


To meet your Soul where it is A non-linear aspect of You! There are no requirements. The idea of fierce free will is proven. Just look at how far into the “darkness” or “shadow” we have gone. Every manner of pain and suffering are playing out on this planet now. Our souls seem to allow it. Until they don’t. Have you ever had a life-changing event in your life? Where would you be now, if that same event had not happened? Sometimes our soul takes off the metaphorical gloves and rings our bell. In other words, there are countless N.D.E. (Near Death Experience) stories shared online. Or an accident or such has turned your life on its head. It’s not that our souls are uninterested in what we choose, but for the most part, it, the ego, is given carte blanche to think, choose, and act as it wishes. The…

The Villain makes the Hero Had we never left heaven … Was it a mistake to leave Heaven? I mean, really? God, as Unconditional Love, is Heaven itself. In other words, many of us are on a spiritual journey to return to Heaven. But, why did we even leave Heaven in the first place? In the beginning was the Light. The Light of Heaven. The Light of Love. OK. Perfect. Stop right there. Heaven as the vast field of Unconditional Love sounds like, well, it sounds like Heaven to me. Heaven is what we metaphorically left. God, as Consciousness/Love, wanted to know more about its potentials. Wanted to know what it would feel like to have a dualistic experience. Wanted to know what it could be. And it entered duality. The beginning of creation itself. Fast forward billions and billions of years, and here we are. God Consciousness personified as…

Love has a Wisdom to it Love You Let’s take a journey of sorts. To imagine the journey of Consciousness. In the beginning was the Light. I would suggest this was the radiant field of Unconditional Love. Perhaps also called Source, or Christ, Consciousness. Without form, posture or preference. This is the fabric or substance of all that will be created. Ever. Fast forward 6 billion years. Now we have the Earth and upon this Earth the Human BEing. A vehicle of experience. In other words, how a Soul can come into form to experience what it is like to have the human experience. What it feels like to take on karma. To separate from our innate power. And so forth. When a new Soul is born, just like a new baby, there is no preference or opinion. As we incarnate, and take on karma, we are traversing a scale…

Are You on God’s side? Best be on the “safe” side When we are on a spiritual journey or quest, we want to come out on the “right” side. Right? I mean, it’s a journey. If I don’t go the “right” way, I won’t end up at the “right” place. This can be the basis of the idea of a right vs. wrong mentality. Certainly, if given a choice between right and wrong, we typically want to choose the “right” answer. I mean, who wants to be intentionally wrong? Are we not coming out of the metaphorical darkness? Are we not becoming more and more awake? Are we not choosing the better choices because we have awakened on some level(s)? Sure. Seems to be what’s happening. But wait, we are coming “out of the darkness.” Out of it. Which means some where, some when, we decided, on some level, to…

The Only way Out … is In. Where you are going, you are already there. Perhaps we are on our “spiritual journey.” Where we have decided that we want to grow ourselves spiritually. We might think that that direction is always metaphorically “up.” To ascend into Heaven. But wait a minute. “Grow ourselves spiritually?” Wouldn’t that, metaphorically, be down? So, what if we were brand-new Souls? Never having ever had a physical experience. Never having incarnated anywhere or any when. In a way, we have already arrived. In other words, perhaps the spiritual journey is into the darkness. Perhaps it is into the shadow. In a sense, the moment we were born, as a brand-new Soul, we have already arrived at the end of the journey. As a brand new Soul, we had no karma loaded up in our psyche. We were squeaky clean. We had no one to forgive.…

To Divide and to Unite The flow of life Imagine the first steps out of Heaven. Or perhaps the first moments of the birth of your Soul. Haven’t been incarnate yet. Haven’t felt any emotions to speak of. Where you haven’t formed any opinions or preferences. Where you are very similar to Source Consciousness itself. Then you plunge into duality. You plunge into separation. You take the deep dive into karma. Fast forward many, many lifetimes, and like now, you find you are living on a planet with massive separation. Or perhaps the perception of massive separation. Divided and divided again until there are literally thousands of issues and opinions of what is “true.” How do I get “back” to Heaven? It is a common trait to label evil as … well …evil. Evil is bad. Evil is of the Devil. OK, sure. You did decide to experience free will.…

You can’t do it wrong. You can’t do it All. You are a timeless Soul having a Human experience. Are you deserving of all that you can imagine for yourself? Are you worthy? Or did you do something in your past that makes you unqualified? God knows the answer. Does your ego? If we were to disqualify ourselves any time we “messed up,” nobody but nobody would make it out unscathed. Lucky for us we get to make mistakes. It is part of our Soul’s journey. But Les, if you really knew what I have done … well … OK, let’s list some of the top seemingly unforgivable things that might get in our way. So, say you were Hitler. Just for some perspective. Under your directive, you massacred millions. Does God hate you now? Nope. How about Ivan the Terrible? God just has to hate HIM! Nope. Wait ……

From the Dark, into the Light Reclaiming Your Consciousness When we think of our spiritual journey (back) to enlightenment, it is actually a return to wholeness. Where we connect with energetic elements of energy within our subconscious, feel it, and thus release it. But often, this is the last thing we want to do, at an ego level. Our ego oftentimes prefers to avoid the difficult feelings within ourself. That avoidance tends to promote the accumulation of even more karma into our subconscious. Thus pushing us deeper into the shadow side of being human. We lose our consciousness when we posture or divide ourself. It isn’t that we actually lose our consciousness, per se, but rather, we separate it by pushing it into our subconscious. Thus creating, or adding to, our shadow. In other words, whenever we avoid a feeling, by posturing with it, we are creating karma. If you…

You can’t escape … your Divinity The Kingdom of Heaven is within you … now Have you dropped the ball? Do you feel like you’ve gotten off the “path?” Feeling a bit out in the weeds? You can think that you have fallen from Grace. You can’t. Well … you can. You can think that you are not enough. Or, perhaps, that the struggles before you are too great. You can think of your life in any way that you want. Who is more “righteous?” The sinner or the saint? Jesus or the Devil? If you were, metaphorically, to go visit a planet where everyone is … well, “Jesus”… everyone Divine … there would be nothing to learn. It would be like taking an advanced sailing class, but the boat is in a backyard swimming pool. Nothing here to challenge you. No skills to learn. Not compared to navigating the tempest…

You can’t exhaust the (quantum) mirror Every reflection has the same merit How do you “burden” a mirror? I mean, really, it just reflects other things. No matter how big. Any image a mirror reflects, has the same “merit” as any other image. I have been using the metaphor of a mirror a lot lately. It fits so well. It fits the nature of how we create our “reality.” Is the world “safe” or “dangerous?” Your belief, an internal attribute, will decide this for you. It is done unto you as you believe. Our beliefs are an inside job. And yet, they “decide” how we experience the world outside of us. The world outside of us is a reflection of (the inside of) us. Are you karma’s b*tch? Is karma happening to you? Or is your karma a reflection of you? Is karma an inside job? One of the, perhaps,…

Suffering is Optional The Untouchable You We have all had our struggles. Some more painful than others. We all have had our own paths to walk. Sometimes it seems like a soul will choose a life path loaded with, often severe, personal challenges, perhaps to ensure there would be an awakening. For many of us, is has been over the last few years that our lives got turned upside down. Where everything we thought life would bring us, is perhaps lost forever. We can avoid the possibility of pain as well. How many of us have had our hearts broken. Perhaps crushed. And now we just don’t want to go “there” ever again. It is the pain itself, or the possibility of pain, that can freeze us in our tracks. Perhaps the memory of painful events. Our personal history is loaded up with intense events from our past. Some are…