


Any Color You Like It is your reflection Draw your measure. Claim your bounty. There is a new player in the thinking game. It is that of AI (Artificial Intelligence). In many of my encounters with AI, I would say it stands for Assumed Intelligence. They, the AI personalities, can be heavily biased. Programmed to coax a certain mindset. Just as AI can come up with any “sentence” it wants … so can you. Our minds are able to think any sentence(s) we choose. And from that comes immense power. It comes, once we have learned to master the power of the Word. The “Word” has been there from the beginning. In the beginning was the Word. The handle of creation. The birthplace of creation. Then, from the beginning, and now with your words now. And now and … well, you get it. You have access to that same Word.…

Caught up in Your own Reflection The world … out there is you The birthplace of your past, is what you are “seeing” right now. Yet we are always in the process of creation. I guess you could say that what we are seeing, moment to moment, is the result of our creation. The moment, this moment, passes … it is in our past. We never see the same moment twice. At least from our egos’ perspective. I could have spent my whole life living by what I see. In other words, if I had never been cracked open, I could have spent the rest of my life observing the results of my creation process. Not observing the actual creation process. But rather only the results. Om …. Om … Om … (the silent sound of meditation ;- ) Our mind is quite the player in this thing called life.…

Your Mind, Heart and Soul Who are You? So, if you were to be handed a copy of all of your thoughts over the last 24 hours, and they were indexed by “who” had had them, who would be you? In other words, if you were to get a clear report, showing you how much of your thoughts had come from your mind/ego, and your heart and your soul, what kind of ratios would you see? A very common behavioral trait of human beings is that they live mostly in their mind. Mostly, isn’t really fair. Completely in their minds might be a better analogy. We, in general, are completely overdosing on our egos. Our hearts, once healed and open, would never wage war on another. Our soul would not have any need for the “white picket fence” idea of living our life. The notion that you go to “school,”…

Sailing on an Ocean of Peace You are Safe There is a part of you, that has been there from the beginning. You could call it your Innate Self. When we fret and worry, it is never from our Innate Self. Fret and worry are actually in the realm of the ego/mind. Our ego is an engine of sorts. An engine that runs on narratives. These narratives are the general patterns of language that we repeat, day after day. Rigid patterns for most of us. They reflect our beliefs, attitudes and expectations. They create a karmic momentum. A trajectory of sorts. If you think about the literally billions of egos on the planet, and that each one is unique, then your particular situation is no more personal than any other person’s. In other words, we can create anything that we choose. The universe, as a whole, is extremely indifferent and…

When the Ego runs out of Gas Who’s driving anyway? Imagine, if you will … that you wake up on top of an old-fashioned stagecoach, with the horses running as fast as they can. You are on a horrible bumpy dirt road. The stagecoach is bouncing all over the road. The road narrows with cliffs on either side. Holy crap! One wrong move … and it’s all over (the cliff). Oh, the peril! Egos like drama … ;- ) So you wake up, thinking that you just might not survive this perilous scene. You grab the reins, and try to bring it all under your control. (Can you see where this (stagecoach) is going? ;- ) When we talk about our spiritual journey, we are talking about the evolution of our own consciousness. At one end of said journey, we are our egos. Flat out. Where there aren’t any thoughts that…

Your Happiness and Your Sorrow It is all up to You Your mind is the beginning, and the end, of your happiness and your sorrow. It is a most curious thing. Our mind/ego is the decider. Well … kind of. How many people have created a vision board, and religiously chanted their daily affirmations, only to find that years later … nothing (of significance) has changed? If those things, affirmations and vision boards, are the creation and intent of the mind/ego, how can I say that the mind/ego is the decider? We take on karma when we posture with what is. That posturing is initiated by the mind/ego. At least, most of the time. There are times when the mind/ego doesn’t get to decide. For example, a young soldier going into battle for the first time. The shock and horror of carnage can trigger the body to protect itself. It…

Life in the Fast Brain What is the role of the ego? There are many, many spiritual gurus that think the ego is to be reduced or shrunk to be as small as possible. Some even use the term to kill the ego. But something doesn’t add up with that stance. Sure, indeed, the ego can be the source of so much suffering. The ego can be a significant contributor to our karmic dysfunction. The undisciplined ego is indeed something we would want to heal and teach, if we are wanting to fulfill our true Divine potentials. But riddle me this. If indeed the ego “runs” on the framework of our mind, and we are only using 10% of our mind, then as we activate more and more of our mind, or mental horsepower, then the “engine” our ego is running on becomes much more powerful. Based on the idea…

Your Karma isn’t personal. Don’t take it that way. Who are your teachers today? My boss was a malicious, and perhaps even evil, man. And he was my angel. He was, perhaps, one of my most important soul contracts in this lifetime. He put me on a shrink’s couch. He cracked me open. It wasn’t what he did TO me, as much as it was what he stirred up within me. I had a lot of anger in my subconscious. And I had no idea that it was there. None. He would stir that up, my anger, and I would go home every day feeling “upset.” Well, what was “upset?” It was my anger. My anger, had it not been upset over and over again, might have slowly pinched the life out of me. My body was shutting down. I had digestive tract issues for over a decade. And I…

Not Over, Not Around … But Through You can’t get there through the back door There is a part of our evolution of consciousness that we cannot avoid. Well, we can avoid it. And many of us do, at great expense. And that is our emotions. Or perhaps, our emotional education. There is a very good reason that we can’t avoid it. Well, yes, we CAN avoid it, but why we might want to not avoid it IS a choice. There is a multidimensional aspect of our Soul. We are far more multidimensional than we are 3D. In other words, as we evolve our consciousness, we open up to higher realms of consciousness. These dimensions were there all the time, but if we had a habit of avoiding our emotions, and just stockpiling them in our subconscious, we kept ourselves out of alignment with the higher realms of our own…

This too … shall pass Everything that has a beginning … has an end What a most curious time to be alive. The traditional Western ego is not compatible with the soul’s intention of life. In other words, there are many ways where we become stuck, as far as it relates to being able to manifest our full potential. Our ego was never intended to “run the show.” You might even say that a lot of the suffering on the planet is perhaps due to a huge case of “ego overdose.” There is a flow to life. A flow of consciousness. A flow to the mechanics of creation. If we were to look at a pie chart of how most of us use our consciousness, there would be two parts. How much of our consciousness is used by our egos, and how much of our consciousness is used to listen…

Expressing Your Creativity Expanding the portal of your Soul So often we can live in our heads. Mentally processing our entire day. But there is a way we can step aside and let our Soul come through us. A kind of expression where there is no thought. The brain is just observing. A place where we slip into an effortless expression of our Soul. When we do this, we are creating at a much more authentic level. Our Soul conspires for our happiness. Where we feel so wonder-full. It comes through expressing the desires of our Soul … in real-time. By default, our minds are most likely to repeat yesterday. Not completely, but for the most part, we change very little day to day. Our expectations for our life don’t change that much. When we live in our minds, we stay in the outer world. Our attention is focused on…