Calibrate your BS detector There is the obvious and not so obvious There is a massive movement of sorts going on. A transformation of our human condition. Thank God ;- ) As part of our spiritual evolution, we can bump up against the truth. The BIG Truth, with a Capital T, and billions of little truths. … it is done unto you as you believe. That statement is truth with a big T. It is true for each and every one of the 7 billion people on the planet. So, how many “truths” are there? And … are they all really true? There has been war on this planet for so many generations. That is the truth. But … is it a truth that we want or that serves us? It is a little truth. In other words, it is a creation of our human demeanor. Our own human beliefs.…
Living Your Passion Opening the floodgates of your Soul’s expressions In the beginning … Divine Mother and Divine Father were having an inspired moment… What if … … and in that first intention, the universe was created. OK. That might be the short story of creation. But the point is … our inspiration is the seeds of all new things. INspiration is the portal of our own Soul. It isn’t a common everyday thing to be totally tuned IN to the constant stream of inspiration from our own Soul. Those people who are tuned in seem charismatic and vibrant to others. There is an excitement around them. A walking creation-machine in motion. I would suggest, one of the key factors in making these vibrant souls so electric, is the nature of their ego. For so many of us, our ego really runs the show. In other words, so many human…
Home for the Holidays The gift of family gatherings… Ding dong … and it begins. Time with our families can be such a joy for some of us, and for others, it can be such a burden. Each family dynamic is different in its own ways. Just like our family traditions. Perhaps you have had an opportunity to visit the family of a friend … and perhaps then you notice a change in your friend’s demeanor … as if when walking into their home, they become someone different. Our family of origin is a great place to do some soul-searching about ourselves. There are a few reasons behind this. One reason would be the idea that our soul consciously chose our specific family in which to incarnate. Our soul chose the specific family dynamic for the opportunities it would present in order to set us up to learn specific karmic…
The Divine expresses through you, as you How good can you stand it? I mean. If indeed we are the portal of the Divine, expressing as ourselves, then what would heaven look like, to you? There is a pattern that is very common on this planet. And that pattern is the pattern of people awakening. Working through their issues. And most certainly, that is a very good thing. But, there is another chapter coming. Is is just past karma. It is the chapter we start living when we have cleansed our karmic past. Now make no mistake. I am not saying that if you don’t feel like you have any karma left, that there isn’t plenty to be discovered within you. Karma, by design, is mostly subconscious. And by that, nearly impossible to consciously know about. Not with any certainty anyway. Until you actually glow in the dark, like Jesus…
Who is this “You” that is reading this? Nice to meet you. Who is it that I am talking to? Who are you? Who are you over a span of time? What if you were to imagine yourself(s) gathered at a table. Can you picture 4 or 5 versions of you throughout your life, sitting at the same table? Perhaps a young child version of you. A teenager version of you. A young adult version of you. Like snapshots of you throughout this lifetime. Can you imagine the thought process that is going on in each version? What is you as the young child thinking about? Play time? Presents at Christmas? And the you as a teenager. What is going through that young mind of yours? Perhaps some social contemplations? Maybe a little searching for a sense of self? And what about the older versions of you? What are those…
Thoughts, feeling and beliefs are an inside job So often we can think that we are responsible for how others think, feel and believe. But those attributes come from the inside of each of us. Others have no domain in those arenas. Thoughts, feelings and beliefs are all an inside job. When I ask people who are engaged to be married if they are excited about it, one of the more common responses I often hear is, “They make me so happy.” Some attribute of their partner elicits a feeling of happiness within them. So what happens if that partner finds some dark inner feelings that they haven’t processed, and spends several weeks processing and healing that inner pain? Where does that happiness go? To be able to be real and authentic is to own your own feelings, period. In order to truly integrate and thus heal your past, you need to…