


Who do You think You are? There is no measuring stick We live in a world of symbols and definitions. What is that? That is a table. “Table” is a string of common symbols that have nothing to do with the actual table. Well, except if you use that particular string of common symbols, well then, we know what you are talking about. Who are You? The “who” that would have answered this question, didn’t exist the day you were born. In other words, the “who” that would have answered this question is your ego. Yet, the day you were born, you didn’t have an ego (to speak of). Think of your ego when you were, perhaps, 10 years old. Who were you “then?” Fast forward a decade or so, and who were you then? Probably quite different answers. Yet, here “You” are. Fast forward, from this day, perhaps a…

Your Soul seeks growth. To grow. To evolve. Bend and Stretch For myself, I find it most curious that our egos have the final say in what we actually do. Well, at least for a while. There is a static effect when we live in our egos. Where our lives become static, or perhaps stagnant, and not dynamic. Our egos really want to know what is going to be the outcome of our decisions. Perhaps we have been burned before. Or, perhaps, our hearts have been broken. And we don’t want to feel THAT (ever) again. So we become very cautious with all of our decisions. Welcome to, perhaps, the most advanced karmic classroom in the galaxy. Planet Earth. If you can find the Light (of unconditional Love) at the core of your BEing, within this karmic tsunami, well, you just might be a badass angel. It can be challenging for sure. Very challenging.…

What would your Higher Self do? You CAN live your life entirely from your ego… So … what’s it going to be? Not to force or push, but rather, for better clarity. Our egos can have no problem consuming us. Where the vast majority of our consciousness is “consumed” by our egos. In other words, if we were to imagine the endless stream of consciousness that our Soul streams to us, through us, as us, as some type of measurable “fuel.” Well, perhaps our ego easily consumes all of it. And that is that. More of the same. You could predict who you were in the future, 10 years, 20 years or even farther out, because the likelihood of you actually having real lasting change show up, would be minimal. There is a notion of living that isn’t that common. And that is to … make waves. Make change. Not…