Any Color You Like

It is your reflection

Draw your measure. Claim your bounty.

There is a new player in the thinking game. It is that of AI (Artificial Intelligence). In many of my encounters with AI, I would say it stands for Assumed Intelligence. They, the AI personalities, can be heavily biased. Programmed to coax a certain mindset.

Just as AI can come up with any “sentence” it wants … so can you.

Our minds are able to think any sentence(s) we choose. And from that comes immense power. It comes, once we have learned to master the power of the Word. The “Word” has been there from the beginning. In the beginning was the Word. The handle of creation. The birthplace of creation. Then, from the beginning, and now with your words now. And now and … well, you get it. You have access to that same Word. It is the handle of your wand. Once you learn to honor the “sentencing” of your heart and soul.

There is something that happens as you purify your personal energy persona. An opening of sorts. An expansion of sorts. And if you can lean into it, so to speak, you can draw a much more prominent harvest or bounty for yourself. It comes from your Innate Self. That field of endless potentials that is the doorway or portal, where Source Consciousness shows up within you. Your every thought, ever, has been fueled by this source, or Innate Consciousness. It has no boundary or limit. Able to fuel any narrative(s), archetype, or dream you can come up with.

To open up to the vast potentials from that inner realm of yours, is to shed the karmic stigmas, and thus karmic momentum of your past. As the unresolved energy within your subconscious creates a type of karmic inertia or momentum in the particular Moment. What are your current thoughts, beliefs, expectations, etc.? That is what you are creating now. As long as you have unresolved karmic stigmas, you will have karmic propensities. The “normal” that you are experiencing in your life right now.

If you were to step out of your life, and observe it from afar, what would be the 3 – 4 most prominent narratives you have playing out now? What are your top two or three archetypes? What is your karmic trajectory? Are you sitting on the couch, saying you should start exercising, like you have for years now? But still on the couch? Just because you generated the sentence, “Going to the gym would be good for me?” The sentence(s) in and of themselves do not bring about the outcome. It has to show up in your actions, to be brought into form.

Your reflection is telling you what you are choosing. What do you see? As you look at your life now. Is that you on the couch? Or is that your ass headed towards the gym for your 100th time? The mirror or reflection doesn’t care. In other words, whatever you choose, is what will happen. So become more conscious about your choices and their outcomes.

Oh, and … EnJoy today, this day.  And get some Chocolate Ice Cream too! Yum

Love You


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