like .0000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent of “time.” Actually it is much smaller than that. Much smaller. Take a look up, in the night sky, and…
To walk out of the Karmic Storms Your subconscious decides how much your environment influences you We posture with reality. At least until we come to terms with it. In other words, our karma has us posturing with reality based on our subconscious programming. Based on our unresolved karmic stigmas. There is a curious thing that happens. Perhaps not in every situation. But certainly for myself. We get cracked open, by some major event in our lives. And that starts an unraveling of sorts. You might call it an inward dive into our own psyche. For myself, once I got cracked open, I started a whole new journey in my life. And thus a whole new outcome for my life. We have all felt a collective experience. Say, for example, 9/11. The whole world witnessed that event. Do you remember how you felt that day? Do you remember how the…
Sailing on an Ocean of Peace You are Safe There is a part of you, that has been there from the beginning. You could call it your Innate Self. When we fret and worry, it is never from our Innate Self. Fret and worry are actually in the realm of the ego/mind. Our ego is an engine of sorts. An engine that runs on narratives. These narratives are the general patterns of language that we repeat, day after day. Rigid patterns for most of us. They reflect our beliefs, attitudes and expectations. They create a karmic momentum. A trajectory of sorts. If you think about the literally billions of egos on the planet, and that each one is unique, then your particular situation is no more personal than any other person’s. In other words, we can create anything that we choose. The universe, as a whole, is extremely indifferent and…
If Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols that are not the actual thing. Symbols are a marker or reference to something … else. Your heart and soul don’t require symbols. They are a non-linear based intelligence. Yet, for so many of us, we “spend” most or all of our time immersed in linear thinking. In our minds. Life in the Fast Brain. The snag is … the ego wants the meaning of the past, to be used to interpret the “new” reality being born in each moment. In other words, the world you “see” now is interpreted by the symbols, and thus the values, of the past. So, if a magic spaceship arrived, and took you on a journey through time, into the future, what could you “see?” Perhaps…
Bring your Boat about Set YOUR Course We are entering the new chapters of our human story. And HERE YOU are. You. Who is going to vet your story? Who will measure your effect? Does that even need to happen? Nothing is required. You are standing in front of a (quantum) mirror. Your reflection (reality) has no template or requirements. But then again … You are Here … now. At the most transformational time in perhaps the history of humanity. Your Soul saw this coming, and had a role for you to play out. If your ego so chooses. Your ego can bugger up the intent. Happens all the time. Many folks go to their grave completely clueless as to what their Soul had in mind for their life. I wouldn’t have grasped my purpose, had the cosmic two-by-four not cracked me open. Now my life purpose is a living breathing thing.…
Maybe it is You Who is behind it all? So, imagine you are standing in front of a mirror. Perhaps fresh out of bed. Morning hair and all. And as you look at your reflection in this mirror, you try to brush the hair of the reflection itself. The brush just keeps hitting the mirror. Damn it! Can’t happen. You can’t change the reflection, by trying to alter the reflection. The source of the image decides the reflection, that the mirror is reflecting. And that source is … You. It can seem that the world is happening to us. That we are the recipient of the world, and how that goes, our experience of the world, is somehow fixed. That we are at the mercy of “reality.” Or are we? I was trudging through the challenges of a malicious boss. He was constantly belittling me. It was personal with him.…
Good Emotions Bad Emotions How do You feel? So where are you? Where are you on the emotional scale? Emotional scale? What is the emotional scale? When we bump up against “reality,” we get a reflection of sorts. An emotional radar, you might say. We project our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes up against the “reality” before us and what comes back is our “emotional” echo. It is those thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that decide where we are on this metaphorical emotional scale. Life isn’t fair. It’s not my fault. They won’t let me. I can’t. These types of thoughts and beliefs are anchored in a victim mentality. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford We are all experiencing a form of karmic momentum. A karmic collage of experiences. We build up our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes as we go through our life. The…
Vibrational Equivalence The Nature of Karma There is an elegance. A grace you might say. What I am talking about is the mechanics of karma. I would say it is very similar to how a mirror works. A mirror is very graceful. It, without effort or motive, simply reflects back what is “shown” to it. How you experience “reality” is just as graceful. For what you are experiencing is your own personal energy persona, being reflected back to you through the quantum mirror. It is an impersonal reflection of … yourself. Your karma fabricates your experience of your “reality,” and yet it is impersonal. Karma, like gravity, is impersonal and indifferent. When we desire something, and perhaps have a difficult time creating it, that difficulty is based on the presence of incongruent energies within our personal energy persona. Our karma itself. The more karma you have in your personal energy…
What are You waiting for? What? Are we there yet? There is the notion that a goldfish will grow to match the container in which it is kept. Keep a small goldfish in a small bowl, and it will stay small. Move it to a bigger bowl, and it will grow in size accordingly. Our egos can behave the same way. Is your ego enjoying your life? Is your heart enjoying your ego? So many of us are drowning in the mundane. We have rationalized ourselves into an unfulfilling life. Our life in our fast brain, has no real room for the desires of our heart. Our ego, from moment to moment, categorizes all that is happening to us. Putting everything in its “appropriate” box. Our egos are symbol processors. Our egos process symbols. Symbols. Symbols are not anyTHING, really. Symbols are … well, symbols, that represent something else. Write…
Where is Your Sense of Self? Who do you think you are? So let’s mangle “reality” a bit. Shall we? So, if we asked one thousand people to answer a few questions … Say like, is the world safe or is it dangerous? Is life happening to you, or can you change anything about your life? Is Love easy or hard? Does God hold my salvation? The questions, per se, are not the information we are looking for. But rather, the answers. As we would, metaphorically, read through the results, we could soon see that there are thousands of different viewpoints, attitudes and beliefs, all being experiences … by an ego. One by one. Each “reality” unique yet very “real.” So, how about your ego? Let’s take a jump back, to the day you were born. Just a newborn little baby. Ohhh my … nice butt! On this “birth”day ……