


It is Who You become as You walk Your Path Your Journey has a Purpose, and so do You Perhaps the safest place for a boat is in the harbor. But the value or reason for a boat, is lost … in the harbor. In other words, if the boat never leaves the harbor, why even have the boat. The (metaphorical) “safest” place for you to be is in your home. With the window shades pulled down and the doors all locked. But you didn’t incarnate to just be “safe.” Sure, we all want to be safe, in a general way. But we also feel more alive when we bump up against risk. “It’s only in uncertainty that we’re naked and alive.” ~ Peter Gabriel There has been so much change over the last several years. Many of us would just like the change to settle down. To get back…

Your Mind, Heart and Soul Who are You? So, if you were to be handed a copy of all of your thoughts over the last 24 hours, and they were indexed by “who” had had them, who would be you? In other words, if you were to get a clear report, showing you how much of your thoughts had come from your mind/ego, and your heart and your soul, what kind of ratios would you see? A very common behavioral trait of human beings is that they live mostly in their mind. Mostly, isn’t really fair. Completely in their minds might be a better analogy. We, in general, are completely overdosing on our egos. Our hearts, once healed and open, would never wage war on another. Our soul would not have any need for the “white picket fence” idea of living our life. The notion that you go to “school,”…

Paint the Picture You Desire As You Wish There is a momentum of sorts. Living this human experience. We are all having a “normal” experience. Today might seem very familiar. Perhaps just like yesterday. It is at least normal to us. Yet, your normal day and my normal day can be completely different. We are all having our own unique experience(s) of life. Sure, there is a common set of experiences. Laughter is an example of similar experiences. Yet, the Guru and the Maniac live in the “same” world. What are your experiences of your life? Are there repetitive experiences that you don’t like? Perhaps you butt heads with someone at work. Or perhaps you and your spouse spar it out often. Arguing over this or that. Something you might not prefer. Or there is the notion of avoidance. You avoid the butthead at work or avoid arguments with your…

Don’t let your ego make you go Numb We are creatures of habit So, if I asked you, how similar was today compared to yesterday? Excluding one-time events, such as, “I got married yesterday,” how similar is one day to the next day? If you think of yourself as being on a spiritual journey, then “motion” would help you “arrive.” We can come to comfort zones, and then we park it there. Many of us don’t just park it there, we homestead there. It can be just what we need. Comfort, that is. Not to sound contradictory, but comfort can be just the thing to help us recover when we have gone through the ringer. It can take some time to recover. To bring ourselves around, so to speak. As I have shared before, I went through some very tough emotional pain late last year. And it took me several…

It gets easier … if you engage You always have free will I understand not everyone knows about snow skiing. But there is a bit of a dichotomy behind getting good at it. When you first put on the skis, you feel very clumsy. It is difficult to move around at all. And then add trying to go down even a small hill … the tendency is to lean back. Why would you lean forward when you feel like you have no control? Yet, that is when you gain control. The skiing becomes easier (eventually ;- ) once you learn to lean into it. Once you get the knack of it, you can easily ski wherever you want on the ski slope. The skis are designed in such a way that when you lean forward, that is when the ability to control where you are going gets much easier. But…

World’s Largest Ball of Yarn Don’t forget to EnJoy the Journey The journey is the “reason.” There is no finish line. We are here for the human experience. The experience of the journey. What does it feel like to … [Insert experience(s) here]. Even the “bad” ones. The “landscape” of this journey (called life) is how we feel. How we are experiencing our lives. It can be our emotions, or perhaps the awe of our ego seeing something that is overwhelmingly beautiful. The passion flowing through us as we engage our heart’s desires. It can be a bit of a challenge to sharpen our focus when there is so much change going on in our lives and in the collective. There are times when we are actually shifting our own life-purpose in our life. I was a television engineer, and my heart told me to start writing books. Huh? Books?…

You cannot exhaust it. Go ahead and try. I’ll watch. You cannot exhaust Your potential. Has your relationship gone flat? Feeling uninspired? Bored? Tired of the chaos? … which “relationship(s)” came to mind, when I didn’t put a context to the question? Was it with your spouse? Or perhaps your kids? Or maybe work has been difficult lately? But what about your relationship with … You? How similar will today be, compared to yesterday? Or, perhaps, compared to yesterday, and the day before. What I am getting at, is that we can easily fall into a norm. And one norm, after another, can make for a very unfulfilled life. You have an infinite well of inspiration at your disposal … if you actually choose to tap into it. Nature, by its very nature, is never “done.” It is always there with another variation. Another new creation. You are that very…

IF You Start Now… You just might scratch the surface Who is driving your life? Who is the one making decisions in your life? Who? Why it is ME … of course? Really? Have you ever had a co-worker that was difficult, only to meet them outside of work and find them to be totally different? OR to catch yourself dreaming of a most incredible life for yourself? Like you just won the lottery? Or what if… You are an infinite consciousness. Without end. Your Soul was the one that chose this life-path BEFORE you were born. And it will do it again before your next incarnation too. Your Soul has an endless, without end, stream of inspiration, handcrafted, just for you. But, and this is a BIG but, IF you cannot fully engage the process of harvesting that inspiration … well then … life will most likely be ……

Passion Play The feeling of passions expressed Passion. Bring it! Allow it. Immerse into it. Surrender to it. Passion, in and of itself, is the flow of “Soul” energy out through your body. Transcending your ego. Your sense of self. To cultivate what you are authentically passionate about, is to expand the portal of your own Soul. So many people on this planet are … the walking dead. Not really engaged in their life at all. Surrendered to a very repetitive pattern in their life. Wake up. Go to work. Come home and crash. And then do it all again. Not even a glimpse of passionate expression in their everyday life. Karma taking its toll. It is only in uncertainty … that we are naked and alive. ~ Peter Gabriel. I recently started riding motorcycles again. After a 20-year pause. And I must say … it is re-awakening my inner…

Going Up! Raising Your Consciousness Where are you going? What do you want out of your life? What gets you excited about your future? There is an awakening going on. An entire planet is awakening at some level. There are those people on this planet that will experience a complete and total transformation of themselves. And there are no limits to what that can look like. We are awakening to our own Divinity. Awakening to the Divine Consciousness within us now. To really honor that, takes some daydreaming. It takes some serious silly-ness. Silly? Well … Yes. We have been told what life is about. For the most part, it is all a story. A story of one single possibility. Single in the sense that the world we were raised on is just ONE example of what is possible. Our history has very large institutions that have spanned many generations.…

Finding that Divine flow Inner inspirations. Temporal slips. Those moments when time and space seem to become lucid. Every now and again you hear stories that seem to defy the nature of life. Where the person was perhaps transformed in the moment. I love getting glimpses of these type of moments and how they were experienced. For example, there was an interview of a cross-country runner who had just won a long and grueling race against all odds. He was an underdog, not expected to even place in the race. Yet he won the race. They had asked him how it felt to win such an unexpected victory. His reply was most curious to me. He said something to the notion of “the end of the race became lucid to me. I could see all the various possible outcomes, and I simply chose the one I wanted.” There is a…