To you, personally, it’s impersonal

It is done unto You as You believe …

OK, the next time you go into a book store, find the biggest book on mythology. The kind that lists countless previous cultures, and their particular beliefs. Open the book to some random page, close your eyes, and touch the page somewhere. Oh look, they have to offer a human sacrifice to appease a god, and then maybe the crops will be blessed. Perhaps turn another page, and do it again.

But wait .. there’s more.

More than you can imagine. Much more. Much, much more. The mythology book at the store is only covering a few thousand years of mythology. Oh, and it is only covering mythology on this planet. This is like .0000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent of “time.” Actually it is much smaller than that. Much smaller. Take a look up, in the night sky, and imagine the billions of planets, universes and galaxies that also have their own mythology. Or do an internet search for space telescope images.

Whatever is happening in this chapter, in the time we are living now, is not even a drop in a bucket.

So does it matter? Is the life we are living now important? I suggest, perhaps, yes and no.

Are you being righteous? Are you a good person? Are you “right” with God? How about the other billions of people on the planet right now? Are they all doing it “right” with God? Or are they doing it “wrong?”

Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty happening on this planet that is “horrible.” Far beyond horrible. I think so. I don’t know how much you have gone down the proverbial rabbit hole, and dug into the history of pain and misery on this planet. But I can easily say whatever you have found out, it is much worse that that. What the hell?

“Reality” is a reflection of a proverbial (quantum) mirror. The reflection of a mirror. There is nothing more impersonal than a reflection of a mirror. OK, maybe the sound of an echo is a close second. You have never pissed off God. In a sense, you don’t “score points” with God by thinking you are behaving in a way that “He (God)” prefers. Am I saying, well, THAT means I can go do whatever I want, without consequence? Yes, you can go do whatever you want, but there is consequence, that is called karma. Karma is only a bitch if you have been (a bitch).

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” ~ Rumi

The WHOLE rodeo is an expression of God. The whole rodeo as in “All That Is.” All of everything. There is no “reality” outside of God. Even doing “wrong” is an expression of God. Wait … what? There is no consciousness outside of God Consciousness. Everything that is, that was, or that will be … is an expression of God.

If you were to metaphorically step back, way back, and take a broader and broader view of time, until you could see many trillions of years of “reality,” perhaps this chapter would be put in a new perspective. In this chapter, on this planet, humanity is on its way out of the karmic tsunami in which we have been living. We, as a planet and as a human culture, have had our share of pain and misery. And, from my perspective, we as the collective heart of humanity, we are choosing to return to peace, prosperity and Love.

The mechanism of “reality” is a very impersonal mechanism that has been chugging along since the beginning of time. You have not done anything divinely “wrong.” Forgive yourself. Forgive your past. Love Yourself. EnJoy the journey.

Love You!


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