Looking through Your Karmic Lens

What do You see?

I was thinking the other day about the spiritual journey itself. A journey, that if you are reading this blog, you are most likely on. To grow or evolve our spirituality. There are hundreds of “modalities” or “processes” that so many spiritual teachers provide. Somatic work, Emotional work, Mental work, and the like. These topics of focus are relevant because that is what we bump up against when we want to make some progress on our journey. They are part of the journey.

But after working on ourselves for a while, maybe a long while, maybe many lifetimes, we come to the part of the journey about Love. On the last mile of the journey you might say Unconditional Love is the “finish line.” Not that our journey just stops there. But once we have learned how to embody Unconditional Love, we are back in “Heaven.”

In the beginning was the Light. The Light of Unconditional Love. The Light of God Consciousness. Heaven itself. Pure Light has no karmic imprinting. In fact, there is no thing there. No duality. Nothing to be learned. Nothing to be experienced.

So why is it that our fine and valid spiritual teachers, at least some of them, are teaching Somatic work, Emotional work, Mental work, and the like? Astrology or Tarot cards. Past life regressions. Akashic Records. So much to “process,” yet where is the Love? The finish line is Love. Love. Not karma or any “thing” else mentioned. It is because it was karma that “metaphorically” took us away from Love.

We have such an advantage in this lifetime. With the internet, you can read spiritual blogs each week, from the leisure of your pajamas and morning coffee. There are perhaps millions of podcasts, over the decades, that bring very powerful messages to you right where you are. But it wasn’t always like this. Just a hundred years back or more, these things were unheard of. Your life was perhaps much harder, just to live. It was perhaps very unlikely that you would ever even think of or know to think of your karmic inventory.

How many lifetimes did you take on tendencies that increased your karmic disposition? Where you were perhaps angry and bitter through your whole life, festering in a sense of victimhood and regret? These types of lifetimes can load up your soul’s psyche with considerable karma. What about the soldier who takes on immense PTSD on the battlefield, only to die there later on? Unable to process any of their karmic imprinting.

What the hell?

For myself, it took me decades of regular spiritual practices of all kinds, to even get around to Love. When I first came in contact with Unconditional Love, it instantly brought me to my knees. I fell to the ground sobbing with a heavy heart. Just the presence of Love mowed me over. Laid me out. It was very intense feelings that I could not process. It still took quite a while to heal my relationship with Love. Love itself is easy to be with in its presence, once you have cleaned yourself out enough. Love is your most innate personality trait. At your core, you are Unconditional Love. Or God Consciousness.

So, what do you see when you look out at the world looking through your karmic lens? Anything but Love is karma.

Love You!



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