


The Only way Out … is In. Where you are going, you are already there. Perhaps we are on our “spiritual journey.” Where we have decided that we want to grow ourselves spiritually. We might think that that direction is always metaphorically “up.” To ascend into Heaven. But wait a minute. “Grow ourselves spiritually?” Wouldn’t that, metaphorically, be down? So, what if we were brand-new Souls? Never having ever had a physical experience. Never having incarnated anywhere or any when. In a way, we have already arrived. In other words, perhaps the spiritual journey is into the darkness. Perhaps it is into the shadow. In a sense, the moment we were born, as a brand-new Soul, we have already arrived at the end of the journey. As a brand new Soul, we had no karma loaded up in our psyche. We were squeaky clean. We had no one to forgive.…

Forgiveness … giving up all hope for a better past Set yourself free We could call this the self-love blog. Forgiveness is a powerful tool to restore your ability to love yourself. But let’s start with those people in our lives that we haven’t forgiven. Perhaps there are several. Are there people in your past that you feel may have taken malice out on you? Perhaps it was your parents? Or perhaps you are very angry toward someone who has unexpectedly left you? Ether personally, or perhaps they passed away without saying goodbye? Perhaps they left you holding the bag? Or perhaps your lover cheated on you? Or you cheated on your spouse? Or … or … or … For myself, I have had to forgive several people in my life. Well, I didn’t have to forgive them. But in truth, it would just be a matter of time before I got…

What would your Higher Self do? You CAN live your life entirely from your ego… So … what’s it going to be? Not to force or push, but rather, for better clarity. Our egos can have no problem consuming us. Where the vast majority of our consciousness is “consumed” by our egos. In other words, if we were to imagine the endless stream of consciousness that our Soul streams to us, through us, as us, as some type of measurable “fuel.” Well, perhaps our ego easily consumes all of it. And that is that. More of the same. You could predict who you were in the future, 10 years, 20 years or even farther out, because the likelihood of you actually having real lasting change show up, would be minimal. There is a notion of living that isn’t that common. And that is to … make waves. Make change. Not…

Swept Away in the Karmic Current Where did you go? There is a bit of dichotomy when it comes to karma. On one hand, you could easily think of karma as density. Or, perhaps, viscosity. If we think of the density aspect, we could see those who have loaded up their psyche with karma, as having a very dense energy. They are “heavy” with karma and thus it is very difficult to move (change) where they are. Or perhaps, the viscosity aspect could be thought of as standing in an empty swimming pool. Say, perhaps, the goal is to just walk 20 feet. If the pool is empty, it is an effortless success. Then by adding water (karma) up to the waist, well then, the effort is greater. Then again, imagine the water up to your neck. Perhaps much more energy is needed. But then, let’s even change the viscosity,…