


The Other Side of the Soul You are a Soul having a Human experience So, perhaps, I can assume it is your ego reading this sentence. And this sentence too. But “you” didn’t even HAVE an ego the day you were born. So who is this “You”? For those of us who are parents with multiple kids, we can often see the very distinct personalities that each child has. A “personality” of sorts, from the day they were born. A personality that had character, from the beginning. That personality is coming from the Soul. The Soul that has (re) incarnated. You, as a Soul, have been there from the beginning. The day you were born, your Soul was there. Complete and whole. A large part of your personality was present in the demeanor of your Soul. What would you say are your top two or three characteristics? Personality traits? Aspects…

The Re-constitution of Your Soul RE-uniting all that has been separated In the beginning, of your Soul, there was no separation. No fragmentation. But there was no experience either. We, as Souls, incarnate for the Human experience. In the inevitable existence as a human, we come across experiences that start to fragment our consciousness. Perhaps a clear example is the before/after of a war veteran. PTSD is a clear example of the fragmentation of a Soul. I use this extreme example, for its clarity. But we can become fragmented in our everyday lives as well. If we enter into judgment about people who are doing things we just don’t like … or even hate … we create a posture. Karma is created when we posture with what is. But Les, there are very evil people in the world. Yes, indeed. There is the ugliest of uglies on this planet. Yes,…

Unraveling Our Past To re-unite with our Soul It does actually take conscious effort. Left unchecked, the ego will chase shadows until the end of time. It was, at least for a substantial part, our egos that loaded up our subconscious in the first place. You are infinite potential, in human form. But, so what? If you don’t do anything to e-x-p-a-n-d your sense of self, then, perhaps, you are just your ego looking for fulfillment in the reflection of the quantum mirror. In other words, looking for a deeper understanding of yourself, by chasing people, circumstances and a sense of validation from those external factors of your everyday life. The “world” you see outside of you, is a reflection of what is inside of you. Everything that pisses you off, is a reflection of unresolved parts of yourself on the inside of you that you have not resolved. Everything.…

It is Who You become … The journey changes YOU! It is through our growth that we are given an opportunity to evolve our consciousness. To evolve your own consciousness is, perhaps, the most satisfying thing to do. Sometimes we can look at struggles in our life like some kind of punishment. Like some unfair weight put on our shoulders. Indeed, on this planet, there are plenty of people who find their life to be very difficult. Many find it to be too much. Checking out of life before their intended time is up. Surrendering their own life because of the struggles and challenges in their own life. For myself, I have found myself curled up in a ball, alone, on the kitchen floor. With so much pain in my life. So much pain and heartache. There have been moments in my life where a hot metal spear, thrust into…

Living From the Inside Out Tapping a much higher wisdom within You now So … if you walk into a kindergarten class and try to teach calculus … Well, never mind. So … If you arrive on Earth and tell the humans they are infinite power incarnate … Well, of course we are. We do not have a valid example of what is possible, as a human being, in our entire mythology. In other words, there has not been an accurate example of what is possible in this current chapter of our human story, as it relates to our true potential, demonstrated to us in any of our mythologies. But what about Jesus? Master Buddha? And the other Masters that have walked the earth? Didn’t THEY kick some Divine ass? Well … Did they end suffering? Did they stop wars on the planet? Did they end poverty? ??? Love has…

Who are you dancing with? We, as souls, observed our choices. We, as souls, looked at the options we had for how we could incarnate. There were groups of souls that made a plan together. Repeating the intentions of many lifetimes before. And this time around we, as souls, knew that this time around would hold literally infinite possibilities. Where the environment on Earth would have enough opportunities to learn the truth within a single lifetime. We made a vision for what our life COULD be. We set ourselves up with the proper lessons early in our life path. We chose family dynamics to set ourselves up to learn the lessons that were next in our soul’s journey. With careful planning all wrapped up … we incarnated … The day came and we were born. Our DNA defined the vessel our soul was to use to experience life as a…

Finding your stride … Living your potential It seems like humanity has been searching for the Holy Grail for eons of time. The Holy Grail represents the pinnacle of life itself, providing happiness, eternal youth and a life of abundance. This idea is very intriguing, as if there is a magic “thing” that, once discovered, all struggle will dissolve. The idea of a sweet spot in life has merit. Certainly there must be some type of order, or core principle of life, that can give one an advantage. Like some kind of liberation from the sense of struggle. Certainly many of us have had difficult times in our own lives, often sharing stories of our own individual “train wrecks.” I know I have had my share of difficult chapters in my own life. I suggest there is a vantage point that, once discovered and mastered, gives one a sense of peace…