Love has a Wisdom to it

Love You

Let’s take a journey of sorts. To imagine the journey of Consciousness.

In the beginning was the Light. I would suggest this was the radiant field of Unconditional Love. Perhaps also called Source, or Christ, Consciousness. Without form, posture or preference. This is the fabric or substance of all that will be created. Ever.

Fast forward 6 billion years.

Now we have the Earth and upon this Earth the Human BEing. A vehicle of experience. In other words, how a Soul can come into form to experience what it is like to have the human experience. What it feels like to take on karma. To separate from our innate power. And so forth.

When a new Soul is born, just like a new baby, there is no preference or opinion. As we incarnate, and take on karma, we are traversing a scale of Consciousness. The most power we have, ever, is when we are in the most alignment with Love. From my perspective, it is a beautiful thing. The more you take on karma, the closer to the “villain” archetype you move. And thus, the less power you have. Villains have to use force. Force consumes energy. For example, a “war machine” needs food for the troops, fuel for the tanks and aircraft and time for the force to have its effect. Whereas Love could transmute the condition, in the moment.

But here’s the thing … the Love is unconditional. Love, BIG Love, allows. Without condition. We are allowed to go far into the darkness. We are allowed to become more and more “separated” from this very powerful Love. As we disconnect from this Love that is within us now, we shift our attention to the world outside of us. When we go to influence the world outside of us, we start to use force to manipulate the world around us. Force consumes, and thus cannot be sustained forever. Force does not “use” the power of Love. And thus will eventually consume itself. Whereas the creation of all that is, is a byproduct of Love. And Love is eternally expanding itself. Without end. Just look up at all the stars in the night sky, or perhaps look at photos from the space telescopes. Worlds without end. And more are forming as we speak.

Once we have sufficiently immersed into the realm of karma, and thus force, we forget the power of the Love within us now. Yet our egos have been in the rut of solving problems with force. Where we have to manipulate the world outside of us to “create” what we want. In other words, we are looking outside of us at the condition of our affairs, and thinking of what we need to arrange or re-arrange regarding the elements of our life, in order to create the condition(s) we desire.

It is in our journey out of karma, that a change happens. Once the Soul has sufficiently gone into darkness, into (the illusion of) separation, the Soul chooses to return to our Source or Christ Consciousness within us now. If you are reading this now, you are on the return trip back to that Source or God Consciousness within you now. What happens is there is the return to the power of Love. As you heal yourself in your relationship with Love, there is a wisdom that sets in. You stop trying to manipulate the world outside of you, and you allow it to be what it is. From the space of the infinite Love within you now, you love what is, as it is.

There is nothing broken. The principles of karma are perfect and timeless. The “stage” the world is in now, is the shadow or the darkness, that was needed to experience perhaps the most challenging narratives a human being could have. The Master Class of separation and darkness. To go so far into the darkness, and then still be able to return to the Light, is the final school of what it means to be a human BEing. As we return to Love, we start to see the power of Love. WE start to see the effect of Love. We start to see the fabric of all that is. That the whole stage, the whole arena of life, all of creation itself, is indeed that Source Consciousness expressing itself. In the beginning was the Word, the wand of creation.

Heal your relationship with Love and you will find a wisdom that transcends the mind.

Love You!


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