


Are you In JOY when you think about your Dreams? Let Joy be your rudder … What metaphorical “irons in the fire” do you have? What are you working towards? What are you intending to happen in your life? Les, I’m retired, I’m too busy, I can’t, I have too many demands on my life already. OK, sure. If you say so. It is not for me to judge your choices. Please do whatever you want. But you can judge your choices. Not in a critical way but rather in a bigger picture sort of way. Your Soul came here with a big picture in mind for your life. For myself, I never weighed my life against anything. And sure, that is certainly an option for us all. Live and let live. But once I got cracked open, a curious thing happened. I started getting NEW inspirations. Write a book.…

When the Ego runs out of Gas Who’s driving anyway? Imagine, if you will … that you wake up on top of an old-fashioned stagecoach, with the horses running as fast as they can. You are on a horrible bumpy dirt road. The stagecoach is bouncing all over the road. The road narrows with cliffs on either side. Holy crap! One wrong move … and it’s all over (the cliff). Oh, the peril! Egos like drama … ;- ) So you wake up, thinking that you just might not survive this perilous scene. You grab the reins, and try to bring it all under your control. (Can you see where this (stagecoach) is going? ;- ) When we talk about our spiritual journey, we are talking about the evolution of our own consciousness. At one end of said journey, we are our egos. Flat out. Where there aren’t any thoughts that…

You have your BEST future within you now What is it going to be? … so … what do you want? Can you (at least) start to answer that right away? Do you know what you want? Is it clear to you? If you can, bravo! If you drew a blank, with no real answer, well then, it will be hard to know in which direction to go. Heaven and Hell will both be experienced … today. This day. Heaven might look like the Love flowing out of a firstborn’s parents at the moment of birth. Or the first time a grandparent holds their first grandchild. Or perhaps the love of a parent to (finally ;- ) see their only child married, and thus soon to be finally moving out (humor). And hell? Human trafficking, child trafficking, war, rape and the list goes on and on. So, when you paused…

The Good and the Bad A mirror has no preference Where will you find your ideal life? Is it living in a palace on top of the mountain? Will it be droves of servants awaiting to fulfill your every desire? Or perhaps learning you are the sole recipient to a 5 million-dollar trust? Or would 5 billion be even better? And what of your Heart? To receive “good” into our life can seem like living on the gravy train of sorts. The “good” life. And certainly that is one of the infinite potentials we could choose. And the (quantum) mirror would reflect that back to us. As you wish. But where is the growth? Where is the evolution of your self? Living the high life can seem ideal. But millionaires jump off bridges, to their peril too. With a sense of hopelessness. Even though they can buy anything they can…

Living in the Joy of Your Life Purpose Your Soul has an Idea for You There is a curious thing that happens, as we load our psyche up with karma. We collapse the notion of our life into smaller and smaller narratives. As we load up our psyche with karma, we literally disconnect from a lot of our intuitive information resources. In other words, we lose more of our ability to intuitively sense our environment and thus choices, and thus our ability to intuitively make (better) choices. There is a pattern of sorts that shows up when we have disconnected from our intuition. As we lose the ability to be more fully intuitive in the moment, we move our decision-making mechanism up into our brains. And our brains, or egos if you will, love patterns. Patterns are predictable. Patterns offer the illusion of safety. Patterns give us the feeling of…

Bring your Boat about Set YOUR Course We are entering the new chapters of our human story. And HERE YOU are. You. Who is going to vet your story? Who will measure your effect? Does that even need to happen? Nothing is required. You are standing in front of a (quantum) mirror. Your reflection (reality) has no template or requirements. But then again … You are Here … now. At the most transformational time in perhaps the history of humanity. Your Soul saw this coming, and had a role for you to play out. If your ego so chooses. Your ego can bugger up the intent. Happens all the time. Many folks go to their grave completely clueless as to what their Soul had in mind for their life. I wouldn’t have grasped my purpose, had the cosmic two-by-four not cracked me open. Now my life purpose is a living breathing thing.…

Your Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps you just don’t know. Not knowing all of the things you could choose. We tend to stop dreaming when we have difficulty manifesting what we would prefer. Karmic momentum has a way of shutting us down. Not forever, but long enough for us to become complacent with where we are. Complacent with our life condition. It is totally understandable. I mean, how many of us have had, perhaps, daily affirmations, and here we are months, years, or even decades later, with no significant changes towards the intent of our affirmations coming into fruition. Karma can sure be a bitch. It is not personal, mind you. Karma, that is. Your karma is made up of … well … You. Karma, as an energy,…

Well, Here you are! I See You Do you see you? Who are you? What would bring you what you desire most? There are no requirements. None. That’s what Free Will really means. As YOU wish. So what will it be? More of the same? Back to the old ways? Maybe some more of … that! As you wish. Do you wish? Do you have desires? Is there something that gets you excited about your life? Sometimes we can paint ourselves into a corner. Where we have decided and chosen preferences that don’t really serve us. We can choose our preferences that really keep ourselves predictable. Keep our egos “safe.” Keep our life predictable. We can build up “reasons” to always choose one way or another. For example … I got my heart broken, I don’t want to go there again. Don’t (ever) go there again. Check. We are “safe”…

How Dare You? Who do you think you are? Somebody is getting too big for their britches. You do not realize just how bad what you are doing is. Come on. Stop it now. We all know what you are doing is wrong. So once again, tell me why you keep doing it. Your Soul can dream in unimaginable realms. Are you going to be available, to walk in step with your soul, as the big dreams fulfill? Or is the first barking dog going to shut you down? You have a savior. Well, several excellent saviors. The wisdom is available. Follow Jesus. Follow Buddha. Follow whomever you wish, or follow your own heart and soul. That’s the one I’m down for. That’s the wake I suggest. So, take a bold test. What is the biggest dream you can imagine for yourself? Now double it. And again. Repeat. That is…

Where is Your Sense of Self? Who do you think you are? So let’s mangle “reality” a bit. Shall we? So, if we asked one thousand people to answer a few questions … Say like, is the world safe or is it dangerous? Is life happening to you, or can you change anything about your life? Is Love easy or hard? Does God hold my salvation? The questions, per se, are not the information we are looking for. But rather, the answers. As we would, metaphorically, read through the results, we could soon see that there are thousands of different viewpoints, attitudes and beliefs, all being experiences … by an ego. One by one. Each “reality” unique yet very “real.” So, how about your ego? Let’s take a jump back, to the day you were born. Just a newborn little baby. Ohhh my … nice butt! On this “birth”day ……

To Live a Rewarding Life You are more than you might know Nature is never finished. Always ready for another (new) expression. You are that nature personified. So … imagine if you will … that you (your ego) makes a list of what you would like to do and your Soul makes a list of what it might like to do. Are those two lists the same? Just pause for a moment and ask yourself that question. What answer(s) do you get? Unless your parents where totally tuned in to their own souls’ inspirations, you were imprinted with a rather shut down trajectory for your life. It is quite the norm, really. People settle into a rather constant and unchanging narrative for their life. But at our essence, we desire a rich and full engagement of all that life has to offer. I say this because I spent the first…