


Love has a Wisdom to it Love You Let’s take a journey of sorts. To imagine the journey of Consciousness. In the beginning was the Light. I would suggest this was the radiant field of Unconditional Love. Perhaps also called Source, or Christ, Consciousness. Without form, posture or preference. This is the fabric or substance of all that will be created. Ever. Fast forward 6 billion years. Now we have the Earth and upon this Earth the Human BEing. A vehicle of experience. In other words, how a Soul can come into form to experience what it is like to have the human experience. What it feels like to take on karma. To separate from our innate power. And so forth. When a new Soul is born, just like a new baby, there is no preference or opinion. As we incarnate, and take on karma, we are traversing a scale…

To Divide and to Unite The flow of life Imagine the first steps out of Heaven. Or perhaps the first moments of the birth of your Soul. Haven’t been incarnate yet. Haven’t felt any emotions to speak of. Where you haven’t formed any opinions or preferences. Where you are very similar to Source Consciousness itself. Then you plunge into duality. You plunge into separation. You take the deep dive into karma. Fast forward many, many lifetimes, and like now, you find you are living on a planet with massive separation. Or perhaps the perception of massive separation. Divided and divided again until there are literally thousands of issues and opinions of what is “true.” How do I get “back” to Heaven? It is a common trait to label evil as … well …evil. Evil is bad. Evil is of the Devil. OK, sure. You did decide to experience free will.…

When the Ego runs out of Gas Who’s driving anyway? Imagine, if you will … that you wake up on top of an old-fashioned stagecoach, with the horses running as fast as they can. You are on a horrible bumpy dirt road. The stagecoach is bouncing all over the road. The road narrows with cliffs on either side. Holy crap! One wrong move … and it’s all over (the cliff). Oh, the peril! Egos like drama … ;- ) So you wake up, thinking that you just might not survive this perilous scene. You grab the reins, and try to bring it all under your control. (Can you see where this (stagecoach) is going? ;- ) When we talk about our spiritual journey, we are talking about the evolution of our own consciousness. At one end of said journey, we are our egos. Flat out. Where there aren’t any thoughts that…

The Good and the Bad A mirror has no preference Where will you find your ideal life? Is it living in a palace on top of the mountain? Will it be droves of servants awaiting to fulfill your every desire? Or perhaps learning you are the sole recipient to a 5 million-dollar trust? Or would 5 billion be even better? And what of your Heart? To receive “good” into our life can seem like living on the gravy train of sorts. The “good” life. And certainly that is one of the infinite potentials we could choose. And the (quantum) mirror would reflect that back to us. As you wish. But where is the growth? Where is the evolution of your self? Living the high life can seem ideal. But millionaires jump off bridges, to their peril too. With a sense of hopelessness. Even though they can buy anything they can…

The Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are you evolving your sense of Self? It is quite common for folks to have a list of identities, ready to dispense them as soon as they meet someone who asks them, “Tell me about yourself.” “Well, I work in the TV industry as an engineer. I have three kids and a grandchild. I design computer and electronic circuits, etc.” What would your list be? And indeed, you are correct. All well-defined and established. Nice. This is the identity of your ego. But then there is your Soul. When it comes to evolution, anyone standing still, is moving backwards. In other words, if you are not evolving your sense of Self, then you are staying in the past. It is not like we…

Riding the Escalator to Nirvana Everything you seek … is within you now There is a shift that happens. That can change everything about how you live your life. On one hand, we can live in our heads. Where our ego is driving the boat. This is an extremely common modality. I have certainly spent many years there. But there is another way to live. One that changes everything. And that is living from the inside out. Where you tune in to the inspiration of your heart and soul. There is a curious thing that happens. At first, it doesn’t seem like much. I feel that the reason it doesn’t really “satisfy” the ego so much, is that we are barely making ourselves available. Where our ego isn’t really fully committed to the inspirations. But rather, has an attitude of .. we could try it once. The vision of what our life could be, is but…

Look again … with fresh eyes Both light and shadow are the dance of Love. ~ Rumi As you evolve your consciousness, you can re-evaluate your past. There is something about the vibration, or frequency, of your consciousness, that literally acts like a lens, a karma lens perhaps, that filters what you see. In other words, on first observation, it might seem that angry people are just plain mean. And from an experiential perspective, they can seem that way. A “truth” of sorts. But evolve yourself, and then look again, and there is a whole other story to tell.My father was a very intense man. He had a fire for God anchored in his core. When he spoke of God, he would well up in tears. He had a very fierce faith. He easily made the top local church officials look like slackers. The church officials never welled up with…

“Normal” means more of the same “Normal” will not fix anything Happy New Year!We have arrived at 2022!Are you wanting change for your life? Are you wanting something new in your life?So, whether we are talking about our own personal problems, or we are talking about the problems with our collective consciousness, “normal” will not be fixing anything.I am very thankful for my life path. Specifically, that I was born the last of seven children. By the time the seventh child, me, came along, my folks were on cruise control with the kids. I remember my parents asking my siblings, “does anyone see Les?” If any of my siblings said yes, that was it. They never asked what I was actually doing. Which meant I could really do whatever I wanted. And nobody cared what I thought either. I was the proverbial caboose. I had extreme freedom, growing up as a child, to think whatever I wanted…

Breaking from the Herd (Mentality) Knowing when it’s time I have had a very fortunate perspective. With decades of working in the Television industry, I have had a front-row seat. In the TV industry there is so much content that the industry distributes within itself, which never makes it to the airwaves. News stories from all over the nation, and all over the world, that never make the newscast. One of the things that I started to notice, was the overall narrative. When you watch a (single) human being grow up, you watch them develop and evolve. Eventually reaching maturity. Becoming an adult. But, over time, it was becoming evident that I was watching cycles. The same cycles. A narrative that kept falling back into the same old narrative. There was a herd mentality that seemed to never make the next step in its own evolution. I was fascinated that…

What did You get out of 2020? There are always gifts woven within the struggles First things first … Happy New Year!!! 2020 did provide bountiful harvests … for those who had the courage to do the work. What if … 2020 was just like 2019? Would that have been “better?” We would not be on the trajectory of change that we are on now. We would be quite a bit more unconscious. Our trajectory would not have anywhere near the freedom and awareness that the real 2020 has brought us. When I say “freedom and awareness” what I am talking about is You. The thing is … when things are “easy” we tend to ignore ourselves. We tend to ignore our subconscious tendencies. We would be thinking about  vacations, sports teams, social gatherings, movies and such. And these things typically do not bring about (deep) change. If we are…

Open Up to Your Awakening Your Soul could be more involved in your daily life We have all made a migration of sorts. We have all moved off in the same direction. And it is time for us to go back. Where did we go? And where are we going back to? Good questions. There is a process that has happened to us all. At least to the vast majority of human beings living on this Earth. This process could be thought of as the journey into the darkness. A journey into the shadow. It starts of with our own karmic imprinting. We start to take on karma. It can happen in a variety of ways. But let’s take a look at some obvious ways. As Souls, who have incarnated hundreds and perhaps even thousands of times on this plant, we have lived through some of the darkest chapters of…