


Are You on God’s side? Best be on the “safe” side When we are on a spiritual journey or quest, we want to come out on the “right” side. Right? I mean, it’s a journey. If I don’t go the “right” way, I won’t end up at the “right” place. This can be the basis of the idea of a right vs. wrong mentality. Certainly, if given a choice between right and wrong, we typically want to choose the “right” answer. I mean, who wants to be intentionally wrong? Are we not coming out of the metaphorical darkness? Are we not becoming more and more awake? Are we not choosing the better choices because we have awakened on some level(s)? Sure. Seems to be what’s happening. But wait, we are coming “out of the darkness.” Out of it. Which means some where, some when, we decided, on some level, to…

Follow the Yellow Brick Road Where ARE you going? You have been born into many different lifetimes. You have learned many lessons. You have always come out intact. At least your Soul has. As you have been born many times, you have also died many times. And here you are. What are you afraid of? Are you living your life? There is a common “dis-ease” that happens here on Earth. Millions, if not billions, of people “suffer” from it. It is called “Ego Overdose.” Is your mind afraid of what might happen to you? Are you posturing with the world “outside” of you? Trying to navigate these precarious times? Buy some land in the middle of nowhere and dig a bunker. Get in it and hide. You will be “safe” there. That is … if “safety” means being karmically comatose. You would have been safer had you just not incarnated.…

Sailing on an Ocean of Peace You are Safe There is a part of you, that has been there from the beginning. You could call it your Innate Self. When we fret and worry, it is never from our Innate Self. Fret and worry are actually in the realm of the ego/mind. Our ego is an engine of sorts. An engine that runs on narratives. These narratives are the general patterns of language that we repeat, day after day. Rigid patterns for most of us. They reflect our beliefs, attitudes and expectations. They create a karmic momentum. A trajectory of sorts. If you think about the literally billions of egos on the planet, and that each one is unique, then your particular situation is no more personal than any other person’s. In other words, we can create anything that we choose. The universe, as a whole, is extremely indifferent and…

Resolving Your Past to Own Your Future It’s all in your hands There is a shift that happens within ourselves, when we choose to evolve. As we intend to grow ourselves spiritually. For many of us, the spiritual path wasn’t always in our life. For some, perhaps it was. But for many of us, we “found” our own innate desire to grow ourselves spiritually. If you were to look over your life, you might notice key events, moments or people, who would end up significantly changing your life’s direction. Some for the “better” and some for the “worse.” It is said that as we evolve our consciousness, we gradually take more and more responsibility for our life. Where we might have “blamed” the past for the reason we are where we are. For myself, I certainly had some very challenging situations in my life. One of these events, that ultimately…

The Pinch of the Collective Where does Your Divinity live? There is a rather BIG shift going on. An awakening of sorts. And within that shift, there is you. You. The collective narrative is unraveling itself. It is experiencing a bit of a collapse. And this is a very good thing. The many different prophecies have proclaimed a Golden Era. A Dawn of a New Beginning for humanity. We are evolving out of the herd mentality. Out of the narrative of our own history. The notion of the Castle on the Hill (where the King and Queen live). The notion of royalty. Of agencies and institutions that “decide” the direction of humanity. Where, perhaps, there was a pyramid of sorts. The rulers at the top, and the masses at the bottom. Although this style of modeling our culture around a few, that dictates the choices of us all, has been…