Change Your Karmic Momentum Karma, like gravity, is impersonal The scale that our human persona can be “programmed,” so to speak, is vast and deep. When we take on more and more karma, the probabilities of our future collapse into a much narrower range of possibilities. When I talk about our psyche being “programmed,” it can happen on many different levels. We can program ourselves, and others can program us, if we are not conscious about it. In this blog, I will talk about how we program our own psyches. The elephant in the room, so to speak, at least how it relates to our programming, is our childhood. Look no further than your family of origin to see where the deepest ingrained imprinting has happened in this lifetime of yours. We can easily think that we have grown out of it. That is to say, as adults, we can…
Caught up in Your own Reflection The world … out there is you The birthplace of your past, is what you are “seeing” right now. Yet we are always in the process of creation. I guess you could say that what we are seeing, moment to moment, is the result of our creation. The moment, this moment, passes … it is in our past. We never see the same moment twice. At least from our egos’ perspective. I could have spent my whole life living by what I see. In other words, if I had never been cracked open, I could have spent the rest of my life observing the results of my creation process. Not observing the actual creation process. But rather only the results. Om …. Om … Om … (the silent sound of meditation ;- ) Our mind is quite the player in this thing called life.…
The Only way Out … is In. Where you are going, you are already there. Perhaps we are on our “spiritual journey.” Where we have decided that we want to grow ourselves spiritually. We might think that that direction is always metaphorically “up.” To ascend into Heaven. But wait a minute. “Grow ourselves spiritually?” Wouldn’t that, metaphorically, be down? So, what if we were brand-new Souls? Never having ever had a physical experience. Never having incarnated anywhere or any when. In a way, we have already arrived. In other words, perhaps the spiritual journey is into the darkness. Perhaps it is into the shadow. In a sense, the moment we were born, as a brand-new Soul, we have already arrived at the end of the journey. As a brand new Soul, we had no karma loaded up in our psyche. We were squeaky clean. We had no one to forgive.…
Your Happiness and Your Sorrow It is all up to You Your mind is the beginning, and the end, of your happiness and your sorrow. It is a most curious thing. Our mind/ego is the decider. Well … kind of. How many people have created a vision board, and religiously chanted their daily affirmations, only to find that years later … nothing (of significance) has changed? If those things, affirmations and vision boards, are the creation and intent of the mind/ego, how can I say that the mind/ego is the decider? We take on karma when we posture with what is. That posturing is initiated by the mind/ego. At least, most of the time. There are times when the mind/ego doesn’t get to decide. For example, a young soldier going into battle for the first time. The shock and horror of carnage can trigger the body to protect itself. It…
To Live a Rewarding Life You are more than you might know Nature is never finished. Always ready for another (new) expression. You are that nature personified. So … imagine if you will … that you (your ego) makes a list of what you would like to do and your Soul makes a list of what it might like to do. Are those two lists the same? Just pause for a moment and ask yourself that question. What answer(s) do you get? Unless your parents where totally tuned in to their own souls’ inspirations, you were imprinted with a rather shut down trajectory for your life. It is quite the norm, really. People settle into a rather constant and unchanging narrative for their life. But at our essence, we desire a rich and full engagement of all that life has to offer. I say this because I spent the first…
From Light into Shadow. From Shadow into Light. Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love. ~ Rumi There is a real elegance to karma. It is a beautiful design. WTF! Les, there is so much suffering on this planet. Karma sucks. What if, in an imaginary world, you spent your entire life in an incubator of sorts. It was a very nice incubator, with all the latest delights. But the incubator made sure it was always 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21º Celsius). What if the temperature never changed? And then I asked you … what does cold feel like? Huh? What is “cold?” Source Consciousness (God), it seems, is in an eternal quest to know more about itself. It seems that everything in nature is in a cycle of sorts. Day/Night. Summer/Winter. Fast/Slow. Light/Dark. Birth/Death. Within the journey of a Soul, there is a cycle of sorts as well.…
Unplugged Did you try unplugging it? Did you ever have something stop working? You tried giving it a good smack? Just when you thought it was a lost cause… … and then you unplugged it … and it started working again? Did you ever fret and worry about something in your life… wringing your hands over it, and it just wouldn’t go away? We are the creators of our experience(s). What we focus on … expands. Our emotions are waves of energy (inner chi) that are broadcast out into the universe. And the Law of Attraction kicks in and brings us more of the same. You cannot create abundance, love, joy, happiness, etc. while focusing on lack, fear, hate, etc. Try unplugging yourself. Try imagining that you are just observing the situation. That what you are witnessing is not yours. Your karma is not personal. Wait … what? The principles…
The process of creating starts within us Our eyes can only show us the birthing of the past. What you are seeing in this moment, is already the past. Perhaps the freshest past you have. The past is created in this and every moment. No matter how hard we look, with our human eyes, we cannot ever see the future. We see atoms. Matter. Things. This now is the birthplace of our past. Some of our past is very old. And some of it is as fresh as the previous sentence you just read. But there IS a place within you in which you can “see” the future. Well, not physically see it, but rather, energetically see it. In fact, the energy within you is what CREATES the future. You can think of the energy within you now as the early stages of the creation process of YOUR future. If…