Karma In Karma Out

The Journey of the Soul

Karma is impersonal and indifferent. Just like gravity is.

There is a phrase that seems applicable here. The Journey of the Soul.

Think about a brand new Soul as a lightbulb that is turned on. Shining bright. As Souls come from Source Consciousness or God Consciousness. In the beginning was the Light. That statement, perhaps, could refer to the composition of a brand new Soul. Light.

A new Soul has no human experience until it incarnates for the first time. Without any experience(s), it has no known preferences. Preferences that are decided by an experience. Sometimes those experiences are too much. Where we feel overwhelmed. And thus, the posturing begins. And thus the karma begins. and thus the loading up of our psyche begins.

If, perhaps, we could stay completely in the feelings of living our life we would do well to not take on any karma. Another part to it would be to stay out of judgment. To judge is to posture. Think of the Burning Bush. The idea of God with a BIG “G” talking. “I Am That I Am.” Zero judgment. Zero posturing. Zero karma. To posture with the life experience is to take on karma. To take karma in.

Fast forward a few hundred incarnations. And now our psyche is loaded up with karma. What is this karma we have taken on? It is our own consciousness. We fragment or separate our consciousness when we posture or judge. The part we don’t like or avoid is sent into our subconscious. For example, when we avoid, or posture with, our emotions, those emotions that we are avoiding are stored in our subconscious. As we develop more and more arenas of posturing, the more and more we are loading up our own psyche. The longer we posture with a particular emotion, often spanning over many lifetimes, the more prominent it becomes in our subconscious. Creating a standing wave of energy we are broadcasting out into the universe 24/7. And the universe obliges by bringing us karmic teachers that we have attracted to us. This contained energy of our own consciousness is the karmic momentum we experience in life.

The principles of karma are perfect and timeless.

There is a turning point with a Soul. Where, after many lifetimes of taking on karma, the Soul decides to start the journey back to the Light. Where the Soul decides to start the “healing” process. I quote the word healing to put, perhaps, a new perspective to it. When we heal, we are reintegrating the energy we had separated within ourselves. Everywhere we had postured, or separated our consciousness, we reunite it back together. We reintegrate everywhere we had postured.

Just like it took us many lifetimes to load up our psyche with karma, to turn around, so to speak, and head back to the Light can take many lifetimes. Especially because we forget why we have incarnated. In other words, we can incarnate with the intention of learning compassion and forgiveness, to ways we can reintegrate our karmic energy, but since we have our memory wiped when we are born we don’t always get around to it like our Soul intended us to.

That is why right now, for you, is superb. You have found some of the deeper understandings of life. You have learned the nature of karma. You are conscious for the karma, at least some of it, that you have accumulated in your subconscious. It is a wonderful thing when we can wake up, within an incarnation, and become much more conscious of our karma and what we want to do about it.

There are many healing or reintegration modalities that you can use. To move your karma out. It is karma coming out of your subconscious that moves you closer to that original Light that is your Innate Self. Your original Self as Light. To actively engage in the healing process is how we start our journey back. The return trip in the journey of our Soul.

EnJoy the Journey

Love You!


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