The Other Side of the Soul

You are a Soul having a Human experience

So, perhaps, I can assume it is your ego reading this sentence. And this sentence too. But “you” didn’t even HAVE an ego the day you were born. So who is this “You”?

For those of us who are parents with multiple kids, we can often see the very distinct personalities that each child has. A “personality” of sorts, from the day they were born. A personality that had character, from the beginning. That personality is coming from the Soul. The Soul that has (re) incarnated.

You, as a Soul, have been there from the beginning. The day you were born, your Soul was there. Complete and whole. A large part of your personality was present in the demeanor of your Soul. What would you say are your top two or three characteristics? Personality traits? Aspects of You that your Soul “brought” with it into this human form called You?

It seems like Souls are vast multi-dimensional BEings. Vast non-linear consciousness personified as You.

So, what is on the “other side” of our Souls? Metaphorically, we might consider that “God” is on the other side of our Soul. Or at least our experience of God. If our Soul was present the day we were born, I suggest God was present the “day” our Soul was born. In other words, it is often stated that God or Source Consciousness is in all things. Is literally IN all things AS all things. The notion that all of creation IS God consciousness expressing itself.

In the same way that we can talk about “we are God, having a human experience,” could we, perhaps, say that a Soul is God having a Soul experience? I would suggest that we, as an ego, can have a direct connection to God. And, I know, it can be said that there is no separation. That we ARE that God. Understood. But I wanted to introduce the notion of your Innate Self. Your Innate Self is that portal of God Consciousness that is creating this human experience of you, for you. I think there is considerable value to look at this notion of God essence within you. Your Innate Self. I suggest that since God is in all things, and that God Consciousness is the “fuel” running the whole of creation, then our ego is also God Consciousness itself. Does this transcend our Soul? It becomes a bit of a slippery slope.

There was a moment when Jesus became an orb of pure Light. Demonstrating Source or God Consciousness in the moment.

I bring these notions up to poke at you. Or rather, the BIG You. The Innate Self within you. I could just call your Innate Self “God.” But there are other aspects of God expressing itself. Just look up at the night sky and imagine the billions of other planets. All expressions of God. But YOUR portal of God, that is what I am calling your Innate Self. That place within you, where consciousness is flowing in. Illuminating you. Illuminating your life. Take that consciousness away and you can’t exist. It is easy to see, once that stream of consciousness is fully disconnected, this you, this body, just returns to earth. Your body has no source of consciousness outside of God Consciousness, as there is no consciousness that is independent of God Consciousness.

Why am I talking about this? This Innate Self that is at your core, has unconditional Love for you. Unconditional Love AS you. No matter your past, or even all the pasts of your Soul, you are loved. You are innocent. God grants free agency to express without limitations. Which allows darkness, evil and pain. We can have a sense of not being worthy of Love. It can be a memory of something we did in past lives from which we judge ourselves. Who are we to be worthy of the Love of God? God loves You just as You are now. Nothing is required of you for this Love. To heal our relationship with God, is to heal our relationship with Love. Unconditional Love.

Love You (repeat)


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