Lions, Tigers and Fears Oh My! There is a pattern that we can fall into, if we are not careful. Many people really live there. In a patterned mindset. What I am talking about is “out there” versus “in here.” Our egos process information. Our eyes, ears and other senses feed us an endless stream of information about the world … out there. And then we process that information … in here. In our heads. In our thoughts. Information. But the folly of that is that the world doesn’t begin out there. We are the creators of our “reality.” We are the creators of our reflection(s). What we put out … becomes the “out” there. As I shared in a previous blog, I had an angry boss “out there.” Out in the physical world. I didn’t create him, per se. But I did manifest him into my life. Into my…
If Consciousness were your Currency How are You spending Your Consciousness? Spending our consciousness. Spending our attention. Each day we wake up and the “spending” begins. But I want to look at the wake, or results, of our spending. Are you creating karma as you go throughout your day? I certainly was, and I had no idea that I was. We are metaphorically “launched” out of our family of origin with ingrained karmic tendencies. We are born, we grow up, and we move out of our family of origin. At least, that’s the idea. ;- ) I had my karmic trajectories or karmic momentum in place before I moved out to create a life of my own. I had karmic habits, that were accumulating karma into my psyche, instilled in me as a child. For example, let’s look at road rage. Where did all that energy, that explosive energy that is…
Our Emotional Struggles are really a Mental problem Our Emotions, themselves, are an impersonal thing One of the things that makes change more of a challenge, can be our emotions. We can get into a stuck repetitive cycle with our emotions. But the emotions themselves are a very natural and indifferent phenomenon. You could think of getting stuck in emotional re-actions, like yelling the same phrase into “echo canyon,” expecting to hear something different. When we find a particular emotion getting stirred up, over and over again, we can think that it is the emotions themselves that are creating the problem. But our emotions are a natural response to our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes bumping up against “reality.” A response is caused by something. When there is a response, it is a result of something else. Just like the echo itself is like a response of the “echo canyon,”…
When Your Ego Finds Your Soul Where are You going? For the vast majority of people, they live their lives in their heads. In their egos. It can feel quite comfortable there. You choose what you want. It can seem like you have a good handle on your life. Perhaps a very manageable existence. Your ego is managing … everything out there. The car, the house, the job. It can seem like everything is under (the ego’s) control. (But) Everything happens energetically first. In other words, the field of creation, the birthplace of all change, does not have a physical form. It is undetectable by our five senses. If you were to go visit a (good) psychic, they would be reading the energy of what you are about to manifest. It doesn’t mean that it is a done deal. It doesn’t become “reality” until the atoms move. Until it shows…
Get Your EGO On Board Who is driving your life? You didn’t have an ego when you were born. Yet, through the desires of their egos is how most people navigate life. Your ego can decide, by not letting go, how your life will go. If your ego dominates ALL of your consciousness… Well, it would be easier to get a freight train through the eye of a needle … than for you to discover who you really are. ;- ) And the universe goes on. Time will wait forever. Although the universe has so much love for you, the love of the universe has no conditions. Do you want to descend into hell? Sure thing. Do you want to (re)connect with the Source Consciousness within you now? Sure thing. You will choose everything that you do. Either consciously choosing it, or subconsciously choosing it. Your ego typically has a…
Heaven and Hell are both possible today Did you enjoy yesterday? Are there moments from yesterday that you can remember that make you smile? What about today? This day. Right now. As Souls incarnate, we always have free-agency to create as we choose. Often our religions have us preparing for Heaven AFTER judgment day. After that mythical day, THEN we are assigned to either Heaven or Hell. Well, hell exists today. There are plenty of people who will experience a form of hell today. Suffering is still present on this planet. If, indeed, free-agency is a fundamental part of BEing consciousness expressing, then we eternally have the option of heaven or hell in each moment. If you want to “go” to heaven, then schedule the trip for today. This day. The ever-present NOW is the only time ever that you will experience anything. You want to “go” to heaven? Learn…
Fear has no power of its own There is nothing to fear. But yet, we can live in fear. We can find ourselves worrying about everything that is going on. How can you find a place of happiness when the world itself might seem like it is all falling apart? How can you find happiness if your life in in ruins? How can you find happiness if you have lost what was the happiest part of your life? Know the truth. The more you know the truth of who you really are, the less your ego frets over what is. The consciousness behind you is timeless. It is actually God consciousness. Indeed, every thought, every where, is God consciousness. There is no separation. Ever. All that is, is a part of the Divine. But what about those terrorists? All God. What? Yes, all God. Fear needs consciousness to exist. Fear…
Leaving fear behind you Peace can be found in every aspect of life. There is a place of knowing that affords a sense of peace within your own sense of self, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey. For many of us, we were born into a paradigm of struggle and pain. Some of the stories of our humanity can seem very difficult to understand, including the “why” of it all. But when we take a step back and look at it from our own soul’s perspective, it is that very struggle that can act as our own alarm clock. If you think about the collective consciousness, there is little in our mainstream media that talks about the truth. And that would be Truth with a capital ‘T’. To be able to get a grip on the truth, and then become able to embody it, is the trademark…