


The Villain makes the Hero Had we never left heaven … Was it a mistake to leave Heaven? I mean, really? God, as Unconditional Love, is Heaven itself. In other words, many of us are on a spiritual journey to return to Heaven. But, why did we even leave Heaven in the first place? In the beginning was the Light. The Light of Heaven. The Light of Love. OK. Perfect. Stop right there. Heaven as the vast field of Unconditional Love sounds like, well, it sounds like Heaven to me. Heaven is what we metaphorically left. God, as Consciousness/Love, wanted to know more about its potentials. Wanted to know what it would feel like to have a dualistic experience. Wanted to know what it could be. And it entered duality. The beginning of creation itself. Fast forward billions and billions of years, and here we are. God Consciousness personified as…

Getting Past the Struggles One Step at a Time Where did you come from? Perhaps the question is, who is this “you” we are talking about? Are we talking about your Soul as this “you?” If so, then perhaps we would talk about the journey of your Soul. And perhaps previous lives. The themes of your last several incarnations. Etc. Or perhaps we are talking about your ego. Well, that is quite a different conversation. For this moment, let’s look at your ego. Were your parents fully realized personifications of the Divine? In other words, were your parents without any karma or stigmas? Were your parents performing miracle after miracle as the saviors of the past have promised us all we would all eventually be able to do? My guess is probably … no. Certainly for me, no. My parents had plenty of struggles of their own. But here is…

To walk out of the Karmic Storms Your subconscious decides how much your environment influences you We posture with reality. At least until we come to terms with it. In other words, our karma has us posturing with reality based on our subconscious programming. Based on our unresolved karmic stigmas. There is a curious thing that happens. Perhaps not in every situation. But certainly for myself. We get cracked open, by some major event in our lives. And that starts an unraveling of sorts. You might call it an inward dive into our own psyche. For myself, once I got cracked open, I started a whole new journey in my life. And thus a whole new outcome for my life. We have all felt a collective experience. Say, for example, 9/11. The whole world witnessed that event. Do you remember how you felt that day? Do you remember how the…

Learning to Run When the training wheels comes off When you start to get some traction, walking in step with your heart and soul, you start to notice encounters you have with others, in a different way. You may pray to be a more Loving being, and someone will come along and trigger your unresolved anger. Damn it. I was praying for Love. As you start to listen to your heart and soul more and more as you go about your day, then you start to notice a shift in your cadence. And the direction you are headed. By teaching your ego to just step back a bit, and allow a flow to present itself, then you are in the current. You are flowing in the stream. The villain is also your hero. Only they can push your buttons the deepest, within your psyche. Affording you the sight to heal…

Are you on the Right side of Wrong? Where has your past taken you? It can seem like we have gone through the proverbial ringer. Many of us have had a “villain” in our life. Someone who has seemingly had a quest to give us grief. It really is/was personal … or is/was it? The “villain” is perhaps one who has taken on a huge amount of karma. Perhaps your own “personal” villain(s) have much more karma in their psyche than you do. I would not be surprised if you all shared your journey with me, that you would tell me of some pretty terrible trainwrecks in your lives. I know I have had my share. Even though I have been consciously on my spiritual journey for over 25 years, I have had some pretty intense events in my life, in just the past few years. My attitude towards these…

Paint the Picture You Desire As You Wish There is a momentum of sorts. Living this human experience. We are all having a “normal” experience. Today might seem very familiar. Perhaps just like yesterday. It is at least normal to us. Yet, your normal day and my normal day can be completely different. We are all having our own unique experience(s) of life. Sure, there is a common set of experiences. Laughter is an example of similar experiences. Yet, the Guru and the Maniac live in the “same” world. What are your experiences of your life? Are there repetitive experiences that you don’t like? Perhaps you butt heads with someone at work. Or perhaps you and your spouse spar it out often. Arguing over this or that. Something you might not prefer. Or there is the notion of avoidance. You avoid the butthead at work or avoid arguments with your…

Maybe it is You Who is behind it all? So, imagine you are standing in front of a mirror. Perhaps fresh out of bed. Morning hair and all. And as you look at your reflection in this mirror, you try to brush the hair of the reflection itself. The brush just keeps hitting the mirror. Damn it! Can’t happen. You can’t change the reflection, by trying to alter the reflection. The source of the image decides the reflection, that the mirror is reflecting. And that source is … You. It can seem that the world is happening to us. That we are the recipient of the world, and how that goes, our experience of the world, is somehow fixed. That we are at the mercy of “reality.” Or are we? I was trudging through the challenges of a malicious boss. He was constantly belittling me. It was personal with him.…

Good Emotions Bad Emotions How do You feel? So where are you? Where are you on the emotional scale? Emotional scale? What is the emotional scale? When we bump up against “reality,” we get a reflection of sorts. An emotional radar, you might say. We project our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes up against the “reality” before us and what comes back is our “emotional” echo. It is those thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that decide where we are on this metaphorical emotional scale. Life isn’t fair. It’s not my fault. They won’t let me. I can’t. These types of thoughts and beliefs are anchored in a victim mentality. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford We are all experiencing a form of karmic momentum. A karmic collage of experiences. We build up our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes as we go through our life. The…

If Consciousness were your Currency How are You spending Your Consciousness? Spending our consciousness. Spending our attention. Each day we wake up and the “spending” begins. But I want to look at the wake, or results, of our spending. Are you creating karma as you go throughout your day? I certainly was, and I had no idea that I was. We are metaphorically “launched” out of our family of origin with ingrained karmic tendencies. We are born, we grow up, and we move out of our family of origin. At least, that’s the idea. ;- ) I had my karmic trajectories or karmic momentum in place before I moved out to create a life of my own. I had karmic habits, that were accumulating karma into my psyche, instilled in me as a child. For example, let’s look at road rage. Where did all that energy, that explosive energy that is…

The Ever-Evolving You! Without End You are never stuck. Well, unless you think you are. And even then, you can always re-decide. We are souls well-established on our journeys. We have loaded up our psyches with karma from our past. And this karma creates a momentum of sorts. A consistency of sorts in our everyday experiences. A lot of this momentum is found in our subconscious. You can imagine a huge supertanker out in the ocean. Laden with cargo. Riding low in the water. The top speed is quite slow. If this immense amount of mass wanted to just turn around, it might take an hour. And a mile of space in which to do it. Loaded up. Lots of inertia. The last moment similar to this moment. In a lot of ways, this metaphor is similar to ourselves. At least collectively. We have loaded up our psyches with karma.…

Living YOUR Authentic Life There is not a “single” template to Heaven Who are You? Can you tell when you are BEing your most authentic? Can you tell when you are sculpting who you are in order to fit in or meet someone else’s expectation(s)? Can you hear the desires of your heart and soul? Moment to moment? Do you honor your heart and soul’s inspirations … moment to moment? There is no template to heaven. Not in the sense that you have to be more “righteous” in order to “get into heaven.” There is not a single attribute that is “required” for you to experience Heaven, except perhaps, Love. And more specifically, Self-Love. Unconditional Self-Love. Heaven or Hell is always experienced in this now. There are millions of people who will experience Hell today. Right now. And likewise there are millions of people who are experiencing Heaven today, right…